37 work results

25) 2716.0004 [Calendar]
"CALENDAR is a [one-hour] program dealing with New England issues, people, and events in a television journal format." This episode covers solar energy, H.O.M.E. in Hancock cou...
7) 2716.0061 [Aqui - Bicultural Couples #141]
Aqui - Bicultural Couples #141; X5515; WCVB code 44; Rec date: 1-18-93;Bicultural relationships and the shift of what it means to "be home;' raising children in a bicultural household; bicultural households often mean inter-faith or multi-faith hou...;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Director: Donna Hennessey; Production Assistant: Jennifer Nieman; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jim Lowell; Technical Directors: Bayard...
7) 2716.0174 City Streets - The Promise
Master X3493 Program Title: The Promise ;Maya Angelou hosts a discussion about the meaning of the church to the Black community. This begins with a history of religion in Africa before it was brought to America and the...;Credits: The Promise; Host: Maya Angelou; Produced and Directed by: Karl Nurse; Written by: Steve Hussein, Shay Whitman; Associate Producer: Karen Holmes; Assistant Director: Em...
4) 2716.0398 Good Day - 15th Anniversary
Dub Master; Good Day 15th Anniversary;X5150; Rec date 1-22-89;Good Day 15th Anniversary; clips of several stars who have good things to say about the show before it begins; politicians from across the state, who are in the audience, are in...;Credits: Produced by Peggy Allen, Mark Gentile; Directed by Mark Gentile; Assistant Program Producer: Faith Sutter; Unit Manager: Mary Ellen Hayes; Associate Producers: Richard ...
30) 2716.0643 Good Day - #4457; Betty White; Tom Sullivan; Father Leo Booth
Master; Good Day, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1991; X2636; No. 4457; Rec date 10-9-91; Air date 10-10-91;Good Day; commercials included in taping; #4457; Betty White; Tom Sullivan; Father Leo Booth; Eileen Prose hosts; Betty White and Tom Sullivan remember Dinah, Tom's guide dog, a...;Advertisements include McCain Little Juice boxes, Oprah, McCain Healthy Slices, Franco-American Gravy, Buy Seller, James Sokolove & Affiliates, Jenny Craig, Pepperidge Farm, Sh...
6) 2716.0679 In Good Faith - Law and Order #70
In Good Faith - Law and Order #70; X5403; rec date: 8-7-91; air date: 8-11-91;Slate: “In Good Faith: Our Mean Street” Show 70, VTR: X5403 Rec. 8/7/91 Air. 8/11/91 Dir: Kidd; Clark Booth moderating; economic issues in urban Massachusetts; panel with three ...;Credits; Executive Producer: Dick Amaral; Director: Gregg Kidd; Producers: Curtis Poole and Ramsay Gifford.
7) 2716.0680 In Good Faith - Televangelists #85
In Good Faith - Televangelists #85; X5402; rec date: 12-11-91; air date: 12-15-91;Clark Booth; Ethics in televangelists is the topic of a panel for three guests, Anthony Campbell, Gordon Schultz, and Joseph Marchese; they assert that the medium of television ...;Credits: Executive Producer: Dick Amaral; Directed by: Gregg Kidd; Produced by: Ramsay Gifford; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr.; Audio: Joe Soucar; Camera: Dick Erick...
6) 2716.0681 [In Good Faith - Oliver Stones's JFK #90]
In Good Faith - #90; X5404;Oliver Stone's "JFK" movie is extensively reviewed by panelists Edward Rodman, Gordon Schultz, and Raymond Helmick, none of whom believes the Warren Commission Report on the ass...;Credits: Executive Producer: Dick Amaral; Directed by: Gregg Kidd; Produced by: Ramsay Gifford; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr.; ...
9) 2716.0682 In Good Faith - Breaking the Rules #93
In Good Faith - Breaking the Rules #93; X56593; rec date: 2-26-92; air date: 3-1-92;The issues in politics and the ways in which the national politicians are not responding to those issues is discussed by the panelists Nancy Kaufman, Gordon Schultz and Joseph W...;Credits: Executive Producer: Dick Amaral; Directed by: Gregg Kidd; Produced by: Ramsay Gifford; Assistant Director: Jim Lowell; Technical Director: Karen Lippert; Audio: Joe Sou...
5) 2716.0683 In Good Faith - Medical Ethics #102
In Good Faith - Medical Ethics #102; slate on tape in wrong X5920 is correct; rec date: 4-29-92; air date: 5-3-92;In Good Faith: End of Life; Who Decides; Clark Booth discusses the questions around who makes the decisions of when to die with Edward Rodman, Timothy Johnson, and Gordon Schult...;In the studio Dick Amaral, Gregg Kidd, Ramsay Gifford Frank Firnschild, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Joe Soucar, Linda Carp, Roger Paulson, Glen Getcher, Jerry Miltot, Jim Fripp, Ron...
