202 work results

1) 0003.0001 [Holman Day outtakes]
About 75 scenes, outtakes from several Holman Day Productions. Slates throughout read 'H. Day Prods., Carle/Gandolfi' with various scene and take numbers. Reel is not organized ...
17) 0016.0001 Hurricane, Alewives, Maple Syrup, Turnpike--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 16
b&w. Title, 'W.V. Mitton Production' in script. Man walking down tree-lined street, two people talking by door, views of treetops with wind blowing, garage missing door; tree f...
1) 0293 Longley News Conference
Dated December 19, 1978. Video signal missing. Audio of Governor James Longley talking about inflation in Maine. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
12) 0293 Longley News Conference
Dated August 11, 1978. Governor James Longley talks about private landowners and Native American lawsuits. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
12) 0293 Longley Press Conference
Dated August 25, 1978. Governor James Longley talks about revenues for Husson College of Bangor, taxation and tax reform. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
7) 0293 Longley Press Conference
Governor James Longley talks about the Maine economy including taxation and what he wants done. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
6) 0293 Venture in Mission to Maine
Community service issues in Maine and their relationship to Maine Diocese. Opening includes discussion at Blaine House by Governor Joseph Brennan and others. Their voices accomp...
19) 0293 Longley Press Conference
Press conference including shots of conference room and Governor James Longley talking about tax relief for Maine citizens. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
28) 0293 Longley News Conference
Dated October 13, 1978. Governor James Longley gives a statement on taxes and the role of government in tax relief. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
21) 0293 Longley News Conference
Dated September 15, 1978. Governor James Longley talks about state revenues and what Maine has accomplished. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
1) 0306 cat. 0004-02-WABI-57 Governor Edmund S. Muskie Inauguration
Augusta: Edmund Muskie's inaugural speech as governor of Maine includes Maine's natural resources, the farm economies, fish and game, forests and clean water, fair labor laws, a...;Augusta: Edmund Muskie's inaugural speech, delivered before a full legislative house, as governor of Maine; he includes a list of the initiatives he intends to present to the le...
8) 0307 cat. 0005-02-WABI-57 Governor Edmund S. Muskie Inauguration
Augusta: Edmund S. Muskie is sworn in as governor of Maine and gives a speech on the future of Maine: the economy, natural resources, fishing industry, etc. Ref. 300.
5) 0307 cat. 0005-07-WABI Governor Reed Extends Sympathies
Governor Reed extends sympathies to family and friends of late Governor Clinton M. Foss.
27) 0307 cat. 0006-01-WABI-62 Governor Reed Campaign
Governor Reed, three years after becoming governor, is running again for office. Five separate campaign commercials of approximately 5 mins. each. 1) Highway Safety ; 2) Educati...
5) 0310 cat.0008-08-WABI-59 Governor Haskell on Reed
Interview with Governor Haskell about the successor to the late Governor Foss. He comments that Senator Reed should become governor until the next elected governor takes office ...
35) 0314 cat.1004-10-WABI-59 WAGM Radio
Governor Horace A. Hildreth, president of the Hildreth Network, pushes button bringing WAGM Radio to Aroostook County as part of a banquet. Shots of transmitting tower, ceremoni...
26) 0315 cat.0010-04-WABI-59 WAGM 5000 Watts
Former governor Horace A. Hildreth, now president of the Hildreth Network, pushes button as part of presentation banquet to officially begin new broadcasting activity of WAGM 95...
36) 0319 cat.0014-02-WABI-59 Governor Day at Otis Air Force Base
Governor Day boards a plane and flies to Otis Air Force Base. Shots of him in flight, and with Air Force officials at base.
2) 0320 cat.1003-15-WABI-60 Governor Reed Inauguration
Ceremony including swearing-in, speeches, a reading, roll call, narration by reporters. Poor sound and visibility.
30) 0320 cat.1005-01-WABI-60 Governor Reed -- Part 1
Reed speech to Maine State Legislature regarding higher education, mineral resources. Former governors are introduced by Senate President Earl Hillman. Sponsored by Bangor & Aro...
21) 0320 cat.1006-01-WABI-60 Governor Reed -- Part 2
Second half of Cat. No. 1005-01-WABI-60.
22) 0321 cat.1007-01-WABI-58 Hildreth for Governor
Three political commercials for Horace Hildreth, running for governor. 20 seconds each, start with rocket blasting off and the slogan, 'Aim High, Hildreth for Governor.' With ji...
13) 0324 cat. 0016-10-WABI-60 Republican State Convention
Bangor: Republican State Convention at Bangor Auditorium. Reed giving speech, onstage with his wife, with family in car. Also crowds, representatives marching with signs, audito...
34) 0324 cat. 0017-04-WABI-60 Highway Safety at Augusta
Highway safety meeting at Capitol in Augusta. Closeup of dome, shots of people at meeting, Governor Reed.
7) 0325 cat. 1008-13-WABI-60 Maine Exposition at Portland
Portland: Governor John Reed's visit to expo including his arrival, shaking hands, looking at lobster replica, Smokey the Bear mannequin, speaking with young woman wearing crown...
15) 0327 cat. 0015-03-WABI-60 Governor Reed Address
Three political messages. Allen Woodcock discusses hearing schedule of legislature, mostly regarding public school bills. Next, Senator Hillman speech supports new Governor Reed...
19) 0329 cat. 0019-08-WABI-60 Hildreth Regarding Educational Television
Horace Hildreth discussing ETV.
31) 0329 cat. 0019-09-WABI Paul Bunyan Parade
Bangor : parade and unveiling of Paul Bunyan statue. Crowd including WABI reporter Dick Bronson, Norm Martin with a beard, Governor Closson, Norm Martin, celebration director Da...
33) 0329 cat. 1008-16-WABI-60 Hildreth on ETV
Horace A. Hildreth discusses educational television.
22) 0329 cat. 1009-01-WABI-59 Camp Edwards
Governor Day's visit to camp including him boarding plane, aerial shots, governor posing with officials, other military personnel, eating in mess hall.
33) 0341 cat. 0027-01-WABI-61 Mrs. Reed at Old Town
Old Town: Silent video of Governor John Reed's wife visits Dunegan Woolen Mills, Inc. She stands by a truck and writes the address of the Blaine House on a package, which is loa...
16) 0343 cat. 0029-23-WABI-60 Republican Women at Auditorium
Governor Reed attends women's meeting, poses, shakes hands. A poodle on a chair with a banner reading, 'Re-Elect McIntire to Congress.'
12) 0350 cat. 0033-12-WABI-60 Governor Day at Fair
Fair including 'Welcome Governor' sign, Governors Reed and Day, rides, performers.
34) 0350 cat. 1011-05-WABI-60 Pre-legislative Conference at UM
Orono: Conference run by Governor John Reed including speeches.
25) 0352 cat. 0047-01-WABI-62 Governor Reed at Lion's Club
Governor Reed appearance at Bangor Brewer Lion's Club including Reed speech, another speech, club members, club sign.
32) 0356 cat. 1021-21-WABI-62 Governor John Reed on Highway Safety
Reed speaks on 'Lights On' program, regarding driving with low beams to over Labor Day weekend to prevent accidents.
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