Body Works - Eyes #7

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May 5 1980
Master X-324 WCVB Code 14 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Eyes House Mix Master w/o Breaks #7 Rec Date: 5-5-80 Air Date: TBA
Eyes; Two young people explore how light acts as both waves and rays, and how these have effects on human eyes; they learn about Braille and how to "see" without sight.
Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by William C. Brennan; Written by Dr. Timothy Johnson, William C. Brennan; Under the Medical Supervision of Dr. Timothy Johnson; Associate Producer: Adelita S. Moore; Assistant Director: Jim Lowell; Music by: John Nagy / Mark Holden / Tom Phillips, The Mixing Lab; Videotape Editor: Rob Roy; Lighting Director: Dick McNamara; Technical Production Crew: Keith Jardine, Cal Hoyle, Dick Erickson, Roger Rice, Russ Cooper, Al Giglio, Kif Williams; Cinematographer: Bob King; Graphics: Kenelmn W. Harris, Jr., Assistant to the Producer: L. Jeffrey Lowenstein; Children’s Liaison: Donna M. Moore; Consultants: Dr. Thomas Hutchinson, Larry White, Richard W. Bishop; The Producer Gratefully Acknowledges the Assistance of: Babson College, The Needham Schools, Perkins School for the Blind; Program Administrator: Joy McGugan; Executive Producer: Steve Schlow; Program Executive: Bruce R. Marson

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