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Ice Industry
45) 0039.0001
Dawn of America
Celebration of Maine's sesquicentennial (150th) anniversary, shows history of Maine from its discovery and role in nation's development. French settlement at St. Croix Island, P...
18) 0066.PC1
Monson Ice Roller
No description available
1) 0134.0001
Harvest Bumper Crop Ice
On the Kenduskeag River, marking ice into cakes, handsaws at work, piking thru channel in river, putting ice into converyor, ls cu same, showing thickness of ice, reverse shot i...
7) 0135/0136.0001
Cutting Ice
Cutting with gas-powered saw (Model T engine) and using hand tools. Using tool to push ice block. Various views of conveyor carrying blocks up from pond into ice house. Scraper ...
5) 0162.0001
[Herbert Kenney--home movies]
Young, then elderly woman try to saw on tree as young man helps. Family picnic and roughhousing. Young girl running through woods. Children in bathing suits. Couple hugging. Coa...
11) 0293
Venture in Mission to Maine
Community service issues in Maine and their relationship to Maine Diocese. Opening includes discussion at Blaine House by Governor Joseph Brennan and others. Their voices accomp...
48) 0659
Sea Fever: Maritime Preservation
Dated April 5, 1978. Show documenting history of preserving maritime-related objects and buildings. All visuals are still photographs, sketches or paintings. Includes shots of s...
1) 0670 cat. 5282-01-VOYG-81
Coaster: The Adventure of the John F. Leavitt
Story of man's attempt to carry freight in hand-built two-masted schooner. Includes boatbuilding, woods, voyage, airplane and helicopter rescue, cemetery.
6) 0688.0001
Granite State Sampler, The
One side of disc is still images, the other side is moving images. Includes NHF archival footage of ice harvesting ('Cutting Ice,' 1943). ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY. Jacket notes as ...
13) 0709
[Interviews with Albert 'Hap' Collins] Tape 2
Dated July 23, 1988. Interview with aged South Blue Hill boatbuilder, painter, fiddler and carpenter Albert 'Hap' Collins at his home.
23) 0709
[Interviews with Albert 'Hap' Collins] Tape 1
Dated July 23, 1988. Interview with aged South Blue Hill boatbuilder, painter, fiddler and carpenter Albert 'Hap' Collins at his home.
8) 0709
[Interviews with Albert 'Hap' Collins] Tape 7
Dated August 29, 1988. Interviews with aged South Blue Hill boatbuilder, painter, fiddler and carpenter Albert 'Hap' Collins.
17) 0709
[Interviews with Albert 'Hap' Collins] Tape 4
Dated August 3, 1988. Interview with aged South Blue Hill boatbuilder, painter, fiddler and carpenter Albert 'Hap' Collins.
124) 0709
[Albert 'Hap' Collins fine edit]
Fine edit of show on aged painter, boatbuilder, fiddler and carpenter Albert 'Hap' Collins. Includes interviews with Collins in his South Blue Hill home and workshop. Segments i...
11) 0709
[Interviews with Albert 'Hap' Collins] Tape 3
Dated August 3, 1988. Interview with aged South Blue Hill boatbuilder, painter, fiddler and carpenter Albert 'Hap' Collins.
8) 0709
[Interviews with Albert 'Hap' Collins] Tape 5
Dated August 11, 1988. Interview with aged South Blue Hill boatbuilder, painter, fiddler and carpenter. Includes shingle mill and sawmill.
29) 0723 cat. 5457-01-WCSH-90
Maine's Ice Cutters
Dated January 1990. Story about contemporary ice cutter including CU of deer, squirrel. Steve Philbr(ick?) cutting ice with power saw and hand saw. His camp. He speaks on joy of...
15) 0724.0001
[Ralph S. Taylor, Sr.--home movies] Ice Cutting
Titled film on ice harvesting process in East Andover, NH. Shows the boarding house where men slept and ate when they were brought from the city to cut ice, and work horse parad...
