42 work results

1) 2716.1113 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Antlers and Horns #19
Captain Bob CB19 Antlers and Horns Rec. 11/30/85;Slate: “Prod Captain Bob VT# 0268 Show# 19 Air: TBA Rec: 1/19/75 Dir: Gosey”. Title: “The Capt Bob Show”. Starts with a 30 second promo. Captain Bob teaches viewers about variou...;Credits: The Capt Bob Show; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
2) 2716.1114 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Octopus #20
Captain Bob CB 20 Captain Bob The Octopus No. 20 Rec Date: 12/8/85 Air Date TBD R;Includes promo. Slate: “Prod: Captain Bob VT# 0643 Show #20 Air T.B.A Rec. 1/19/75 Dir. Gosey”. Captain Bob teaches children about the octopus, and shows how to draw the animal....;Credits: created by Bob Cottle; directed by Dave Gosey; produced at WCVB-TV Boston
3) 2716.1115 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Canadian Goose #21
Captain Bob CB21 The Canadian Goose No. 21 Rec. 1/1/86;Slate: “Prod Nature World of Capt. Bob VT 292 Air: TBA Rec: 2/8/75 Dir: Gosey”. Title: “The Nature World of Capt Bob”. Includes a 30 second promo at the start. Captain Bob teach...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
4) 2716.1116 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Odd Animal #22
Captain Bob CB22 Odd Animals No. 22 Rec. 1/11/86;Starts with a 30 second promo. Slate: “Prod Nature World of Capt Bob VT# 374 Cut 2 Show# 22 Air: T.B.A. Rec: 2/8/75 Dir: Gosey”. Title: “The Nature World of Capt Bob”. Captain B...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
4) 2716.1118 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Parrot #24
Dub Captain Bob CB24 The Parrot No. 24 Rec. 2/8/86 [label crossed out];Slate: “Nature World of Capt Bob VT# 0293 Cut 2 Air” TBA Re: 3/1/75 Dir: Gosey”. Title: The Nature World of Capt Bob”. Captain Bob teaches about parrots and pirates, and demonst...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
6) 2716.1119 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Goldfish #26
Dub CB 26 Captain Bob The Goldfish No. 26 Rec Date: 2/15/86 Air Date: TBA R Attn Promo at head of reel [Label crossed out];Includes promo. Slate: “Prod: Captain Bob VT# 0771 Show #26 Air T.B.A Rec. 3/23/75 Dir. Frisby”. Captain Bob teaches children about gold fish, and shows how to draw the fish. ;Credits: The Nature World of Captain Bob; created by Bob Cottle
7) 2716.1120 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Moose #27
Dub Captain Bob CB27 The Moose No. 27 Rec. 3/8/86 [Label crossed out];Title: ‘The Nature World of Capt Bob’. Captain Bob teaches about moose and other animals in the deer family. He demonstrates how to draw a moose. Includes stock footage of moose...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle
8) 2716.1122 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Carnivorous Plants #32
Captain Bob CB32 Carnivarous [Carnivorous] Plants No. 32 Rec. 3/22/86 ;Slate: ‘VT# 0828 Air: TBA Tape: May 4/75 Show: 32 Dir Moore Nature World of Capt Bob Carniv. Plants’. Title: ‘The Nature World of Capt Bob’. Captain Bob enters the scene humming...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; The Nature World of Capt Bob
9) 2716.1123 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Horse Part I #33
Captain Bob CB33 The Horse Pt. 1 No. 33 Rec. 4/5/86;Title: “The Nature World of Capt Bob”. Captain Bob discusses the evolution of the horse. He demonstrates how to draw a horse. He showcases drawings sent in by viewers. Includes ...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle
10) 2716.1124 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Horse Part II #34
Captain Bob CB34 The Horse No. 34 Part II Rec. 4/6/86;Slate: “Prod Captain Bob VT# 0195 Show# 34 Air: TBA Rec: 5/18/75 Dir. Moore”. Title: “The Nature World of Capt. Bob”. Captain Bob recaps a previous episode about the horse. [Acc...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle
11) 2716.1126 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Golden Eagle #36
Captain Bob CB36 The Golden Eagle No. 36 Rec. 5/10/86;Title: ‘The Nature World of Capt Bob’. Captain Bob teaches about golden eagles and demonstrates how to draw one. He showcases drawings sent in by viewers. Includes a 30 second p...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Ed Moore; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston; The Nature World of Capt Bob
12) 2716.1128 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Goats #37
