9 work results

681) 1250 [NHF Compilation: 'Maine selections']
Ca.1990 NHF compilation of Maine-related footage, taken from various NHF collections. The tape contains: 1. Everett Johnson Collection, cat.no.5241-01-JOHN-43, Cutting Ice 1943,...
5) 1250.0003 [NHF Compilation - Maine Subjects Selections]
VHS reference tape. 1988 NHF compilation of Maine Subjects footage dated 1901-1969, 16 segments taken from four collections. This tape contains: 1. [Everett Johnson Collection],...
3) 1250.0006 [NHF Compilation - Maine Selections]
VHS reference tape. Ca.1990 NHF compilation of Maine-related footage, taken from various NHF collections. The tape contains: 1. Library of Congress Paper Print Collection, cat.n...
24) 1250.0007 [NHF Compilation - Maine Selections]
VHS reference tape. Ca.1990 NHF compilation of Maine-related footage, taken from various NHF collections. The tape contains: 1. Everett Johnson Collection, cat.no.5241-01-JOHN-4...
25) 1250.0010 [NHF Compilation - Samples From the Collection]
VHS reference tape. 1988 NHF compilation of samples from various NHF collections. The tape contains: 1. Library of Congress Paper Print Collection, Drawing a Lobster pot, 1902, ...
6) 1463.0001 Ice Harvesting Sampler (Production Materials)
1991 NHF compilation of archival ice harvesting footage from several collections that date 1920s-1940s. 'This compilation shows newsreel and amateur footage of ice harvesting on...
4) 1463.0002 Ice Harvesting Sampler DISTRIBUTION MASTER
DISTRIBUTION MASTER. // 1994 NHF compilation with narration of archival ice harvesting footage from several collections that date 1920s-1940s. 'This compilation shows newsreel a...
5) 2195.0002 [Earliest Massachusetts Films--elements] Tape 2
LOC compilation tape 2 of 2 featuring early Massachusetts films. // Footage includes: 'Yale-Harvard Boat Race, New London CT 1906,' 'Launching of the Salem at the Fore River Shi...
34) 2195.0003 [Earliest Massachusetts Films--elements] Tape 3
Dub from Stephen Kharfen tape originally from LOC. Compilation tape featuring miscellaneous early Massachusetts films that also appear on 2195.0001 and 2195.0002.
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