19 work results

28) 2447.0001 Richard Hale Collection Reel 1
Intertitle: “Photographed by WM. H.MC Gill, President Lombard and Company Incorporated Boston Montreal” Footage of a forest fire interspersed with title cards explaining that i...
2) 2447.0002 Richard Hale Collection Reel 2
Footage of horses pulling a raft full of equipment across a river. A shot of a small waterfall from a canoe. A man pulls a moose onto a barge and then carries it across the sh...
92) 2447.0006 Richard Hale Collection Reel 6
Footage of a large bird coop and a fawn in a pen. A group of men pose and joke for the camera. A shot of a saw mill, the adjacent river full of logs and the nearby town. Foot...
4) 2447.0009 Forestry for 4H
Footage of a group of children at R. Leon Williams Lumber Co. including the group gathered around an older man, learning how to measure the width of logs from two other men, wat...
3) 2447.0012 Richard Hale Collection Reel 12
Footage of logs, or pulp length, floating down a river. Footage of workers using a large mechanized saw to cut logs. Two shots of a large body of water filled with logs. Foot...
6) 2447.0013 Richard Hale Collection Reel 13
Shots of a bridge, the river below it and the trees along the river. Footage of river drivers in boats and along the shore pushing logs along a river with pick poles. A shot o...
25) 2447.0014 Richard Hale Collection Reel 14
Footage of a few rivers and lakes. Footage of trees along a small road in the forest. Two shots of logs floating in water. Footage of trees. Notes on can: “Crane Lbr. Co. Lo...
8) 2447.0015 Richard Hale Collection Reel 15
A shot of river drivers in boats with pick poles. A shot of tree tops. Footage of logs floating through rapids, including a shot of men on a bridge watching them. Notes on ca...
17) 2447.0017 Richard Hale Collection Reel 17
Footage of deer, including a man petting one. Footage of loggers cutting down trees with chain saws and axes and surveying trees in the forest. Footage of river drivers in boa...
29) 2447.0019 Western Logging Then.. and Now
Footage of loggers chopping down a tree using hand saws and axes and oxen pulling the downed tree to show what logging was like in the late 1800s. A shot of photos in a photo a...
30) 2447.0020 From Trees to Paper
Footage of forests and loggers cutting down a tree. Footage of tree seedlings, seeds and pine cones. Footage of men planting tree seedlings on a hill and with a tree planting ...
12) 2447.0021 Scenes from Summer Camp
Extensive footage of students at the University of Maine’s Forestry Camp learning and practicing their trade. Footage includes classes taught by professors, park rangers and in...
13) 2447.0022 Richard Hale Collection Reel 22
Extensive footage of students at the University of Maine’s Forestry Camp learning and practicing their trade. Footage includes students working with a small, outdoor stone fire...
7) 2447.0024 In These Woods
In These Woods is a film about woodsmen working in the forests of the Northwest region of the United States. The film includes extensive footage of loggers chopping down trees ...
15) 2447.0025 Richard Hale Collection Reel 25
Two shots of a sign for the Indian Township timber and recreation area. Footage of men loading logs onto a truck. A few shots of a group of men. Footage of men in hardhats an...
16) 2447.0027 Richard Hale Collection Reel 27
Footage of loggers cutting down and trimming trees and counting the rings on a stump. Footage of a saw mill including workers operating machinery, hauling logs in from the wate...
19) 2447.0028 Richard Hale Collection Reel 28
This reel contains re-edited footage from Reel 27 of the Richard Hale Collection. Please see item 2447.0028 of the Richard Hale Collection for the complete footage. Two shots ...
18) 2447.0029 Richard Hale Collection Reel 29
This reel contains re-edited footage from Reel 27 of the Richard Hale Collection. Please see item 2447.0028 of the Richard Hale Collection for complete footage.
19) 2447.0030 Richard Hale Collection Reel 30
Footage of various pieces of logging equipment being demonstrated to onlookers. Footage of the inner workings of a variety of saw mills including workers cutting logs and a var...
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