41 work results

1) 1370.0043 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 43
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 43. Island and girl scouts [1965]. NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
2) 1370.0042 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 42
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 42. 50th wedding anniversary, staff house 20 Rosemount. [no date] NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
3) 1370.0041 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 41
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 41. [reel: Colo. winter '60] Candy and Fonnie with Mr. Stefan, winter Colorado scenes. NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
38) 1370.0040 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 40
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 40. [crossed out: Balloon flight end phase 1959] Bro. and les in Falls Church, Muhls resort, summer 1960. NHF Cata...
117) 1370.0039 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 39
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes follow. 39. 1958 winter scenes, Upside Ct. NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
35) 1370.0038 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 38
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 38. Summer '58, children, Upside Ct., Grma. Luck, Mt. Vernon. NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
35) 1370.0037 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 37
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 37. Kids show Sept '58. NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
34) 1370.0036 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 36
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 36. Xmas 1957, 113 Upside Ct., Falls Church Va. NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
33) 1370.0035 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 35
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 35. [from reel] Ballooning. [no date] NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
10) 1370.0034 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 34
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 34. [no notes or date] NHF Cataloguer's Notes:
175) 1370.0032 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 32
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 32. Havana tour March 1957. NHF Cataloguer's Notes: Three women and a man wave to camera as they board a ship. The...
30) 1370.0030-.0031 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reels 30 & 31
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 30. Va. Beach, kids swimming 1955, Va. Beach, mom swimming. 31. Va. Beach '55. NHF Cataloguer's Notes: (03:48) Two...
29) 1370.0029 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 29
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 29. Sawyer key Sept '58. NHF Cataloguer's Notes:Women with baby carriage. Small house built on stilts in water (ba...
28) 1370.0028 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 28
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 28. Oct '57, Cypress Gardens and Silver Springs. NHF Cataloguer's Notes: (54:24) Southern belles sitting in hoop s...
13) 1370.0027 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 27
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 27. Oct '57, Sawyer Key, Cypress Gardens. NHF Cataloguer's Notes: (50:48) White heron walking. VW bus passes by. T...
110) 1370.0026 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 26
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 26. Key West Sept '57, conchs, [fawtu?] boat, baby, [fawtu?] luncheon. NHF Cataloguer's Notes: (47:18) Men with do...
109) 1370.0025 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 25
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 25. Key West apt. dedication, boat scenes, July '57. NHF Cataloguer's Notes: Baby in stroller. People in summer cl...
32) 1370.0024 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 24
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 24. Stefan Weber picnic, Key West March '57. NHF Cataloguer's Notes: (40:04) Man holding hands of two young girls ...
112) 1370.0023 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 23
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 23. Turtle kroll, turtles. [no date] NHF Cataloguer's Notes: (36:23) Sign: 'Turtles' in front of pens in water ful...
22) 1370.0022 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 22
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 22. Florida, July -. [last part illegible, no date] NHF Cataloguer's Notes: (32:41) Canvas topped power boat. Man ...
76) 1370.0021 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 21
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 21. Nov '56, Miami, sunken treasure, monkey, rare birds. NHF Cataloguer's Notes: (28:50) Two young girls dressed i...
22) 1370.0020 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 20
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 20. [?]ay '56, swim, Ft. Taylor, aqualung. Key West, fall '56, picnic, wives lunch, Halloween. Key West, picnic Ft...
19) 1370.0019 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 19
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 19. Europe '55, October 1955, Morocco base and scenery. NHF Cataloguer's Notes: (03:45) Umbrella tables and women ...
24) 1370.0018 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 18
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes as follows: 18. S.S. Independence w Lucy Sept '55, Gib and Morocco. NHF Cataloguer's Notes: On board large cruise ship. Breeze...
10) 1370.0017 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 17
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: 'Europe '55, Toldeo, Madrid' NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 17: Ornate buildings, stonework. Donkey laden w/ load of pottery...
16) 1370.0016 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 16
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: [no notes or date] NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 16: (01:53:32) Ruins (stone) Man in red boxy hat w/ matching belt on white...
4) 1370.0015 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 15
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: 'Europe '55, Gibralter and Tangier' NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 15: (01:49:56) Stonework. Monkeys in and around old build...
36) 1370.0014 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 14
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: 'Europe 1955, Carl and Statue, Scenes from a plane' [train] NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 14: Elaborate stonework on buildi...
13) 1370.0013 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 13
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: 'Indoors Xmas in Denver 1955' NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 13: (01:42:31) Christmas tree w/ lighted garland, candles, reli...
12) 1370.0012 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 12
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: 'National air show, Phila 1955, S.S. Independence.' NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 12: (01:38:45) Air show (all planes w/ ar...
31) 1370.0011 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 11
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: 'Royal Gorge, Mr. and Mrs. Stefan, flower show, como, C and S, girls in bathing suits at pool.' NHF Cataloguer's notes for Re...
10) 1370.0010 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 10
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: [?]'A July 1955.' NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 10: (01:32:41) Ocean surf. Woman and small children sit in the shallow wate...
24) 1370.0009 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 9
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: '9. Furs, beaver, Jan '56.' NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 9: (01:28:56) Man and woman carrying uncooked turkey on platter w...
117) 1370.0008 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 8
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: 'Fonnie and Candy, Xmas 1954.' NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 8: Little girls in front of working fireplace, holding up a si...
134) 1370.0007 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 7
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: Dec '54, winter scenes at Lisa's, visit by Ed Luck, choo choo train. NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 7: (01:21:39) Woman in w...
24) 1370.0006 [Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 6
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: '[All?] swimming pool and Rose Valley August 1954.' NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 6: (01:18:01) Row of kids sitting on edge...
Next 36