22 work results

28) 0300 cat. 5269-01-GOLF-23 Driver No. 1
Golfers demonstrate drives, putts, stymies and other shots in slow motion. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
12) 0676 cat. 5287-01-TOUR-88 The Maine Coast: A Video Tour
Pounding surf, rocky coast, field, lobster traps, boats, windjammers. People on cruise. Lighthouses and keeper. Lobstermen at dawn. Hauling traps. Plugging lobsters' claws. Lobs...
3) 1250 [NHF Compilation: 'cowboy selections']
1997 NHF compilation of cowboy footage dated 1930s-1950s, five segments taken from five collections. (Segments are described fully in separate ProCite records at each collection...
1) 1250 [NHF Compilation: 'Maine selections']
Ca.1990 NHF compilation of Maine-related footage, taken from various NHF collections. The tape contains: 1. Everett Johnson Collection, cat.no.5241-01-JOHN-43, Cutting Ice 1943,...
105) 1250.0003 [NHF Compilation - Maine Subjects Selections]
VHS reference tape. 1988 NHF compilation of Maine Subjects footage dated 1901-1969, 16 segments taken from four collections. This tape contains: 1. [Everett Johnson Collection],...
23) 1250.0006 [NHF Compilation - Maine Selections]
VHS reference tape. Ca.1990 NHF compilation of Maine-related footage, taken from various NHF collections. The tape contains: 1. Library of Congress Paper Print Collection, cat.n...
4) 1250.0007 [NHF Compilation - Maine Selections]
VHS reference tape. Ca.1990 NHF compilation of Maine-related footage, taken from various NHF collections. The tape contains: 1. Everett Johnson Collection, cat.no.5241-01-JOHN-4...
5) 1250.0010 [NHF Compilation - Samples From the Collection]
VHS reference tape. 1988 NHF compilation of samples from various NHF collections. The tape contains: 1. Library of Congress Paper Print Collection, Drawing a Lobster pot, 1902, ...
2) 1461 Maine's TV Time Machine
General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection. Compiles WABI-TV, Bangor news and commercials from the 1950s and 1960s. Includes segments o...
6) 1461.0001 Maine's Television Time Machine
Broadcast version of Maine's Television Time Machine. // Created 01/02/1991. // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection. Compiles WA...
21) 1461.0002 Maine's Television Time Machine
Maine's Television Time Machine 'Version 2.' // Created 05/01/1989. // Formerly Distribution Master. // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor Historical Society/WABI...
26) 1461.0003 Maine's Television Time Machine DISTRIBUTION MASTER
DISTRIBUTION MASTER of Maine's Television Time Machine. // Created 10/27/1989. // New NHF 'tag' added to tape 02/26/1996.' // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor H...
5) 1462.0001 [Earliest Maine Films]
Submaster, created 11/27/1991. // NHF compilation of archival footage from three collections, 'short pieces from the days when motion picture was young.' // The five segments ar...
6) 1462.0002 [Earliest Maine Films] DISTRIBUTION MASTER
DISTRIBUTION MASTER. // Created 10/30/1991, edited at UM. Has soundtrack. New tag added 02/26/1996. // Titles contain more dropout than submaster. // NHF compilation of archival...
27) 1463.0001 Ice Harvesting Sampler (Production Materials)
1991 NHF compilation of archival ice harvesting footage from several collections that date 1920s-1940s. 'This compilation shows newsreel and amateur footage of ice harvesting on...
7) 1463.0002 Ice Harvesting Sampler DISTRIBUTION MASTER
DISTRIBUTION MASTER. // 1994 NHF compilation with narration of archival ice harvesting footage from several collections that date 1920s-1940s. 'This compilation shows newsreel a...
1) 1511.0001 Pedal Power
VHS reference tape. Promotional tape for American Precision Museum exhibit on the history of the bicycle. Includes NHF archival footage from Archie Stewart Collection, Cameron B...
640) 1512.0001 Ultimate Outdoors
Promotional tape for ESPN sports channel (cable station). Includes NHF archival footage from Fogler Library Collection ('From Stump to Ship' footage). 'Air date 11/23/96.'
6) 1722.PC5 NESM Film Sampler and The Man in the Red Flannel Suit
Skiing is the subject of this compilation of short excerpts from films in the New England Ski Museum collection. The films range from the 1930s to the 1960s and cover a wide var...
26) 1772 An Unlikely Cathedral: Moosilauke, Dartmouth and the Ravine Camp, 1909-1939
Acc. 1772 is VHS copies of tapes already added to Reference by Mail collection. Documentary about Dartmouth College's 'mountain refuge, and the Ravine Lodge--one of the largest ...
33) 2195.0002 [Earliest Massachusetts Films--elements] Tape 2
LOC compilation tape 2 of 2 featuring early Massachusetts films. // Footage includes: 'Yale-Harvard Boat Race, New London CT 1906,' 'Launching of the Salem at the Fore River Shi...
9) 2195.0003 [Earliest Massachusetts Films--elements] Tape 3
Dub from Stephen Kharfen tape originally from LOC. Compilation tape featuring miscellaneous early Massachusetts films that also appear on 2195.0001 and 2195.0002.
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