Captain Bob CB 37 Goats No. 37 Rec. 5/18/86;Title: “The Nature World of Capt Bob”. Captain Bob teaches viewers about goats and demonstrates how to draw one. He showcases drawings sent in by viewers. Includes a 30 second p...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Ed Moore; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
13) 2716.1129 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Turkey #40
Captain Bob CB40 Turkey No. 40 Rec. 1/5/85;Slate: “Prod Capt. Bob VT# 551 Show# 40 Rec: 6/24/75 Dir: D. Gosey Remarks: Turkey”. Title: “The Nature World of Capt Bob”. Captain Bob teaches viewers about turkeys, and demons...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
14) 2716.1130 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Small Dinosaurs #41
Dub [Label crossed out] Captain Bob CB 41 Small Dinosaurs No. 41 Rec. 9/12/86;[Audio during blank screen.] Slate: “Prod Capt Bob VT# 0552 Show #41 Air: T.B.A. Rec: 6-24-5 Dir: Gosey Remarks: “Small Dinosaurs””. Title: “The Nature World of Capt Bob”. Capta...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
4) 2716.1132 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - A Cat #42
Captain Bob CB42 A Cat No. 42 Rec. 1/19/85;Slate: ‘Capt. Bob VT# 0703 Show# 42 Air: 8/3/75 Rec: 6/8/75 Dir: E. Moore”. Title: ‘The Nature World of Capt Bob’. Captain Bob teaches viewers about cats in ancient Egypt, and d...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston; The Nature World of Capt Bob
16) 2716.1133 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Flying Fish #43
Captain Bob CB43 Flying Fish No. 43 Rec. 1/27/85;Captain Bob: Flying Fish; Capt. Bob explains the purpose of the show, and about the mysteries of the flying fish; black screen breaks; the Atlantic Flying Fish is described by C...;Credits; Bob Cottle, Ed Moore;
17) 2716.1134 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Ocean Dwellers #44
Captain Bob CB44 Ocean Dwellers No. 44 Rec. 2/9/85;Capt. Bob: Ocean Dwellers; Capt. Bob talks about some of the odd fish that are found in the ocean; black screen breaks and count down; Capt. Bob reviews a sketch of an underwate...;Credits; Bob Cottle, Ed Moore;
18) 2716.1135 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - About Fossils #45
CB45 Captain Bob About Fossils No. 45 Rec Date 2/17/85;Slate: “Capt. Bob VT# 0706 Show #45 Fossils”. Title: “About Fossils”, “The Nature World of Capt. Bob”. Captain Bob teaches about evolution, dinosaurs, and fossils. He demonstrat...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
19) 2716.1136 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - More About Butterflies #46
Captain Bob CB 46 More About Butterflies No. 46 Rec. 3/2/85;Capt. Bob: More on Butterflies; The Nature World of Capt. Bob; Butterflies, flying flowers, and pollinators, like bees, are Lepidoptera; black screen breaks with count downs; th...;Credits: Bob Cottle, Dave Gosey;
20) 2716.1137 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Tiger Portrait #47
CB47 Captain Bob Tiger Portrait No. 47 Rec Date 3/16/85 oh - 3/21/85 RR;Slate: “Prod The Nature of Captain Bob VT# 0146 Air: TBA Rec: 8/19/75 Dir: Frisbie”. Title: “The Nature World of Captain Bob”. Captain Bob demonstrates how to draw a tiger. Audi...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
21) 2716.1138 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - About Salmon #48
Captain Bob CB 48 About Salmon No. 48 Rec. 3/24/85;Slate: “Prod Nature World of Capt Bob VT# 0906 Cut 2 Show# 48 Air: TBA Rec: 8/19/75 Dir: Frisbie Remarks: Sh[?]”. Title: “The Nature World of Capt Bob”. Captain Bob teaches view...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVBTV Boston
22) 2716.1139 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - A Dog #49
Dub Captain Bob CB 49 A Dog No. 49 Rec. 12/10/86 [Label crossed out];Slate: “Capt. Bob Promo VT# 0887 Air TBA Rec. Sept 2 1975”. Promo for the upcoming episode. Slate: “Capt. Bob VT# 0887 Air TBA Rec. Sept 2 1975 Remarks: Dog”. Captain Bob teache...;Credits: The Nature World of Captain Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
5) 2716.1140 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Hornbill #50
Captain Bob CB50 The Hornbill No. 50 Rec. 4/20/85;Slate: ‘Captain Bob VT# 1010 Show# 50 Air: TBA Rec: 9/2/75 Dir: Gosey Remarks: Horn-Bill’. Title: ‘The Nature World of Capt Bob’. Captain Bob teaches viewers about the horn bill...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
24) 2716.1141 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Brook Trout #51
