48 work results

1) 0252.0006-.0012 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reels 6-12
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 6: (400 ft) 'FDR, cherry blossoms, White House, Washington monuments 1929-30.' Washington DC. ...
17) 0252.0083 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 83
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 83: (100 ft., dc 1938) Color. Navy warships. At sea.
8) 0252.0084 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 84
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 84: (100 ft., dc 1938) Color. Navy ship leaving New York harbor. Officers with pigeon.
26) 0252.0092 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 92
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 92: (100 ft., dc 1939) Color. Navy sick bay.
28) 0763.0001 [Ernest Broadbent--home movies]
NHF viewing notes with donor's explanations in quotes: Segment 1: (col., 2 min.) Man and dog. Family playing with dog. 'Friends getting together at a friend's cottage in Dennisp...
5) 0780.0007 [Sawyer--home movies] Reel 007
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows (box/reel notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned). Reel 7: 'German band & Planes ; 1941'. Length 5:45. b&w.;Musical band of German soldiers giving a concert outdoors at some kind of camp for audience of mostly women and young children. People crossing a river or stream on a makeshift ...
36) 0780.0036 [World War Two footage] Reel 036
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows; reel numbers are NHF-assigned: Reel 36: Length 1:33. b&w.;Shows German soldiers building a track in the woods in order to move a piece of equipment on wheels.
35) 0780.0037 [World War Two footage] Reel 037
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows; reel numbers are NHF-assigned: Reel 37: Length 2:53. b&w.;German soldiers on foot and on horses. Horse drawn wagons carrying military equipment. Motorcycle with sidecar, and trucks.
36) 0780.0038 [World War Two footage] Reel 038
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows; reel numbers are NHF-assigned: Reel 38: Length 2:52. b&w.;Soldiers marching on foot. Horse drawn wagons and carts.
1) 0780.0039 [World War Two footage] Reel 039
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows; reel numbers are NHF-assigned: Reel 39: Length 2:12. b&w.;German soldiers marching through rural village. Close ups of soldiers' faces. Soldiers bathing in stream, many of them look very young.
6) 0813.0373 [Vietnam War Footage]
Army advisors and ARVN army capture Viet Cong. // U.S. and South Vietnamese troops standing beside captured Viet Cong. Also footage from and beside large Sikorsky-type helicopte...
10) 0813.0377 British Fleet to Kuwait
News story dated 07-03-61. Aircraft carrier and battle ships.
17) 0813.0406 Army Exhibit Van in Portland
News story dated 06-17-68.;Silent footage of protesters outside the U.S. Army Exhibit from Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA.
25) 0813.0428 [Naval Officers Arrive at Installation]
News story dated 08-09-68.;Silent footage of naval officers in formal whites arriving to full salutes;
2) 0813.0441 [Brunswick Naval Air Station Parachuting Interview]
News story dated 08-24-68. Reporter interviews sergeant.
6) 0813.0445 [Navy Helicopter Takes Off to Search for Missing Person]
News story dated 09-23-68.
14) 0813.0525 [Navy Ship Anchored]
News story dated 12-04-68.
20) 0813.0545 [Military Man Speaks at Banquet]
News story dated 12-10-68.
23) 0813.0570 [Elderly Woman and Daughter Fly to West Coast to See Son on Military Ship]
News story dated 12-23-68. Possibly man was on the Pueblo.
18) 0813.0601 [Doctor on Project Thank-You for Soldiers in Vietnam]
News story dated 1-10-69.
16) 0842.0035 Coral Sea Battle
One reel: 'Castle Films News Parade, Coral Sea Battle,' ca.1944.
34) 0901.0001 [Maine National Guard footage]
Factual footage of field artillery activities and life in the Maine National Guard. Troops shown include the 152nd Field Artillery, the 172nd Infantry and the 103rd Infantry div...
31) 96-031 Bataille Infernale Dans le Pacifique, Attack Battle for New Britain (parts 1 and 2)
Three newsreel films: 'Bataille Infernale Dans Le Pacifique' (in French, 700 ft., Pathe Industries) 'Attack Battle for New Britain,' Part 1 (1000 ft., Consolidated Film Industri...
33) 1014.0001-.0002 [Meyer Davis--home movies]
NHF cataloguer's notes, 6/97: 00:01: People gathered in front of church. Bishop (?) with large flag. 00:25: Cemetery, American flag. 00:50: Officials leading parade (France?). 0...
25) 1020.0001 Timber for Tojo
Collection-level description: a factual film about the wood products industry in Maine during World War II. Documentary footage of woodswork related to production of ammunition ...
7) 1108.0121 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 121
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 121 The President [Eisenhower] at Stewart Air Force Base. Screening notes: Pan of United States Air Force plane on runway, service truck. VS pla...
19) 1154.0004 Trip on Pequot, August 1927--Arthur Race--home movies. Reel 4
"Trip on Pequot--August 1927." ;Boston waterfront (navy yard?). Harbor shipping. Airplane overhead. Shots aboard ship. Crew cleaning. Officers on bridge of ship. Passing light buoy. Seaplane passes by ship. Ac...
8) 1229.0011 [Charles Gilbert--home movies] NHF Reel 011
NHF Cataloguer's notes as follows. Intertitles in quotes; film box dates/notes in parentheses. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 11: (Edgewater Inn). (1929). (46:49). Two wome...
16) 1229.0016 [Charles Gilbert--home movies] NHF Reel 016
NHF Cataloguer's notes as follows. Intertitles in quotes; film box dates/notes in parentheses. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 16: (New York). (1929). (9:00) Three groups of...
15) 1232.0004 Operation Cue (NHF Reel 4)
NHF notes: 4. 'Operation Cue,' a presentation of the Federal Civil Defense Administration
16) 1232.0005 AAF Combat Weekly Digest #67 (NHF Reel 5)
U.S. federal government civil defense film. NHF notes: 5. AAF [Army Air Force] Combat Weekly Digest #67, 29 Jan 1945
17) 1232.0006 AAF Combat Weekly Digest #85 (NHF Reel 6)
U.S. federal government civil defense film. NHF notes: 6. AAF Combat Weekly Digest #85, 4 Jun 1945
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