1043 work results

99) 1108 [Archie Stewart--home movies] VT4 (part 2, two cuts), VT13, VT15, VT8 (two cuts)
Stewart International Airport footage: VT4 (part 2), two cuts dated 4/1/91 and 4/17/91 NHF Cataloger's notes [times from VCR display]: (1:00) Stewart Airport, Newburgh, NY, peop...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: VT 4 Delta Airlines opens service, April 1, 1991. Archie cuts ribbon with huge scissors. "Time to fly" character. VT1y American Airlines celebrates 1 ...
4) 1149.0001 [Footage of Alamo Theatre/Northeast Historic Film]
Alamo Theater/ NHF story broadcast on WLBZ, Bangor and WCSH, Portland 6 pm news on October 18, 1994.
3) 1541.0003 The Air We Breathe, Reel 2 [NHF Tape #3]
Special by Bob Libbey Slate: “The Air We Breathe Special Reel 2 Panel Discussion 43:48 Maine Public Broadcasting Network”. John Greenman leads a panel discussion about a precedi...;Credits: Producer: Robert Libbey; Host: John Greenman; Director: Jim Bisson; Camera: Earl Allen, Steve Dunn, Steve Faloon, David Lavender; Production Secretary: Millie Olson; Au...
23) 1541.0022 Boys' Class C Final: Semi-Final Basketball Game [NHF Tape #22] (WESTERN MAINE)
Western Maine High School Championship Basketball Traip Rangers vs. Wiscasset Redskins 12/17/1995
5) 2716.0002 [Cityline: Focus - Black Leadership in the 90's]
A television special for WCVB's locally produced program "Cityline" on the current state and the future of African American leadership in Boston and the rest of the country.;Credits: Produced By Karen Holmes, Directed By Donna Hennessey, Associate Producer Valerie D. Navy, Assistant Director Frank Firnschild, Production Assistant Laura Brown, Techni...
49) 2716.0005 [Cityline: Rodney King Verdict Aftermath]
Special Live edition of "Cityline" to discuss the not guilty verdict for the police officers in the beating of Rodney King. Roundtable guests include Ozell Hudson (executive di...
7) 2716.0015 [Aqui - TLC kit, Guns, & Bowling]
Master; X6148 - WCVB code 29;Teens and AIDS TLC kit; Program to collect weapons from the community for cash; Bowling! Segment 1 in English with Spanish subtitles, segment 2 in Spanish with English subtitle...;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Directors: Donna Hennessey, Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jaime Lowell; Technical Director...
8) 2716.0016 [Aqui - Baseball]
X5509 WCVB code 33; Aqui; Baseball; Rec Date: 6-23-90; Air Date: 6-24-90;Aqui; Baseball; Spanish audio with English subtitles; the long-time interest and love of the sport among those in Hispanic countries is reported by Jose Masso through still and ...;In the studio Brunildo Rodriquez, Gregg Kidd, Johanna Torres, Frank Firnschild, Bob Child, Tom Troland, Ed Paolino, Susan Krieger, Giles Baker, Dave Teixeira, Reggie Power, Sher...
9) 2716.0019 Boston Ballet
X4973; WCVB code 46; Aqui; Boston Ballet; Rec date: 4-27-91; Air date: 4-28-91;Aqui; City Ballet; viewer alert: Spanish language audio with English subtitles; Mayra Rodriquez Howard provides background on the Boston Ballet company and it's season of regula...
71) 2716.0020 Aqui - Naomi Martel
Master; Aqui; X1147; Naomi;Aqui; Naomi Martel; Mayra Rodriquez Howard interviews Naomi Martel, a member of the Massachusetts Commission on Discrimination, about the work of this state-supported agency; th...;In the studio Wilma Ovalles, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Frank Firnschild, Liliana Gamba, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Doug Devitt, Gretchen Soehner, John Mitchell, Joe ...
11) 2716.0021 Aqui - Part 1: La Plena;
Master; Aqui 12; X4388; 11-11-91;Aqui; Part 1 on La Plena documentary; Spanish language with English subtitles; Jose Masso and Mayra Rodriquez introduce the documentary Plena, about the music representing every...;In the studio Wilma Ovalles, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Brian Pellicano, Liliana Gamba, Shelley Ridgeway, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Doug Devitt, Joe Soucar, John Mit...
26) 2716.0022 [Aqui - Christmas]
X5508; WCVB code 32; Aqui; Flore De [Cana] Christmas M[?] No. 1; Rec date: 12-14-91; Air date: 12-15-91;Flor de Caña performs; Rosa Maria Amador and Brian Amador in an interview talk about the instruments they play in the Flor de Caña group, their new CD, translating their music l...;Credits: Producer: Wilma Ovalles; Directed By: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Frank Firnschild, Brian Pellicano; Associate Producers: John Green, Maria Luisa ...