11) 2716.0684 In Good Faith - #126 Miracles of Faith
In Good Faith - #126 Miracles of Faith; X5668; rec date: 11-25-92; air date: 11-29-92;Miracles and how to think about them are the topics for panelists Brian Leary, Peter Conley, and Ernest Collamati; the questions of power and manipulation are also discussed, al...;Credits: Executive Producer: Dick Amaral; Directed by Gregg Kidd; Produced by Ramsay Gifford; Assistant Director: Jim Lowell; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr.; Audio: ...
15) 2716.0685 In Good Faith - Separate & Equal? #132
In Good Faith - Separate & Equal? #132; X4347' rec date 1-20-93; air date: 2-7-93;In Good Faith: The Catholic Church and the questions of women serving equally within the church and the specific issues around women and families are discussed by Jane Redmont, ...;In the studio Dick Amarl, Gregg Kidd, Ramsay Gifford, Brian Pellicano, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Joe Soucar, Linda Carp Roger Paulson, Leroy McLaurin, Jerry Milot, Mary Newsham, D...
20) 2716.0686 In Good Faith - Islam #138
In Good Faith - Islam #138; X6121; rec date 3-20-93; air date: 3-14-93;Islam, in the face of terrorism, is discussed by panelists Raymond Helmick, Mian Ashraf, and Larry Lowenthal; though there is not a basis for expectation of animus inherent in I...;In the studio Dick Amarl, Gregg Kidd, Ramsay Gifford, Brian Pellicano, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Joe Soucar, Linda Carp Roger Paulson, Leroy McLaurin, Jerry Milot, Mary Newsham, D...
9) 2716.0687 In Good Faith - In the Name of God? #139
In Good Faith - In the Name of God? #139; rec date: 3-17-93; air date: 3-21-93; X5907;In Good Faith: In the Name of God; Peter Conley, Gordon Schultz and Nancy Kaufman talk about how vulnerable people fall under the spell of leadership like David Koresh; the use...;In the studio Dick Amarl, Gregg Kidd, Ramsay Gifford, Brian Pellicano, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Joe Soucar, Linda Carp Roger Paulson, Leroy McLaurin, Jerry Milot, Mary Newsham, D...
135) 2716.0688 In Good Faith - MLK Jr
In Good Faith - MLK jr; X6145; rec date 3-31-93; Air date: 4-4-93;The legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. is discussed by panelists Anthony Campbell, Walter Muelder, and John Cartwright all of whom teach at Boston University where King went to s...;In the studio Dick Amarl, Gregg Kidd, Ramsay Gifford, Brian Pellicano, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Joe Soucar, Ted Phillips, Jerry Milot, Mary Newsham, Debbie Therrien, A. Louis Gig...
16) 2716.0689 In Good Faith - For Peace and Security #142
In Good Faith - In Good Faith #142; X5394; rec date: 4-14-93; air date: 4-18-93;In Good Faith: For Peace and Security; Is the United Nations Truly the Peace Keeper of the World? Clark Booth talks with Gordon Schultz, Edward Rodman, and Raymond Helmick about...;In the studio Dick Amaral, Gregg Kidd Ramsay Gifford, Brian Pellicano, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Joe Soucar, Ted Phillips, Jerry Milot, Mary Newsham, Brian Menz, A. Louie Giglio, ...
17) 2716.0690 In Good Faith - 100 Days #144
Master;In Good Faith - 100 Days #144; X4533; rec date 4-28-93; air date: 5-2-93;President Clinton's First 100 Days: How is he doing? Clinton on tape; Panelists John Walsh, Edward Rodman, and Emily Lipof talk about the difficulties of using this measure and ...;In the studio Dick Amarl, Gregg Kidd, Ramsay Gifford, Brian Pellicano, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Joe Soucar, Linda Carp Roger Paulson, Leroy McLaurin, Jerry Milot, Mary Newsham, D...
21) 2716.0694 In Good Faith - The Front Page #148
In Good Faith - The Front Page #148; X5405; rec date: 6-8-93; air date 6-13-93;In Good Faith: The Front Page; Former Sen. Paul Tsongas clip on the political controversy surrounding a Supreme Court nomination; Clark Booth moderates a discussion about Presid...;In the studio Dick Amaral, Phil Rubin, Ramsay Gifford, Brian Pellicano, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Emeric Feldmar, Ted Phillips, Jerry Milot, Mary Newsham, Dave Teixeira, a.Louie Gigl...
