1956 work results

35) 0853.0061 [NH Governor Names Health Commissioner]
New Hampshire Governor Meldrid Thomson, Jr. names new Health and Welfare Commissioner; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
34) 0853.0062 [Interview]
Interview with unidentified man; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
32) 0853.0063 [DEP Official on Air Quality]
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) official concerned about air quality; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
32) 0853.0064 [Native American Presentation]
Interview with unidentified man in front of South Portland Public Library about presentation on Native Americans; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
31) 0853.0065 [Food Day]
Food Day aimed at raising public awareness on food issues; footage of supermarket aisles; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
30) 0853.0066 [Theater Organ]
Man plays organ; interview with organ player/former silent film accompanist about theater organ; in Portland?; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
29) 0853.0067 [Crime Rates]
Detective Lieutenant talks about crime and clearance rates; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
28) 0853.0068 [Food Day]
Unidentified man talks about Food Day; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
27) 0853.0069 [Forest Insect Problems]
Unidentified man talks about assessment of insect problems in Maine forests; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
26) 0853.0070 [IRS Official on Rebates & Penalties]
Unidentified Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official discusses tax rebates and penalties for late payments; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
25) 0853.0071 [Stanley Freeman]
Acting Chancellor of the University of Maine, Stanley Freeman, speaks at Kiwanis Club; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
24) 0853.0072 [Firefighters Union on Staffing Issues]
Larry Cox of the firefighters' union calls for staffing and equipment changes; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
23) 0853.0073 [Economic Forum]
Unidentified man giving presentation at economic forum; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
22) 0853.0074 [Kotzschmar Organ Restoration]
Two unidentified men discuss Kotzschmar organ restored by a Portland club; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
21) 0853.0075 [Employment Rally]
Rally planned to demand full employment; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
20) 0853.0076 [Lewiston-Auburn Community Center]
Combination school/neighborhood center being planned for the Lewiston-Auburn area; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
19) 0853.0077 [Lost Fishing Gear]
Interview with man about benefits for fishermen who lose gear; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
18) 0853.0078 [High School Basketball Champions]
Reception for new state high school basketball champions; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
127) 0853.0079 [Longley Names Cummings to PUC]
Governor James Longley names State Senator Minette Cummings to state Public Utilities Commission; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
16) 0853.0080 [Tax Rebates]
Unidentified man talks about tax rebates; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
15) 0853.0081 [Katz on Veterinary School Bill]
State Senator Bennett Katz discusses his bill to create a 6-state veterinary school; unidentified man speaks; Dr. Barry Fossett; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
14) 0853.0082 [Scarborough Planning Board Criticized]
Neighbors question planning board approval of plans for new home site; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
13) 0853.0083 [Mauar on Truck Weight Laws]
Maine Transportation Commissioner Roger Mauar says truck weight laws are inadequate; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
12) 0853.0084 [State Street Theater Organ]
Portland Organ Club officers, President Leon Carpenter of the Pine Tree Chapter of the American Theater Organ Society, and technician Dr. Dwight Leighton discuss possible move o...
11) 0853.0085 [Post Office Rates & Service]
Michael Conklin, Post Office customer relations specialist, discusses postal rates and service; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
10) 0853.0086 [Farm Product Markups]
Unidentified man talks about 'middle man' markups on prices for farm products; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
9) 0853.0087 [Final Tax-Filing Day]
Interviewer with peace protestor on last day to file income taxes; item from can 236 labeled 04/11/1975 - 04/16/1975
217) 0853.0088 [State Police Vehicle Inspections]
State Police inspect vehicles; item from can 241 labeled 05/06/1975 - 05/08/1975
218) 0853.0089 [Vote Recount]
Recount of vote in first congressional district; from can 241 labeled 05/06/1975 - 05/08/1975
219) 0853.0090 [Portland Symphony Classes]
Student musicians work with Portland Symphony professionals in master classes; from can 241 labeled 05/06/1975 - 05/08/1975
220) 0853.0091 [Biddeford Hospital Upgrade]
Webber Hospital in Biddeford is to be replaced with a modern facility; from can 241 labeled 05/06/1975 - 05/08/1975
4) 0853.0092 [Emergency Personnel]
Emergency personnel/EMTs take person out of house on stretcher, place in ambulance; from can 241 labeled 05/06/1975 - 05/08/1975
222) 0853.0093 [State Government Academy]
Two unidentified men discuss possible placement of an academy in state government; from can 241 labeled 05/06/1975 - 05/08/1975
223) 0853.0094 [Court Reform]
Unidentified man on court reform; from can 241 labeled 05/06/1975 - 05/08/1975
224) 0853.0095 [Unemployed Man]
Unidentified man on his layoff from a manufacturing plant; from can 241 labeled 05/06/1975 - 05/08/1975
225) 0853.0096 [Wilson on Summer Camps]
Tim Wilson talks about use of summer camps by state government; from can 241 labeled 05/06/1975 - 05/08/1975
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