8 work results

1) 0738.0001 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 1
Intertitle: “A TRIP AROUND WAYSIDE INN FEBRUARY 5, 1932.” Intertitle: “REAL WINTER AT LAST” followed by men and boys shoveling grounds. Intertitle: “SHOVELING OUT THE INN” fol...
2) 0738.0002 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 2
Grainy footage, hard to make out what is happening. Live Nativity scene. Shot of dining staff in line with aprons. Men working on the roof. Shot of large building with white...
3) 0738.0003 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 3
Beginning is an exact duplicate of reel one – see 0738.0001. Only exception: The Intertitle “IT’S BEAUTIFUL! BUT HARD ON THE OXEN” appears backwards in this reel. Duplication ...
4) 0738.0004 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 4
Blindfolded man follows blindfolded boy around a table in middle of seated audience. Intertitle: “WALTZ CIRCLE” followed by couples dancing (waltzing) and a shot of the musicia...
35) 0738.0005 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 5
Shot of children dressed up, standing together holding rolled paper with ribbons tied around documents (diplomas or certificates). Dark shot of boys in tuxedos or suits standin...
11) 0738.0006 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 6
Hockey. Intertitle: “THIS TEAM, ‘THE BOYS’ PLAYED HARD.” followed by shot of boys’ team. Intertitle: “BUT THIS TEAM, ‘THE FACULTY’ WON.” followed by shot of faculty team. Foo...
7) 0738.0007 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 7
Shot of a cover of a book that reads: Second Eclectic Reader. Shot of title page. Hands flip through the book and stop on a page. Close-up of text and a pointer pen follow wo...
8) 0738.0008 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 8
Peaches. Men loading crates. Wide shot of trees. An orchard and landscape. Shot from above of trucks and stacked crates. Men move crates into piles. A horse team pulls a wa...
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