Jabberwocky - Your Body #J63

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September 24 1972
Jabberwocky; You Body J163; Rec. Date 7-80; #63
Jabberwocky: Your Body; Trina and Carl are doing a work out, but Frank says he doesn't need to work out; theme song; they return from their jog and get ready to do the show; Trina and Carl explain to Frank about breathing, when the lungs and heart work together so that the body can do things; a film about disease introduces the idea of the unseen but contagious; a Jabberwocky production demonstrates how germs might move around; Tim Johnson visits with Trina, Carl, Frank and others to talk about the parts of the heart and how it works;
Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dan Kolsrud; Associate Producer: Shelagh Gordon; Assistant Director: Alex Frisbee; Production Assts. Jill Katz, Josie McGuire; Jabberwocky Theme: David Lucas; Animation Director: Tom Jurkoski; Writer: Adam A. Villone; Consultant: Jerome Kagan, Ph.D., Harvard Social Relations

2 Copies
