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15) 0249.0001
[Stretching Out A-Roll Elements]
This is a silent A-roll of Stretching Out. // In excellent condition, but has several loose splices that need to be redone. // 'Filmed at the Very Special Arts Festival held in ...
3) 0249.0002
[Stretching Out B-Roll Elements]
This is a silent A-roll of Stretching Out. // In excellent condition, but based on condition of splices in acc. 0249.0001, they may need to be redone. // 'Filmed at the Very Spe...
6) 0249.0003
[Stretching Out Mag Track Elements]
This is a full-coat magnetic soundtrack for Stretching Out. // In excellent condition. // 'Filmed at the Very Special Arts Festival held in Pownal, Maine, 1981. An honest and re...
4) 0249.0004
Stretching Out (Soundtrack Negative)
This is an optical soundtrack negative for Stretching Out. // In excellent condition. // 'Filmed at the Very Special Arts Festival held in Pownal, Maine, 1981. An honest and rev...
19) 0249.0005
Stretching Out
Release print for Stretching Out. // In excellent condition. // 'Filmed at the Very Special Arts Festival held in Pownal, Maine, 1981. An honest and revealing look at the artist...
6) 0293
A Dream Come True
A children's camp puts on a show about what they think dreams are. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
20) 0293
A Lovely Light; Dance Behind the Mask
A Lovely Light is a documentary on the poet Edna St. Vincent Millay. Dance Behind the Mask is a dance performance about children danced by Jimena Lasansky. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
12) 0659
[Young mother]
Young woman pushes small boy in shopping cart throughout grocery store. She is seen and heard talking to child, choosing food, talking to other mother with child, playing with b...
84) 0687
East Dover Days
July 3, 1989 town celebration. People in period costume ride in old car. Parade on Brickyard Hill. Flag raising. Group gathered around clown. Sack and three-legged races and chi...
33) 0689
Grace: A Portrait of Grace DeCarlton Ross
Biography of actress-dancer Ross, who was still dancing at the age of 93 (died 1983). Opens with dance class. Grace dancing with young woman in yard, on shore, in nightclub. Cla...
10) 0694
Machias Renaissance
NHF viewing notes: 'A Bulldog Production.' Revitalization of Machias. Maps of world, United States, Maine, with Machias highlighted on state map. Quick cuts include worker in bl...
28) 0720 cat. 5429-08-WCSH-81
Scarborough Christmas Kids
No description available
13) 0720 cat. 5430-10-WCSH-82
Physically Fit Kids
No description available
36) 0720 cat. 5431-10-WCSH-82
Andrews School Kids Dance
No description available
2) 0720 cat. 5433-02-WCSH-85
Computer Kid
16) 0720 cat. 5433-15-WCSH-85
Children's Museum
No description available
10) 0742.PC2
4-H Today
WABI news program: '4-H Today' (approx. 15 min.).
8) 0742.PC7
Reading Group, North Auburn
WABI news program; label on box: 'Reading Group, North Auburn Pennie Page Teacher 4th and 5th grade'
15) 0742.PC8
Troubled Child
Eleven reels of videotape containing WABI news program titled 'Troubled Child.'
16) 0832
Mt. Washington Valley
Mt. Chocorua, Saco River, Ellis River, Pinkham Notch, Crawford Notch. Mt. Washington Weather Station, Mt. Washington Hotel, Mt. Washington Valley. White Mountain National Forest...
21) 1045.0001
Can I Get There From Here? Disabled Youth
Documentary series on employment opportunities, barriers and support possibilities for young people in Maine. This title is noted in Educational Video Services, Maine State Libr...
22) 1212.0001
Abnaki: The Native People of Maine
Educational/cultural work that explores the cultural identity and survival of the Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, Maliseet and Micmac Indian tribes, and their legal battles over land ...
23) 1245.0059
Angelita--Jane Morrison--film elements. Reel 59
Angelita T.V. Print - Reel 1;Children swimming, climbing trees, playing and fighting. Angelita returns home to family talking about moving to America. Angelita goes into town with her uncle. He gets in a ba...
12) 1245.0060
Angelita--Jane Morrison--film elements. Reel 60
Angelita T.V. Print - Reel 2;Angelita’s mother enrolls her in school. She is put in a class that discourages speaking Spanish. Gym class. She meets another girl who speaks Spanish. She goes to an arcade wit...
34) 1272
Bath on the Air
Dated 11-16-1988. Cable TV show featuring Bath, Maine. Hosts are Gail Howard and Mary Denzer. Three tapes labeled Parts 1, 2, and 3. Contain four hours total footage, divided in...
134) 1323.0013
[Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 013
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 13 as follows. Notations received with films are in quotes. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 13: 'Waterfront--Congress Sq.--Shoestring Theatre...
27) 1323.0016
[Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 016
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 16 as follows. Notations received with films are in quotes. Reel number is NHF-assigned. Reel 16: 'June 1987. London--Paris--Brussels--Utrecht--A...
4) 1734.0007
[Laura Nickerson--home movies] Reel 7
A crowd of people on a porch. People in a field. A volleyball game. Children seated in a circle. Adults seated in a circle, reading. (Possibly a Bible study group.) A woman read...
10) 1734.0010
[Laura Nickerson--home movies] Reel 10
A young girl sweeping the kitchen floor. The girl standing next to the bathroom sink. Dark shots of people indoors. A dog sitting on the front step. A snowy yard. A car covered ...
16) 1734.0016
[Laura Nickerson--home movies] Reel 16
Three children eating outdoors. Adults seated by parked cars. Two women pose next to a camper. People talking outdoors. A girl on a tire swing. A wedding ceremony. The wedding p...
23) 1734.0023
[Laura Nickerson--home movies] Reel 23
A child waves at the camera. The child and an older man walking down the street. The man and child sitting in a chair. The child riding a tricycle indoors. The child playing. Pe...
28) 1861.0028
[Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 28
Title from label on original film reel: 'Adam's Sixth Birthday and Christmas, 1980.' // On reel with Reels 22-27.;Boy blowing out candles on Space Shuttle cake; birthday party; boys painting: boy pretending to be a knight; boys dressed in ski gear; sledding; shot of gingerbread houses; deco...
31) 1861.0031
[Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 31
Title from label on original film reel: 'Seth's Ninth Birthday 82.' // On reel with Reels 29-30, 32-35. ;'Seth's 9th Birthday 1982.' Boy holding kitten; two boys with dog and kitten outside; baby in seat; kids playing in lake; kids in party hats on beach; boy blowing out candles; o...
34) 1861.0033
[Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 33
Title from label on original film reel: 'Adam's Eighth Birthday and Christmas.' // On reel with Reels 29-32, 34-35.;Boy holding up eight fingers, boy holding pile of presents, opening presents ( Nerf ? football); boy holding baby; baby rolling on floor; baby playing in wrapping paper; exterio...
35) 1861.0035
[Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 35
Title from label on original film reel: 'Alden's First Birthday April 83.' // On reel with Reels 29-34.;'Alden's 1st Birthday April 1983.' Rainbow cake with Alden's name on it; baby with boys, gifts; baby in high chair with family and cake; eating cake; boy playing violin; baby on...
36) 1861.0036
[Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 36
Title from label on original film reel: 'Seth's Tenth Birthday 83.' // On reel with Reels 37-39.;'Seth's 10th Birthday 1983.' Boy on horseback; birthday party: cake, presents; kids going down slide; ski lift.
Next 36
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