12 work results

35) 2716.0125 Body Works - Ears #6
X-320 WCVB Code 6 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Show #6 - "Ears" Playback captioned;The Ear: Three young people explore the inner workings of ears, and hearing loss through the experience of companion deaf student.;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced & Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson, William C. Brenna...
11) 2716.0126 Body Works - Eyes #7
Master X-324 WCVB Code 14 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Eyes House Mix Master w/o Breaks #7 Rec Date: 5-5-80 Air Date: TBA;Eyes; Two young people explore how light acts as both waves and rays, and how these have effects on human eyes; they learn about Braille and how to "see" without sight. ;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by William C. Brennan; Written by Dr. Timothy Johnson, William C. Brenna...
26) 2716.0127 Body Works - Nervous System #8
X-325 WCVB Code 7 Series Title: Nervous System House Mix / Master w/o Breaks #8 Rec Date :7-2/80 Air Date: TBA;Nervous system; Two young people explore the way the brain and the spinal cord work together as a system of neurons; they experience a lie detector test and the life of another ...;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson, William C. Bren...
4) 2716.0128 Body Works - The Brain #9
X-33- WCVB Code 8 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: "The Brain" #9 House Mix Master w/o Breaks Rec Date: 8-26-80 Air Date: -;Slate: “The Body Works show no. 9 The Brain var: 2367 prod/dir: Brennan”. Title: “The Body Works”. Dr. Timothy Johnson teaches viewers about the human brain. Dr. Johnson in the ...;Credits: The Body Works with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by William C. Brennan; Written by Dr. Timothy Johnson, William C. Brennan...
28) 2716.0129 Body Works - The Skin #10
X-335 WCVB Code 9 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: "The Skin" House Copy for Dubs Show #10 Rec Date: 10-20-80 Air Date: -;The Skin; Two young people explore the largest organ of the body that protects and regulates many of body's functions; they learn about how sun and temperature affect skin's cel...;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced by: William C. Brennan, Adelita S. Moore; Directed by: James Field; Written by: Dr. T...
7) 2716.0773 Jabberwocky - Farms #J47
Jabberwocky; Farms; J47; J-147; Rec. date 4-80
8) 2716.0883 Jabberwocky - Forests #J106
Jabberwocky; Forests; #106; J206; Rec. date 12-80; ;Jabberwocky: Forests; Frank reminds everyone that forest fires are preventable; theme song; Frank introduces Tucker to Sherman the tree; Mr. Buchanan asks Frank about Sherman, a...;Credits: Cast: Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Tucker Smallwood, Jobeth Williams; Executive Producer: Gail Frank; Producer-Director: Dan Kolsrud; Writer: Joseph A. Bailey; Associate ...
9) 2716.0885 Jabberwocky - Hot & Cold #J107
Jabberwocky J207 "Hot & Cold: #107 Rec. 12-80
10) 2716.0887 Jabberwocky - Choosing Friends #J108
Jabberwocky; Choosing Friends; Show #108; J208; Rec. date 12-80;Jabberwocky: Choosing Friends; commercials included in taping; Francisco mistakes Frank for "Lefty Clamisky" in Calcutta; Tucker is introduced to Francisco, and Francisco offers...
2) 2716.1089 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - "Eli and the Whale"
X-1045 Eli & The Whale Captain Bob Special Pilot Rec. Date: 6-9-80 Air Date: TBA Whale Footage Film Xfer;Stock footage of whales, collecting whale oil, and scenes of whales performing in captivity at Marineland of the Pacific, from ‘Barstow Travel Adventure, Wethersfield Connecticu...
12) 2716.1090 [Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Eli and the Whale--Field Tape and cutaways]
X-1048 Eli & The Whale Master Captain Bob Special Pilot Rec Date: 6-17-80 Air Date: TBA Field Tape w/ SOT - VO's & Cut Aways "Field tape w/sot-Vos and cut aways";Multiple outtakes of Captain Bob for the episode “Eli and the Whale”. Some takes have sound but no image. Also includes credits, intertitles and stock footage of whales.;Credits: Drawn and Hosted by: Captain Bob Cottle; Voices: Captain Bob Cottle, Steve Dunn, Conrad Jameson, Frances Kelley, Bill Paul, Michael Simons; Produced by: Captain Bob Cot...
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