34) 2716.1296 New Heaven/ New Earth - Tragedy; Kushner #6
Master New Heaven / New Earth X1063 Tragedy / Kushner No. 6 Rec. 11/19/92 Air 11/21/82;Slate: “New Heaven New Earth VTR 996 Rec. 11/16/82 Air TBA Dir. Comiskey”. Title: “New Heaven New Earth with Hubert Jessup”. Hubert Jessup hosts a discussion with Rabbi Harold K...;Credits: New Heaven New Earth; Producer/Host: Hubert Jessup; Directed by: Bob Comiskey; Audience Co-ordinator: Leslie Birnbaum-Fischer; Switcher: Skip Peabody; Cameras: Nancy Mo...
20) 2716.1297 New Heaven/ New Earth - Suicide
New Heaven / New Earth X1062 Suicide Rec. 12/16/82 Air. 12/19/82;Episode opens with a report on teen suicide in the Boston area. Includes interviews with Paulette Loomis, who lost a daughter to suicide, and Shirley Karnovsky, director of the ...;Credits: New Heaven New Earth; Produced By: Hubert Jessup; Directed By: Bob Comiskey; Audience Coordinator: Leslie Birnbaum-Fischer; Stage Manager: Jay Gravina; Cameras: Nancy M...
21) 2716.1300 New Heaven/ New Earth - Bible
Master New Heaven / New Earth X963 Bible Rec. 1/18/83 Air. 1/23/83;Slate: “New Heaven New Earth VTR: X-963 Rec: Jan. 18, 1983 Airs: Sun., 1/23/83 Title: “The Bible” Director: Comiskey”. Title: “New Heaven New Earth with Hubert Jessup”. Hubert J...;Credits: New Heaven New Earth; Produced By: Hubert Jessup; Directed By: Bob Comiskey; Audience Coordinator: Leslie Birnbaum-Fischer; Assistant Director: Sheila Simollardes; Swit...
22) 2716.1303 New Heaven/ New Earth - Nuclear Weapons
New Heaven / New Earth X2456 Nuclear Weapons Rec. 2/15/83;Slate: “New Heaven New Earth VT: 2456 Rec: 2/15/83 Airs: 2/20/83 Dir: Lawless”. Title: “New Heaven New Earth with Hubert Jessup”. Hubert Jessup leads a discussion with a group o...;Credits: New Heaven New Earth; Produced by Hubert Jessup; Directed by David Lawless; Audience Coordinator: Leslie Birnbaum-Fischer; Assistant Director: Sheila Simollardes; Switc...
23) 2716.1305 New Heaven/New Earth - Religious Identity
Master New Heaven / New Earth X2458 Religious Identity Rec. 3/1/83 Air. 3/6/83;Slate: ‘New Heaven, New Earth VT: 2458 Rec: 3/1/83 Air: 3/6/83 Title: Religious Identity Dir: Jordan’. Title: ‘New Heaven New Earth with Hubert Jessup’. Hubert Jessup leads a di...;Credits: New Heaven, New Earth; Produced/Hosted By: Hubert Jessup; Directed By: Larry Jordan; Audience Co-Ordinator: Leslie Birnbaum-Fischer; Floor Director: Jay Gravina; Switch...
33) 2716.1306 New Heaven/New Earth - Non-Violence
Master New Heaven / New Earth X2459 Non-Violence Rec. 3/1/83 Air. 3/13/83;Slate: ‘New Heaven, New Earth VT: 2459 Rec: 3/1/83 Air: 3/13/83 Title: Non-Violence Dir: Jordan’. Title: ‘New Heaven New Earth with Hubert Jessup’. Following the release of the ...
25) 2716.1308 New Heaven/ New Earth - Television
New Heaven / New Earth X2461 "Telivision" Rec. 3/22/83;Slate: “New Heaven New Earth VTR 2461 Dir Comiskey”. Title: “New Heaven New Earth with Hubert Jessup”. Hubert Jessup hosts a discussion with a group of teenagers about what they...;Credits: New Heaven New Earth; Producer: Hubert Jessup; Director: Bob Comiskey; Floor Director: Jay Gravina; Switcher: Ann Thomas; Audio: Jim Barker; Cameras: Bob Hakkila, Joe S...
26) 2716.1314 New Heaven/ New Earth - Cults
New Heaven / New Earth "Cults" 1982 Stock Tape;[Includes footage of corpses at Jonestown.] Title: “New Heaven New Earth”. Hubert Jessup discusses Pope John Paul II's visit to Boston, Sung Young Moons Unification Church, and ...;Credits: Producer/Host: Hubert Jessup; Directed by Phil Rubin; Switer: Stan Brown; Audio: Jim Barker; Cameras: Nancy Moloney, Joe Soucar, Bob Marsocci; Lighting: Jerry Milot; St...
