119 work results

9) 2716.4536 Specials - No Fish Tomorrow
WCVB TV - 5 special "No Fish Tomorrow" Note inside: "Sent to Mr. Crystal at Request of Pete Twaddle, former Program Manager of WCVB-TV as an example of documentary work complete...;Title: “No Fish Tomorrow”, “Produced By WCVB-TV”. Joe Day hosts a special discussing changes to the New England fishing industry and the results of over-fishing. Competition wit...;Credits: No Fish Tomorrow; Producer: Frederick Schilpp; Assoc. Producer: David Stephenson; Director of Photography: Chip Proser; Location Sound: Raymond Cajuste; Film Editors: B...
7) 2716.1809 [Black Inventors]
Master X-2441;Black inventors are long a part of U.S. history but were denied patents; Inventors are noted for their accomplishments; among them are Booker T. Washington; George Washington C...
11) 2716.1754 [Terror - Final American Version]
Master;Slate: “Terror Show 1 Final American Version Revised July 18.85 P.R.S”. Title: “Terror”. Arthur Hill hosts a special about various extremist and terrorist groups. Groups discuss...;Credits: Host: Arthur Hill; Director: Stephen Segaller; Camera: Brian Kelly; Additional Filming; Jerry Pantzer, Nigel Wheeler, Graeme Galton, Shmuel Kalderon; Sound: David Lerne...
12) 2716.1738 Franklin: From Santa Domingo With Love
Master;Jorge Quiroga reports on a Maine couple (Robert and Sharon Raymond) who bring a child (Franklin Perez) from the Dominican Republic to live with them. Quiroga and his team film’s...;Credits: From Santo Domingo With Love; Produced and Directed by Bob Nesson; Associate Producer/Editor: Julia Dixon Eddy; Reporter: Jorge Quiroga; Camera: Bob Nesson; Production ...
13) 2716.1724 A Private Peace
Master Specials: Private Peace Vietnam X3842;Title: “A Private Peace, with Mike Barnicle”. Mike Barnicle travels to Vietnam with three Vietnam War veterans, John M. Hurley Jr., Thomas J. Vallely, and Ernest “Ernie” Washing...;Credits: Producers: Mike Barnicle, Lisa Schmid; Written By: Mike Barnicle; Editor: Jeff Brawer; Videographer: Bill Hartigan; Sound Recordist: James Fripp; Associate Producer: Ju...
14) 2716.1717 Norman Rockwell and the Saturday Evening Post
Master Programming: Norman Rockwell and the X4728 Saturday Evening Post Rec: 11/3/87;Title: “Video Arts Inc. presents Norman Rockwell and the Saturday Evening Post”. A look at the life and work of artist Norman Rockwell. Includes interviews with Kenneth James St...;Credits: Produced By: Lew Sayre Schwartz and VIA Inc.; Executive Producer: John J. Bradley; Associate Producers: A.J. Calkins, William Logan; Written By: Richard M. Marschall, L...
15) 2716.1711 My Best Ability
Master CC Closed Captioned X3551 Public Service - My Best Ability Rec. 3/29/85 Air. 3/31/85;Slate: “My Best Ability Closed Captioned Best Ability Rec 3/25/85 Air 3/31/85”. Title: “My Best Ability”, “hosted by: Ted Kennedy Jr.”. Ted Kennedy Jr. introduces a series of st...;Credits: Produced by Eileen Collins; Directed by Gregg Kidd; Hosted by Teddy Kennedy, Jr.; Switcher: Emeric Feldmar; Audio: Rod Adams; Video: Lenny Spaulding; Camera: Vern Colem...
16) 2716.1705 Senior Year
Master Specials - Milton High Senior Year;Title: “Senior Year with Mary Richardson”. Mary Richardson hosts a special that follows students at Milton High School through their senior year. Includes students Amy Ford, [El...;Credits: Senior Year; Produced & Written by Stan Leven; Host: Mary Richardson; Editor: Jeff Brawer; Principle Videographer: Steve Colvin; Principle Sound: Lisa Borge; Title Sequ...
11) 2716.1682 [Immigrant Special - B-roll]
Specials X2610 Immigration Special 1994;B-Roll stills, black and white film clips silent, silent color film clips of politicians and sports figures being celebrated an celebrating achievement; black screen breaks with...
18) 2716.1677 The House on Salem Street
Master;Title: “The House on Salem Street with Natalie Jacobson”. Natalie Jacobson hosts a special tracing the Mostone family from the town of Melito, Italy, and other immigrants to Bos...;Credits: The House on Salem Street; Produced and Written by Jerry Kirschenbaum; Editor: Jeff Brawer; Videography: John Baynard, Dick Dunham; Audio: Doug Dike; Associate Producer...
19) 2716.1618 Auschwitz and the Allies
Master Specials X4095 Auschwitz Part 1 Rec. 2/16/84;[Includes footage from within Auschwitz. Graphic images of prisoners. Some nudity.] Opens with interview with Reuven Dafni. Title: ‘Auschwitz and the Allies with Edward Asner’....;Credits: A BBC production in association with NDR based on the book “Auschwitz and the Allies” by Martin Gilbert. The BBC wishes to thank: Associated Press; Auschwitz Museum, Po...
14) 2716.1580 Watching Birds
"Watching Birds" 60 min;Watching Birds; BBI Communications and Houghton Mifflin Company Present Birds; Roger Tory Peterson is the host; birds in a variety of activities with a voiceover that reports bi...;In the studio Allen Morgan, Bill Sweney, Dick Borden, Mildred Morse-Allen, Karl Maslowski, Steve Maslowski, Allen Morgan, Alvah Sanborn, Edgar T. Jones, Robert Booking, Bill Swe...
13) 2716.1512 [Cambodia Reel #4]
Special Project X1037 Cambodia Reel #4 Rec. 5-13-80;[Includes images of mass graves.] Raw footage of Cambodia for Ed Asner special. (see Acc. 2716.1508) Includes footage of countryside, buildings, shots of markets, trucks, aid d...
22) 2716.1508 Cambodia: Does It Have A Future?
Special Project X1047 Cambodia: Does it have a Future? Rec. 6-13-80 Air. 6/26/80 6/21/80 Master;[Includes footage of mass graves.] Ed Asner talks to a group of students about Cambodia. Footage of Cambodia. Includes footage of the Vietnam War and American bombing of Cambod...
23) 2716.1479 This Was America - Ep. 12
M&E Only
24) 2716.1478 This Was America - Ep. 11
M&E Only
25) 2716.1477 This Was America - Ep. 10
M&E Only
18) 2716.1476 This Was America - Ep. 09
M&E Only
27) 2716.1475 This Was America - Ep. 08
M&E Only
28) 2716.1474 This Was America - Ep. 07
M&E Only
33) 2716.1461 This Was America - Ep. 12
M&E Only;900 ft single perf on plastic core
34) 2716.1460 This Was America - Ep. 11
M&E Only;900 ft single perf on plastic core
35) 2716.1459 This Was America - Ep.10
M&E Only;900 ft single perf on plastic core
36) 2716.1458 This Was America - Ep. 09
M&E Only;900 ft single perf on plastic core
Next 36