Captain Bob CB51 The Brook Trout No. 51 Rec. 4/21/85;Slate: ‘Nature World of Capt. Bob VT #1011 Show# 51 Air: TBA Rec: 9/13/75 Dir: Gosey’. Title: ‘The Nature World of Captain Bob’. Captain Bob teaches viewers about brook trout an...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
25) 2716.1142 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Ancient Sea Monsters #52
Captain Bob CB 52 Ancient Sea Monsters No. 52 Rec. 9/7/85;Title: “The Nature World of Captain Bob”. Captain Bob teaches about ocean dwelling dinosaurs. He demonstrates how to draw a tylosaurus. He showcases drawings sent by viewers. In...;Credits: The Nature World of Captain Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
26) 2716.1143 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Sketching a Landscape #53
Captain Bob CB53 Sketching a Landscape No. 53 Rec. 9/22/85;Capt. Bob talks about what is included in a landscape and what might be used to draw a landscape; black screen breaks with count down; foreground, middle ground, background, bui...;Credits: Bob Cottle, Dave Gosey;
27) 2716.1144 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Grey Whale #54
Captain Bob CB54 The Grey Whale No. 54 10/15/85;Slate: ‘Drawing From Nature’. VT# 1014 Show# 54 Air: TBA Rec: 10/4/75 Dir: Gosey Remarks: The Gray Whale’. Title: ‘Drawing From Nature’. Captain Bob teaches viewers about whales...;Credits: Drawing From Nature; Bob Cottle; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
6) 2716.1146 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Fairy Tern #56
Captain Bob CB56 The Fairy Tern No. 56 Rec. 10/26/85;Slate: ‘Drawing From Nature VT# 1016 Show# 56 Air: Rec: 10-5-75 Dir Gosey Remarks: The Fairy Tern’. Title: ‘Drawing From Nature, Bob Cottle’. Captain Bob teaches viewers about s...;Credits: Drawing From Nature; Bob Cottle; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
29) 2716.1147 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Sailing Ship; #57
Captain Bob CB57 Sailing Ship No. 57 Rec. 11/19/85;Starts with a 30 second promo. Slate: ‘Capt Bob Show VT# 1017 Cut 2 Air: T.B.A Rec: 10-5-75 Dir: Frisbie’. Title: ‘Drawing From Nature’. Captain Bob teaches viewers about sailin...;Credits: Drawing From Nature; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
30) 2716.1148 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Odd Fishes #58
Captain Bob CB 58 Odd Fishes No. 58 Rec. 11/17/85;Starts with a 30 second promo. Slate: “Prod Capt. Bob VT# 1018 Show# 58 Air: TBA Rec: 10/30/75 Dir: Frisbie”. Title: “Drawing From Nature’. Captain Bob teaches viewers about “od...;Credits: Drawing From Nature; Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
31) 2716.1149 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - About Foxes #59
Captain Bob CB59 About Foxes #59 Rec. 11/24/85;Slate: ‘Drawing From Nature VT# 1019 Show# 59 Air: TBA Rec: 11/8/75 Dir: Gosey’. Title: ‘Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle’. Captain Bob teaches viewers about foxes and d...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
7) 2716.1150 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Osprey #60
Captain Bob CB60 The Osprey No. 60 Rec. 12/15/85;Starts with a 30 second promo. Slate: “Prod Drawing From Nature; VT# 1020 Show# 60 Air: T.B.A. Rec: 11-8-75 Dir: Gosey Remarks: Osprey”. Title: “Drawing From Nature with Capt Bo...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
33) 2716.1151 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - About Squids #62
Dub Captain Bob CB62 About Squids No. 62 Rec. 2/1/86;Capt. Bob talks about the history and particulars of the family of squids; black screen breaks with count downs; Capt. Bob demonstrates drawing the squid; he shows a newborn squ...;Credits: Bob Cottle, Alex Frisbie;
34) 2716.1152 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - About Jellyfish #63
CB63 Captain Bob About Jellyfish Rec Date 1/18/86 Air Date: TBA R;Slate: “Drawing From Nature VT# 1023 Air: TBA Rec. 12-13-75 Dir. Frisb”. Title: “Drawing From Nature”. Captain Bob teaches about jellyfish, and demonstrates how to draw one. Aud...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
9) 2716.1155 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Bird #64
Captain Bob Show #64 The Bird;Slate: “Drawing From Nature VT# 1024 Air: TBA Show# 64”. Title: “Drawing From Nature”. Captain Bob teaches viewers about birds, and demonstrates how to draw a horned owl. He sho...;Credits: Drawings From Nature; Directed by Alex Frisbie; with Capt Bob Cottle; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
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