27) 2716.1315 New Heaven/New Earth - Young Life
Master New Heaven / New Earth X-725 Young Life Rec. 6/7/83 Air. 6/12/83;Slate: New Heaven New Earth VTR X725 Rec. 6/7/83 Air TBA Dir: Lawless”. Title: “New Heaven New Earth with Hubert Jessup”. Hubert Jessup hosts a discussion with a group of high s...;Credits: New Heaven New Earth; Produced and Hosted By: Hubert Jessup; Directed By: Dave Lawless; Assistant Director: Frank Firnschild; Switcher: Bud Tremblay; Audio: Kathy McKen...
10) 2716.1604 Five Families of Massachusetts
Master Specials - 5 Families of MA X5719 Rec. 5-29-91;Title: “Five Families of Massachusetts”. A special that showcases the lives of five families, including that of Massachusetts Governor William Weld, Louis and Helen Ford, adopti...;Credits: Five Families of Massachusetts; Executive Producer: Mark Mills; Directed By: Bob Comiskey; Segment Producers: Lorie George, Curtis Poole, Debra Shapiro; Dick Amaral; Vi...
29) 2716.2366 Chronicle - Scientology
Aircheck Chronicle Thursday January 3, 1985 Scientology;[Audio during blank screen] Title: “Chronicle Thursday January 3rd 1985”, “Recruiting For Religion Or… The Come-On of Cults”. Peter Mehegan and Mary Richardson host. Discussion...;Credits: Segment Producers: Sue Sloane, Art Cohen
6) 2716.2375 Chronicle - Fundamental School
Aircheck;[viewer alert: young people are filmed in classrooms] Fundamental School; Lunenburg, Massachusetts, is home to the Twin City Christian School, featured in the report on religiou...
37) 2716.2522 Chronicle - W.O.D. Arab and Polish
Aircheck Thursday August 15 1985 W.O.D. Arab Polish;W.O.D. Arab and Polish; commercials included in taping; Arab Americans in Boston are relearning and reclaiming their heritage and are Christians, in contrast to the portrayal in...
13) 2716.2611 Chronicle - WOD, Catholics
Aircheck Chronicle Mon. Jan. 6 1986 WOD Catholics;WOD, Catholics; includes commercials; a Dorchester parish founded in the 1800s is the first stop among many in this report; parishioners are interviewed about why they return; p...;Credits: Segment Producers: Peter Mehegan, Kathy Bickimer, Clark Booth
3) 2716.2822 Chronicle - In Person With Mary Richardson
Aircheck Monday, November 17, 1986 In Person w/ Mary Richardson;In Person With Mary Richardson; commercials included in taping; Mary Richardson interviews three personalities, asking background questions in casual settings; Bill Buckner and ...;Credits: Segment Producers: Gonca Sonmez, Lisa Grace, Kathy Bickimer, Lynn McCrea, Stan Leven, Stella Gould; Mary’s Clothes by: Ava Botelle Acton, Natick, Newton; Mary’s Hairsty...
34) 2716.2888 Chronicle - Fundamentalists
Aircheck: Friday March 27, 198 Fundamentalists On screen: "Oh! Heavens No";Fundamentalists; commercials included in taping; "Pearligate" and television evangelists are the subject of the broadcast; Jim Bakker and his wife confess to several errors; Jim...;Credits: Segment Producers: Bob Geballe, Peter Mehegan, Mary Richardson, Gonca Sonmez; Mike Barnicle is a Boston Globe Columnist; Mary’s Clothes by: Ava Botelle Acton/Natick/New...
35) 2716.3453 Chronicle - Return to Religion
Chronicle Thursday August 31 1989 Return to Religion Aircheck;Title: ‘Chronicle August 31, 1989’, ‘Return to Religion’. Andria Hall reports on people’s changing relationship to religion. Mary Richardson reports on women joining the clergy....;Credits: Segment Producers: Andria Hall, Rita J. Thompson; Mike Barnicle is a Boston Globe Columnist; Thirty Something: Courtesy MGM/UA; Bill Moyers: The Power of The Myth; Addi...
18) 2716.3653 Chronicle - Twitchells
Aircheck Thursday July 5, 1990 Twitchells;Twitchells are found guilty in the death of their young child; Paul Garrity provides some insight into what the court might consider if there is an appeal; Christian Science bel...;Credits: Segment Producers: Mary Richardson, Kate Raisz; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Managing Editor: Susan Sloane; Producer: Chris Stirling; Executive Producer: Mark Mills; VP/Pr...