9) 0759.0008
[Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 8
Ice cutting at Cape, [dogs and puppies on ice, children sledding on ice].;People cutting ice. A dog on the ice. (Film changes to black and white) People cutting ice and loading it on the trucks. A mechanical saw cutting ice. A man scoring the ice. Loa...;'Big reel, ice harvest.'
1) 0792.0001
New England
Video copy of film about New England. There are several themes in this film that focus on nature, lifestyle, work, architecture and geographical locations in New England. There ...
41) 0811.0001
Tales of Wood and Water
Documentary program on Maine's contemporary wooden boat building and use. The video employs an episodic format. FOR REFERENCE ONLY. Cataloguing notes: Horses twitch logs in wint...
14) 0813.0478
[Portland Summer Boat Yard Project]
News story dated 10-25-68. Man talks about summer boat yard project for youths in Portland.
15) 0813.0479
[Portland Summer Boat Yard Project]
News story dated 10-25-68. Man talks about summer boat yard project for youths in Portland, continued.
16) 0813.0573
[Boatyard Interior, Large Wooden Ship Being Built]
News story dated 12-23-68.
25) 0854.0001
Batteau Machias
Student project about shop class constructing and using a river driving batteau in Machias, Me.
18) 0952.0296
[Field Trip: Yacht Building]
Program #4. Record date: October 16, 1981. // Dropout becomes progressively worse during transfer. End credits are cut due to dropout. // Tour of the Henry R. Hinckley Company i...
27) 0952.0350
In and Out of Maine: The Island People
Examination of past and present lifestyles of islanders on North Haven and Vinalhaven. Focuses on island relations and traditional industries such as boatbuilding, clamming, lob...
85) 95-40.0004
Awinita, first cruise--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 4
NHF cataloguer's notes, 2/96 for Reel 4: Boatyard; 6-8 member boatbuilding crew in process of putting finishing touches on cabin cruiser; man using hand brace and bit; boat chri...
29) 414
Ice Harvest, Bangor
Amateur footage. Ice harvest operation at Bangor Ice Company.
13) 1101
Townsend Ice Cutting 1992 and Fitch[burg] Ice Cutting 1992
Program for 'Uncommon View,' a weekly series on Channel 36, Fitchburg, Mass. cable channel. Shows ice cutting demonstration by Phil Whitney in Fitchburg and Townsend, Mass.
31) 1108.0027
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 27
Reel 27. // Archie Stewart can notes: '1. Cutting ice. Very interesting. Old #11 Coldan Street fire & Fellowcraft. Of some historical interest.' Screening notes: Intertitle...
16) 1108.0035
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 035
Can notes for Reel 35: Winter 1933-34. Starts Xmas 1933. Grandpa the archer. Archie sleeping out. Kid's snow house. Willie Anderson. Kids at 350. Cameron's Packard. Nice. 1-Chri...;NHF viewing notes for Reel 35: Silent, B&W. Grandfather Warden and Archie kneeling on carpeted floor setting up toy train set. Pan of pile of presents beside Christmas tree:...
16) 1147.0011
[production P-68]
NHF transfer notes as follows. Production ('P') numbers are Museum-assigned. Can/reel notes appear in quotes. P-68 (18 fps, 9:00): 'Ice Harvesting, Blue Mountain Lake School, Ro...
17) 1201
[Frederic Stetson--home movies]
Kenduskeag Stream ice harvest: Old car driving down road. Pan of snowy ground including cut logs. Ice cutting with hand-pushed power cutter. Ice blocks going up belt.
7) 1202.0001 cat.5044-03-HINK-40
[Scenes at Hinckley School for Boys]
Farming scenes with tractor and various machinery. Boys pick and bag potatoes. Truck picks boys up. Sheep farming with lambs, ewes; sheep herding, chicken farming with CU's of c...
3) 1206.0004
[Laurence Bray--home movies] Reel 4
Harbor. Snowy woods and houses. Man pushing power snow shovel. Downtown Boston. Rural yard. Boston Harbor. Rural snow scene. Slow pan of snowy trees and street. Family watching ...
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