629 work results

1) 0165.PC1 Firewood Harvest, reel #1
No description available
2) 0165.PC2 Firewood Harvest, part 1
First of two parts on the growing public interest in use of wood for home heating and the availability of firewood in light of current forest management practices. Also examines...
3) 0166.PC1 Firewood Harvest, reel #2
No description available
4) 0166.PC2 Firewood Harvest, part 2
Second of two parts on the growing public interest in use of wood for home heating and the availability of firewood in light of current forest management practices. Also examine...
5) 0167.0001 Single Parents
dubbed LC list 1991, videorecording, not in LC collection;Teenaged parents talk about the problems of pregnancy and child rearing, and the support they find among friends, family, AFDC and the local community; Project Advance participa...;Credits: Words and Music by David Whitney; Music Records Engineer, William Moseley; Interviewer, Karen Saum; Audio, Arthur Mayers; Production assistant, Sally Bartram; Camera, P...
6) 0168.0001 Urban Youth
dubbed. LC list 1991, videorecording, not in LC collection.
22) 0169.0001 Young Offenders
Episode #5 in series. // Interviews with young offenders and staff people in the Maine criminal justice system.
12) 0170.0001 Her Story
9) 0171.0001 Our Heritage
10) 0172.0001 Changes
master-original. Children and adults who live near the nuclear power plant talk about the accident at the Three Mile Island.
8) 0173.0001 Introduction of Code and Rules of Justification
'The Maine Criminal Code Education Project: A Discussion of the New Criminal Code' by Professor Fox, chief counsel, Maine Criminal Law Revision Commission. Explanation of Maine ...
12) 0174.0001 Crimes Interfering [with] Law Enforcement
'The Maine Criminal Code Education Project: A Discussion of the New Criminal Code' by Professor Fox, chief counsel, Maine Criminal Law Revision Commission. The program intends t...
13) 0175.0001 Maine Women's Conference
2 in. tape dubbed from original 3/4 in. ;Conference at Colby College sponsored by Maine Civil Liberties Union. Speakers and Interviews that include Janet Mills, Maine Civil Liberties Union; Dr. Sonya Rose, Colby Colleg...
14) 0176.0001 On Campus
original;Historical dates are provided in voiceover with snowy views of University of Maine, Ft. Kent as an introduction to remarks about the campus by UMFK president Dr. Richard J. Spat...;Credits: Directed by Charles Halsted; Edited by James Garvin; Engineering by Herb Dean, Paul Martin, Rome Thibeault; Still photography by Keary Nichols;
15) 0177.0001 Men's Corrections, A Profile
master. An overview of Maine's correctional institutions. Includes segment on the Waterville Community Justice Project (this segment, Acc. 0178, had been transferred earlier to ...
12) 0178.0001 Men's Corrections, part #3. A profile of the Waterville Community Project
This program series is a demonstration project in crime prevention, stressing early intervention. This segment focuses on the program at the Waterville Community Justice Project...
13) 0179.0001 Citizen's Town Meeting
A town meeting-style gathering organized and aired by MPBN on land use, health care, the effects of in- and out-migration, and other topics affecting life in Maine.
18) 0180.0001 Factors Affecting Maine's Economy
Record/edit dates: February 14 & 21, 1973. // Dramatization of meeting between developers and bankers regarding creation of modular housing development in Maine. Developers are ...
15) 0181.0001 Labor and Labor Unions in Maine: An Individual's Viewpoint
Transferred from film. Dramatization of working life in paper mill. Scenes include union meeting, grievance committee, mill work, workplace union discussions
20) 0182.0001 [Collage: Ram Island Dance, Constance Hunting and Tom Hoffman]
Episode #131. Record date: May 21, 1980. Air date: May 21, 1980. // Profile of the Ram Island Dance Center in Portland. Dancers speaks about the studio and their reasons for dan...
21) 0183.0001 Diabetes: A Maine Perspective
Bernie Rosetti hosts a panel discussion about diabetes in Maine. Panelists are Pomeroy Sinnick (Project Director, Diabetes Control Project), Laura Bailey (Pine Tree Diabetes Ass...
22) 0184.0001 Quebec Question Promo
original. #1 kill after 4-11-00, #2 k.a. 4-18-00, #3 k.a. 4-25-00
23) 0185.0001 Quebec Question Program #2
Panel discussion on 'Quebec and the Federal Option' and future of French-speaking Canada. Panelists: Marcel Pepin, editor, Le Soleil (Quebec City newspaper); Rosemary Nelson, UM...
24) 0186.0001 Displaced Homemakers
A program about the Displaced Homemakers Project at the University of Maine at Augusta. The project helps women to support themselves after divorce or the death of a spouse.
2) 0187.0001 Woodburners, Parts 1 and 2
Elizabeth Swain (Maine Audobon Society) hosts a program about woodburning stoves, sponsored by the Maine Audobon Society and the Northeast Solar Center. Swain interviews John Vi...
3) 0188.0001 Woodburners, reel #2
No description available
27) 0189.0001 Maine Stream Jazz
In studio performance by Don Stratton's Jazz Band
28) 0190.0001 The Last Epidemic and Follow Up
Excerpts from a conference on medical consequences of nuclear weapons and nuclear war (at San Francisco), followed by MPBN panel discussion.
10) 0191.0001 Half Moon Cove: Tidal Power Project, Wickeegan
No description available
30) 0192.0001 The Office of the Governor: In Transition
News story on transition from administration of Governor Longley to Brennan. Review and analysis of James Longley administration. Speeches by Longley about spending moratorium a...
31) 0193.0001 Maine's Resources: The Future with E. Dodge and D. Smith
Betacam SP copy made at Vidipax, 2003.;The last of three programs, this episode features the future of Maine's resources to be discussed by David Smith, University of Maine, and Earnest Dodge, Peabody Marine Museum; ...
3) 0194.0001 On Campus: Colby's Jan Plan
No description available
33) 0195.0001 Summer Theater in Maine
This program focuses on the history of professional theater in Maine. It includes a segment of the history of the Lakewood Theater in Skowhegan. Terry Flettrich (host) interview...
34) 0196.0001 You Be the Judge
This program is a public affairs program focusing on criminal sentencing. It aims to help citizens understand the sentencing process through a simulated crime and sentencing. Th...
35) 0197.0001 Energy Lecture
Amory Levins lectures on the use of soft technologies and alternative fuel sources to deal with the increasing demand for energy.
6) 0198.0001 Collage #132
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