7 work results

2) 1140.0413 [Civil Air Patrol]
Label on film: 'C.A.P. Search.' // Men walk through airplane hanger, onto runway to small propeller plane. Civil Air Patrol. Appears to be Bangor International Airport runway.
16) 1140.0570 [Bar Harbor Airlines Bicentennial Plane]
Report on christening of new Bar Harbor Airlines Bicentennial-themed airplane at Bangor International Airport. New Beechcraft 99 plane is named 'Happy Birthday, America!' Footag...
8) 1140.0817 [Radio-Controlled Model Airplane Club]
Report on radio-controlled model airplane club Eastern Maine RC Gulls. Footage of planes in flight and controllers.
22) 2654.0004 [Labrador, 1970s. Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 4
Clinic Project, Sept. ‘74 Kids hauling water Men mixing concrete Raising walls Shingling building Hank & Doris leaving, Dec. ‘74 Getting our Christmas tree SW Brk. – cutting...;Three girls carrying water from the dock up a hill. Men mixing cement while children watch/help. A man in a hardhat cutting boards with a circular saw. Several shots of cement m...
24) 2654.0005 [Labrador, 1970s. Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 5
Pinsent’s Arm, winter ‘75 Ontario trip, March-April ‘75 Pastor unloading church lumber Sports Day Mrs. Mitchell enroute hospital Mountie & start of search for jack hammer W...;A snowmobile approaching a building. A snowmobile dragging a sled. Wide shot of snowmobiles and a plane landing on an icy airstrip. Children playing near the airstrip. Shots of ...
31) 2654.0006 [Labrador, 1970s. Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 6
Telephone installation, Fall ‘75 Uncle Tom’s casket Cemetary Nov. fishing at Square Islands Aunt Mary Ann’s funeral Trench Blasting Mrs. Clegg Middle Pond, Sam, Leo Upper grades...;Fall '75 - May '76;A man working on a telephone pole. The same man on a ladder working on a house to install a telephone line. People line up to unload a coffin from a float plane and carry it up ...
11) 2939.0002 [Summer recreation, 1975--Nathaniel Champlin--home movies.] Reel 2
: Summer 1975 – Sue arrives / muffin at flats, Sue leaves, Betty & Rod, Camp, Saul & Mary’s camp & jugs, Maia brings boat in to Flats., Horowitz & Champlins at F...;: Airplane lands on runway, girl wearing glasses, Champlin family on runway in front of baggage claim sign, man in Provincetown-Boston airport shirt in front of plane, plane say...;: This reel includes a visit from a family member to the Cape Cod National Seashore, a family camping trip, and summer recreation on the beach in Provincetown and in Newport, Rh...
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