13) 2716.0023 [Aqui - Flamenco]
X4774 WCVB Code 2; Aqui; [Manuela] Baez; [Gaston Enstitue]; Flamenco; Rec. date: 12-21-91; Air date: 12-29-91;Aqui; Flamingo [flaminco]; Spanish language with English subtitles; Jose Masso remembers Manuela Baez, shot on the streets of Jamaica Plains; she worked three jobs to support he...;In the studio Maria Luisa Monserrate, Jam Hakim, Brian Pellicano, John Green, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Doug Devitt, Gretchen Soehner, Joh...
24) 2716.0024 Aqui - Human Rights #101
Slate: “VTR: X972 Rec: 1/18/92 Air: 1/26/92 Dir: Kidd”. Title: “Aquí”. Jose Masso and Mayra Rodriguez Howard host an episode discussing human rights and the 1991 Reebok Human Ri...;Credits: Produced by Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Jam Hakim, J. Isaac Laughinghouse; Technical Directors:...
4) 2716.0025 Aqui Infant and Women's Health
Aqui X4961 Health + Fitness No. 102 Rec. 1/25/92 Air. 2/2/92;Aqui; Family Works: Health & Fitness; Mayra Rodriquez Howard introduces the special program on infant health, and guest Carmen Rivera; Rivera discusses the programs that support...;In the studio Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Frank Firnschild, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, George Nahas, Gre...
16) 2716.0026 [Aqui - AIDS & Tito Puente #103]
AIDS Action Committee; Mambo King performances and interview Black screen and count down between segments; black screen for 13:15 at the end of the tape. ;Aqui - AIDS; Tito Puente; #103; X5038; 4476; Rec date; 2-1-92; Air date: 2-9-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Frank Firnschild, J. Isaac Laughinghouse; Technical D...
17) 2716.0027 [Aqui - Drug Conference #104]
X5516; WCVB code 45; Aqui; Drug Conference; Rain forest; No. 104; Red. date: 2-18-92; Air Date: 2-16-92;#104 Drug Conference to educate North Americans about the many uses of coca plants; Interview with Cuban artist Marcos Carvajal and his expression of Latin American art; Tropica...;Credits: Produced By: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed By: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Director: Frank Firnschild, J. Isaac Laughinghouse; Technical Di...
18) 2716.0028 [Aqui - The Winter Blues #105]
Master/ Dub; 3716; X3745; Aqui; Winter Blues; No. 105; Rec. Date 2-15-92; Air Date: 2-23-92;Aqui; The Winter Blues; some Spanish audio with English subtitles; on-the-street interviews about what people do in order to escape the winter weather; travel professionals talk...;In the studio Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Frank Firnschild, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, George Nahas, Gre...
19) 2716.0029 Aqui - [El] Salvador / Bilingual Education
Donaldo Macedo is interviewed about bilingual education; Cuban artist Marcos Carvajal is interviewed and his work is discussed; El Salvador's civil conflict is discussed in ligh...;X4577; WCVB code 3; Aqui; El Salvador/Bilingual Education; Rec date: 2-22-92; Air date: 3-1-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Jim Lowell; Technical Directo...
20) 2716.0030 [Aqui - Voter Registation #107]
Dub; 3777; X1150; Aqui; Voter Registration; No. 107; Rec. Date: 2-29-92; Air date: 3-8-92;Voter registration of Hispanics is an election concern for both local and national leadership; "Atrevete" is one group trying to help with registration efforts; Eight-year-old J...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Jim Lowell; Switcher: Karen L...
21) 2716.0031 [Aqui - Boston Ballet & E.J. Olmos #108]
Aqui - Boston Ballet; E.J. Olmos #108; Rec. date: 3-14-92; Air date: 3-15-92; X1144;Boston Ballet's history and interest to Latina ballerinas; Edward James Olmos is interviewed about his film "American Me" and experiences as a Mexican-American; the Cultural Bul...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Frank Firnschild, Jim Lowell; “American Me” Courtesy ...
22) 2716.0032 [Aqui - El Salvador & United Women #109]
Photograph exhibit "El Salvador: In the Eye of the Beholder"; Interview with Mariwilde Padilla on education programs for Latina women without high school diplomas; new managed c...;Aqui - El Salvador; United Women; #109; X1130; Rec. date: 3-7-92; Air date: 3-22-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Jim Lowell, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Bayard Pe...
23) 2716.0033 [Aqui - Cardinal #110]
Master; Aqui - #110; Cardinal; Red Cross; Mambo; Red. Date: 3-21-92; Air Date: 3-29-92; X1208; WCVB code 34;Slate: “AQUI Rec 3/2/92 Air 3/29/92 Show 110 VTR X1208 Dir: Kidd”. Title: “Aquí”. Mayra Rodriguez Howard hosts. The Centro del Cardenal celebrates 35 years at with a dinner at t...;Credits: Produced by Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Director: Frank Firnschild, Jim Lowell; Technical Directors: Bayar...
13) 2716.0034 [Aqui - Firehouse Arts Center & Tax Credits #111]
X4402;Aqui; Mayra Rodriquez Howard interviews Esther Kaplan about the Jamaica Plain Multicultural Firehouse Arts Center activities for youngsters; Rosalba Solis leads dance programs ...;In the studio Maria Luisa Monserrate, Donna Hennessey, Dick Puttkamer, Jam Hakim, Brian Pellicano, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Joe Soucar, Gretchen Soehner, Al Giglio, S...
