1322 work results

12) 1019.0001 [Newsroom promo]
Transferred 16 mm onto supplied 3/4-inch for Larry Ayotte.;Newsroom shots, silent, of reporters talking to each other, on the phone, working at computers, preparing copy, then in the studio with anchors at the desk, lights and cameras, ...
34) 1064.0001 [Northeast Historic Film news story]
Northeast Historic Archives Package 2 cuts
36) 1140.0002 [Gahagen with Baby]
Representative Hayes Gahagan of CBU celebrates birth of baby with fellow lawmakers.
4) 1140.0003 [Governor Longley Inauguration]
Governor James Longley sworn in at Augusta Civic Center.
10) 1140.0004 [Inauguration Preview]
Reporter Bob Steele's standupper, setting scene for Longley inauguration.
11) 1140.0005 [Emery on Election Victory]
Emery says he will go to Washington to serve as Maine's 1st District Congressman while House committee investigates allegations by defeated campaign opponent, Representative Pet...
12) 1140.0006 [Curtis Addresses Legislature]
Governor Ken Curtis delivers last address to Maine Legislature (Joint Session).
8) 1140.0007 [Planning Commission]
Official (Toby Averill?) Penobscot Valley Regional Planning Commission discusses his agency's role; interviewed by Don Carrigan (off camera).
14) 1140.0008 [Bangor Basketball Coach Interview]
Interview with Bangor High School basketball coach Bob Cimbollek on prospects for season.
15) 1140.0009 [Muskie]
Senator Edmund Muskie
16) 1140.0010 [Muskie]
Senator Edmund Muskie
17) 1140.0011 [Swimming]
13) 1140.0012 [Snowmobile Safety]
Snowmobile safety
14) 1140.0013 [Francis Woodhead]
Bangor Police Chief Francis Woodhead.
15) 1140.0014 [Free Throw]
Free throw
16) 1140.0015 [Charlie Jacobs]
Charlie Jacobs
17) 1140.0016 [Bangor City Council]
Bangor City Council meeting; fire station search?
18) 1140.0017 [Unemployment]
24) 1140.0018 [Birch-Hancock Street Accidents]
Yield sign; Birch-Hancock Street accidents; Bob Steele's package.
20) 1140.0019 [Miss Maine Pageant Preview]
Upcoming Miss Maine pageant; Jaycees to run; Arvilla Vercelles, Brenda Dunro?
21) 1140.0020 [UMO Medical School Proposal]
University of Maine Medical School Proposal; Donaldson Koombs?
22) 1140.0021 [High School Basketball]
Bangor Christian vs. Penobscot Valley; high school basketball game.
28) 1140.0022 [Muskie on Death of Chinese Leader]
Senator Edmund Muskie on the death of a Chinese leader.
24) 1140.0023 [School Funding]
Legislative hearing on school funding; Frederick Whittaker; Don Carrigan package.
25) 1140.0024 [Muskie on Cohen]
Senator Edmund Muskie on William (Bill) Cohen's decision not to oppose.
31) 1140.0025 [State Police Training]
Maine State Police training.
27) 1140.0026 [Brennan on State Funds]
Joseph (Joe) Brennan talks about State funding and mandates.
28) 1140.0026A [Mandates]
Representative Ed (?) on mandates spending.
18) 1140.0027 [Airport Cuts Staff]
Bangor International Airport cuts staff due to lack of Federal funds; Bangor City Manager Merle Goff, and Willis Ward of U.S. Customs comment.
30) 1140.0028 [Airport]
Bangor International Airport; Don Carrigan package.
31) 1140.0029 [Paper Industry Costs]
Paper industry costs; William Katsamo (sp?) talks about woods work and union organizing.
32) 1140.0030 [Basketball]
Basketball at the Bangor Auditorium.
33) 1140.0031 [Handicap Access]
Speaker from the Maine Rehabilitation Association addresses a handicap access meeting.
34) 1140.0032 [Steeple Raising]
Steeple raising
35) 1140.0033 [Basketball Auction]
Basketball auction
36) 1140.0034 [Bangor High Swimming]
Swimming footage with sound bites by Phil Emery, Bangor High School's Swim Coach.
Next 36