25 work results

1) 2716.1096 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Game Birds #3
Captain Bob - Game Birds No. 3 Rec. 7/27/85;Slate: Captain Bob Show VT# 0369 Show# 3 Air: TBA Rec: 9/22/74 Dir: Gosey Remarks: Game Byrds”. Title: “The Capt Bob Show”. Captain Bob teaches about game birds and demonstrates...;Credits: Credits: Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
2) 2716.1104 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Flamingo #8
Captain Bob CB 8 Flamingo No. 8 Rec. 8/4/85;Slate: “Capt. Bob VT# 0724 Show# 8 Air: T.B.A. Rec: 10/13/74 Dir: Frisbie Remarks: Flamingo”. Title: “The Capt Bob Show”. Captain Bob teaches viewers about flamingos. He demonst...;Credits: The Capt Bob Show; Created by Bob Cottle; Diected by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
3) 2716.1115 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Canadian Goose #21
Captain Bob CB21 The Canadian Goose No. 21 Rec. 1/1/86;Slate: “Prod Nature World of Capt. Bob VT 292 Air: TBA Rec: 2/8/75 Dir: Gosey”. Title: “The Nature World of Capt Bob”. Includes a 30 second promo at the start. Captain Bob teach...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
33) 2716.1118 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Parrot #24
Dub Captain Bob CB24 The Parrot No. 24 Rec. 2/8/86 [label crossed out];Slate: “Nature World of Capt Bob VT# 0293 Cut 2 Air” TBA Re: 3/1/75 Dir: Gosey”. Title: The Nature World of Capt Bob”. Captain Bob teaches about parrots and pirates, and demonst...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
5) 2716.1140 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Hornbill #50
Captain Bob CB50 The Hornbill No. 50 Rec. 4/20/85;Slate: ‘Captain Bob VT# 1010 Show# 50 Air: TBA Rec: 9/2/75 Dir: Gosey Remarks: Horn-Bill’. Title: ‘The Nature World of Capt Bob’. Captain Bob teaches viewers about the horn bill...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
6) 2716.1146 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Fairy Tern #56
Captain Bob CB56 The Fairy Tern No. 56 Rec. 10/26/85;Slate: ‘Drawing From Nature VT# 1016 Show# 56 Air: Rec: 10-5-75 Dir Gosey Remarks: The Fairy Tern’. Title: ‘Drawing From Nature, Bob Cottle’. Captain Bob teaches viewers about s...;Credits: Drawing From Nature; Bob Cottle; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
7) 2716.1150 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Osprey #60
Captain Bob CB60 The Osprey No. 60 Rec. 12/15/85;Starts with a 30 second promo. Slate: “Prod Drawing From Nature; VT# 1020 Show# 60 Air: T.B.A. Rec: 11-8-75 Dir: Gosey Remarks: Osprey”. Title: “Drawing From Nature with Capt Bo...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
9) 2716.1155 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Bird #64
Captain Bob Show #64 The Bird;Slate: “Drawing From Nature VT# 1024 Air: TBA Show# 64”. Title: “Drawing From Nature”. Captain Bob teaches viewers about birds, and demonstrates how to draw a horned owl. He sho...;Credits: Drawings From Nature; Directed by Alex Frisbie; with Capt Bob Cottle; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
10) 2716.1158 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Flightless Birds #66
Dub Captain Bob CB66 Flightless Birds No. 66 Rec. 3/2/86;Slate: ‘Drawing From Nature VT# 1076 Show# 66 Air: TBA’. Title: ‘Drawing From Nature’. Captain Bob teaches viewers about flightless birds, including the ostrich, the cassowary, ...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
309) 2716.1170 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Birds #78
Captain Bob CB 78 Birds No. 78 Rec. 1/12/85;Slate: “Prod Capt Bob VT# 1098 Cut 2 Show# 78 Air: TBA Rec: 2-8 Dir: Frisbie Remarks: Birds Show”. Title: “Drawing From Nature”. Captain Bob teaches viewers about birds and demo...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
310) 2716.1181 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Birds: In Line and Color #87