35) 2716.0035 [Aqui - Homeless Shelters #112]
Aqui - Homeless #112; X5913; Rec. Date: 8-4-92; Air date: 4-12-92;St. Andrews Homeless Shelters; Chelsea's Hispanic Center focuses on helping to find jobs for residents; attention on Nicaragua; almost 10 minutes of black screen.;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Phil Rubin; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Frank Firnschild; Technical Director...
26) 2716.0036 [Aqui - Spring Flowers; Police; UNICEF #113]
Aqui - #113 Spring Flowers; Police; UNICEF; X4621; WCVB code 4; Red date: 4-18-92; Air date: 4-26-92;Aqui: spring flowers, Latino Peace Officers Association, and UNICEF; Spanish audio with English subtitles Jose Masso and Mayra Rodriquez Howard host a segment about the New Engl...;In the studio John R. Green, Maria Luisa Monserrate, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Mary Driscoll, Joe Soucar, Gretchen Soehner, M...
27) 2716.0037 [Aqui - Hispanic Jews & Theatre #114]
Aqui - #114 Hispanic Jews; Theatre; X3778; WCVB code 14; Rec date: 4-25-92; Air date: 5-3-92;Aqui; Chelsea Theater; Spanish audio with English subtitles; Mayra Rodriquez-Howard introduces the Dreams and Plans program; Robert Meek talks about why the program is important...;In the studio John R. Green, Maria Luisa Monserrate, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Dave Gardiner, Gretchen Soehner...
35) 2716.0038 Aqui - Mothers Day #115
Mothers Day look at nature and scenes of motherhood around the city; Children are interviewed about their feelings toward their mothers; Berklee College of Music is the subject ...;Aqui - Mothers Day #115; X5910; Rec. date: 5-2-92; Air date: 5-10-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Jim Lowell, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Bayard Pe...
25) 2716.0039 [Aqui - Columbus Quincentenary #116]
Expo ’92 held in Seville, Spain (500th anniversary of Columbus crossing the Atlantic); Tall Ships celebration in Boston; Native art exhibit at Tufts, Tisch Center. ;Aqui - Columbus Quincentenary; X5914; No 116; Rec date: 5-19-92; Air date: 5-17-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Baya...
15) 2716.0040 Aqui - Texas Rangers #117
Texas Rangers #117;Texas Rangers baseball players, coaches and trainers who are Hispanic are interviewed about their interests and contributions to U. S. social culture. (additional air date: 8/23...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Bayar...
20) 2716.0041 [Aqui - Caribbean Nights #118]
Aqui - #118 Caribbean Nights; X5470; WCVB code 46; Rec date: 5-30-92; Air date: 6-7-92;;#118 Caribbean Nights; A visit to the Firehouse Multicultural Center and an interview with the band Cosmos Factory; Ad Op Program; Recipes for summer-time foods like ice-based d...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Baya...
62) 2716.0042 Aqui - Pre-Natal Care #119
X5911; WCVB code 41; Aqui; Pre-Natal Care No 119; Rec Date 6-6-92; Aire Date: 6-14-92.;Pre-Natal Care; "Project Life" in Mission Hill attends to new mothers through the first year of the baby's life for both mother and father; Jamacia Plain's Brookside Community C...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim; Stage Managers: Al Giglio...
33) 2716.0043 [Aqui - Summer Camp #120]
Aqui #120;Elizabeth Ortiz is interviewed about programs to help young people in many cultures discuss family issues like violence prevention and establish peer support; summer camps like ...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim; Stage Managers: Al Giglio...
30) 2716.0044 [Aqui - Fashion Show #121]
Aqui - Fashion Show #121; X1962; Rec Date: 6-20-92; Air Date: 6-28-92;Aqui: Fashion; Spanish audio with English subtitles; Jose Masso and Mayra Rodrigues Howard host a summer fashion show and report on the music of Manny Oquendo's Conjunto Libre; ...;In the studio Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green, Donna Hennessey, Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim, Al Giglio, Scott Philbrick, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Dave Gardiner, ...
14) 2716.0045 [Aqui - Hispanic Vote & Bonita Bandera #118]
Aqui - #122 Hispanic Vote; Bonita Bendera; X5510; WCVB code 44; Rec. Date: 6-27-92; Air Date: 7-5-92;The importance of voting and the need to register is discussed by guests Jaime Rodriguez and Nelson Merced; The Puerto Rican Festival at the Jorge Hernandez Cultural Center and ...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey-Smith, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Frank Firnschild; Stage Manage...
4) 2716.0046 Aqui - Robertson #124
Jamaica Pond in Jamaica Plain is featured as a stay-cation alternative for city dwellers; [sound from an advertisement(?) during the black screen between segments]; Piedad Rober...;Aqui - Robertson #124; X4969; WCVB code 39; Rec Date: 7-18-92; Air date: 7-26-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey-Smith, Dick Puttkamer; Assistant Directors: Frank Firnschild, Jam Hakim; Stage Managers...
Next 36