Jabberwocky - Being Cool #J120

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circa 1973;January 1981
Jabberwocky; Being Cool; Show #120; J-220; Rec. date 1-81;
Jabberwocky: Being Cool; theme song; Frank and Tucker have breakfast together, and they are joined by JoBeth; Frank and Tucker look at a video about "being cool"; Tucker waits to open a letter from a contest he and JoBeth entered together; Mr. Buchanan and Frank create a party to celebrate Tucker's and JoBeth's good news from the contest winnings; JoBeth is not very excited but Tucker is very excited; Mr. Buchanan talks with JoBeth about being too cool; [some visual distortion and missing video] JoBeth and Tucker wait for the photographer while Frank and Mr. Buchanan wait with them.

2 Copies
