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25) 2681.0025
[Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 25
Box: Father’s Day 1957/ Claming Orr’s Cave/ Hurricane Audrey 1957;Two children (Mary Lou and David) giving their father gifts outdoors. A picnic. A toddler (Mark) with a bucket of clams. Mary Lou and David digging for clams. David showing off ...
2) 2329.0006
[Virginia Lee Viall--home movies] Reel 6
An older and younger girl (Virginia) with a kitten. Virginia, with a patch over her eye, standing with a ‘Mother’s Day’ bouquet and gifts. Virginia with the kitten. A set of lac...
32) 2161.0005
[Hubert Clemons—home movies] Reel 5
One of several reels of film that depicts a group of school teachers on a seven-week University of Maine sponsored bus tour of the U.S., which started and ended at Orono, Maine...
11) 2132.0011
Jim and Julie's engagement party, 1959--Joshua D. Maule, Jr. Family--home movies. Reel 11, Accession 2132
On can: "Jim and Julie's engagement, some Yosemite, Judy and friends, baby Troy and Judy, Jack/Oroville";Jim + Julie Engagement Party Judy's friend Elaine Farewell Party Baby Troy/Judy 1959
21) 1322.0013
[Hall--home movies] NHF Reel 13
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. (Film can/box notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned.) 13. [dc 1950] 'End of play 1954.' (very dark) Older couple 'parading' into room...
34) 1311.0013
[Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 13
[P?]J Pajama party. Cape Cod canal 1958.';Shot of a sign: ‘CAPE COD CANAL CORPS OF ENGINEERS U.S. ARMY’. Shots of the canal. A boat on the canal. Dark shots of houses. Sunrise. A plane overhead. A dog at the door. Too d...
121) 1311.0012
[Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 12
New Years eve 1957. Pajama party New years eve Jan 1958. Sandra Massoni dinner dance gown.;People dancing. A girl (Janice) sorting through records. Dancing. A pile of blankets and pillows. A dog. A girl in pajamas and a party hat. Dancing. A girl talking on the teleph...
25) 1108.0115
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 115
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 115: Archie Stewart can notes: 1- Uncle T & GG. 2- 4th of July. 3- Proper's boat. 4- Thruway. 5- Col. G's 79th. 6- Christmas 1953. 7- Ann &...
18) 95-40.0033-.0035
Mediterranean cruise--Dassler family--home movies. Reels 33-35
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reels 33-35: Cargo-liner 'Jesse Lykes'; cargo is loaded by longshoremen, using forklifts, for departure from Houston; Houston's industrial shore zone;...
24) 0954.0494
[Presque Isle Centennial]
Label on can: 'Presque Isle Centennial Week 8/59';Performance with flags and baton twirling as various people walk down the stairs on stage. The woman at the end may be Sandra Ackley, the "Miss Centurama" winner.
4) 0609 cat. 0035-01-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry Launching
Canada: Launching of ferry on maiden voyage to Bar Harbor including LSs of ship and crowds waiting for christening, speeches, CU of deck, car driving onto ferry.
12) 0581 cat. 0037-01-WABI-56
Metropolitan Grand Opening
WABI interviews with employees of Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. as they arrive for a luncheon at the Penobscot Valley Country Club. Luncheon to celebrate opening of new compan...
10) 0573 cat. 0040-01-WABI-56
[Blue Nose Ferry Service]
Inauguration of ferry service between Yarmouth, Nova Scotia and Bar Harbor including interviews and speeches by Gov. Muskie, Sen. Margaret Chase Smith, Premier Hicks of Nova Sco...
16) 0570 cat. 0041-01-WABI-59
'Gov. Muskie' Motor Ferry
Dedication ceremonies honoring the ferry's maiden voyage from Islesboro to Lincolnville. Interviews with Maine Port Authority's General Manager Edward Langlord, Authority Presid...
28) 0554 cat. 0042-01-WABI-59
Swan's Island Ferry
Silent footage of the Swan's Island Ferry William S. Silsby;views of the hardware store near the ferry landing; the Ferry picking up vehicles; closeups of the captain and crew a...