Captain Bob CB87 Birds : Line and Color No. 87 Rec. 4/27/85;Slate: ‘Drawing From Nature’ “Birds” VRT: 1167 Show: 87 Dir: Frisbie’. Title: ‘Drawing From Nature’. Captain Bob uses drawings of birds to teach fundamentals of line art and col...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
14) 2716.1193 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Penguins #95
Captain Bob Penguins Show #95 10/4/99 Rec. 7/21/85;Slate: “Drawing From Nature VTR 1170 Show 95 About Penguins Rec: 7/25/1976 Air: TBA Dir: Frisbie”. Title: “Drawing From Nature”. Captain Bob teaches about penguins and demonstra...;Credits: Drawing From Nature; With Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
16) 2716.1198 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Hummingbirds #98
Captain Bob - Hummingbirds Show 98 Rec. 8/24/85;Slate: “Drawing From Nature VT: 1257 Show 98 About Hummingbirds Air: TBA :30 Promo”. Includes a 30 second promo before the episode. Slate: “Drawing From Nature VT: 1257 Show 98 ...;Credits: Drawing From Nature; With Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
312) 2716.1202 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Birds: The Kingfisher #101
Captain Bob CB 101 Birds: The Kingfisher No. 101 Rec. 6/9/85;Slate: “Drawing From Nature VTR 1260 Show 101 Birds: The Kingfisher Air ; TBA Dir; Frisbie”. Title: “Drawing From Nature”. Captain Bob teaches about birds and demonstrates how t...;Credits: Drawing From Nature; With Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
18) 2716.1211 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Herring Gull #108
Captain Bob 108 The Herring Full No. 108 Rec. 8/18/85;Title: “Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle”. Captain Bob teaches about seagulls and demonstrates how to draw a scene of a lighthouse with gulls. (Brant Point Light, Nantuc...;Credits: Drawing From Nature; With Capt Bob Cottle; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
311) 2716.1213 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Birds on the Wing #110
Captain Bob CB 110 Birds on the Wing No. 110 Rec. 9/14/85;Slate: “Prod Capt. Bob VT# 1341 Show# 110 Air: TBA”. Title: “Drawing From Nature with Captain Bob Cottle”. Captain Bob teaches about birds and demonstrates how to draw a barn ow...;Credits: Drawing From Nature; With Capt Bob Cottle; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
35) 2716.1239 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Sea Birds #137
Captain Bob Show #137 Sea Birds Rec. 1/6/85 - 12/2/99;Slate: “Captain Bob Pgm. 137 Vtr. 1543 Rec. Date. 7/9/77 Air Date: 7/17/77 Dir. Frisbie”. Title: “Drawing From Nature”. Captain Bob teaches viewers about various sea birds, incl...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
23) 2716.1249 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - About Quail #146
Captain Bob CB 146 About Quail no. 146 Rec. 4/13/85;Slate: “Captain Bob VTR 1590 air TBA dir Frisbie”. Title: “Drawing From Nature”. Captain Bob teaches about quail and demonstrates how to draw one. He showcases drawings sent in ...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frizbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
24) 2716.3431 Chronicle - MSBR/ Monomoy Island
Aircheck;MSBR/ Monomoy Island; commercials included; no one lives on the island any more since 1944; an island survey is done each year of the bird colonies; the island is classified as ...;In the studio Andria Hall; Peter Mehegan; Bob Geballe; Bob Comiskey; Art Donahue; Alice Daley; Bob Hakkila; Wayne Smith; Nina Hasin; Curt Reichenbach; Dave Teixeira; Chris Stirl...
25) 2716.3751 Chronicle - Chuck/ Birds
Aircheck;Chuck/ Birds; Birds of Autumn; Rock Harbor, Cape Cod, and bird watching begins a litany of views along so many northeastern shores; Wayne Petersen names so many varieties of duc...;Advertisements include Filene's; Star Market; BayBank; DiGiorno; LifeSign; TJMaxx; Schweppes; In the studio Chuck Kraemer; Natalie Jacobson, Peter Mehegan; Gregg Kidd; Joe Mozd...
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