16) 0431 cat. 0039-07-WABI-59
Dow Air Force Base Christmas Party
Party includes children and nuns receiving and opening gifts from Santa.
18) 0336 cat. 0023-08-WABI
Opening of Portland General Electric
Portland: General Electric ribbon cutting shots include building exterior, man cutting ribbon and shaking hands, 'Portland Branch Office' sign.
18) 0321 cat. 0014-04-WABI
Frontier Week
Frontier Week Celebration. Parade, fair, officials at lunch, Calais gun and rod club. Also a baseball game in which Ted Williams participates.
22) 0319 cat. 0013-12-WABI-59
[Joan Crawford at Dow Air Force Base]
Joan Crawford at opening ceremonies for Rudman Beverage Co., a new Pepsi-Cola factory in Maine. Her arrival at Dow Air Force Base on a Pepsi plane, her welcome by the crowd. She...
30) 0315 cat.0010-04-WABI-59
WAGM 5000 Watts
Former governor Horace A. Hildreth, now president of the Hildreth Network, pushes button as part of presentation banquet to officially begin new broadcasting activity of WAGM 95...
33) 0314 cat.1004-10-WABI-59
WAGM Radio
Governor Horace A. Hildreth, president of the Hildreth Network, pushes button bringing WAGM Radio to Aroostook County as part of a banquet. Shots of transmitting tower, ceremoni...
23) 0314 cat.1004-05-WABI-59
Paul Bunyan
Bangor: Christmas celebration around Paul Bunyan statue including crane placing of a lei around the statue's neck, Santa Claus, men raising themselves in the crane, CU of statue.
27) 0314 cat.1004-04-WABI-59?
Groundbreaking for King Cole
Groundbreaking ceremony for King Cole including handshaking, bucket loader digging.
5) 0313 cat.0009-07-WABI-59
Ted Williams Jimmy Fund
Ted Williams arrives to sign autographs for local Pee-wee baseball teams and to help with his Jimmy fund event. Shots include band playing, performers, Williams speaking, crowds...
126) 0312 cat. 1003-06-WABI-59
Hi-Value Groundbreaking
Groundbreaking of used car dealership including hand shaking, and shovelfuls of earth. Appears to be sponsored by International Harvester.
36) 0312 cat. 1003-05-WABI-59
Caribou Centennial
Celebration of 100 years of development from Boston to Caribou. Caribou Centennial Covered Wagon is in front of Paul Bunyan statue, and is pulled by horses.
19) 0311 cat. 1002-15-WABI-59
Christmas Party at Dow Air Force Base
Santa's distribution of gifts including him posing with children and nuns. People eating around a table. The men rush out to get on an Air Force plane.
15) 0310 cat.1002-13-WABI-59
Chevron Banquet
Lucerne : Banquet at Lucerne Inn including men standing in front of sign that says, 'What's Come Over Our Calso Sign?' and crowd.
6) 0310 cat.1002-12-WABI-59
Opening of New Mart
More footage of cat. no. 1002-04-WABI-59. Includes more shots of shoppers.
25) 0310 cat.1002-04-WABI-59
Opening of New Mart
Opening of new Mart store including speeches, ribbon cutting, shoppers inside and out.
15) 0307 cat. 1001-01-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry
Blue Nose Day including ferry race, an ox-pull, speakers, shots onboard as ferry sails into harbor.
14) 0305
Dedication of Army Reserve Center
Dedication of the Army Reserve Training Center, Corps of Engineers, New England Division. Unknown speakers plus shots of head table. Groundbreaking ceremonies.
1) 0017.0001
Wedding and Hula Hoop Girls--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 17
Color logo of the Amateur Cinema League followed by titles, 'Thayer and Macdonald,' 'April 26, 1952,' 'I pronounce you man and wife.' Faded color. Bride and groom walk out of ch...
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Maule, Joshua D., Jr. Collection (1)
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John Carl Dassler (1)
Joshua D. Maule, Jr. (1)
Ted Williams (1)
Walter V. Mitton (1)
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