[Karl Stefan--home movies] Reel 12

Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), United States
This item may be available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film for more information
Amateur footage of family and travel. Leader notes: 'National air show, Phila 1955, S.S. Independence.' NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 12: (01:38:45) Air show (all planes w/ army star). Crowd outside air field. Many dressed like airmen. Planes racing by on runway and in air. One is parked in front of the crowd (TR-247). Blimp flies by, helicopters. The large crowd shades their eyes, snap pictures. Rocket in launch position. Tents, giant parked plane. Dark footage man playing accordion. Lighter footage- close up of woman in red and white kerchief. Large boat in port, silors milling around. Woman (civilian) being silly and theatrical posing on ship. Lifeboats, smoke stacks. Little boy running and waving something on a stick (?pinwheel) The ship is going. Shots of the ship's wake. Women laughing and fluffing hair for camera. Shots of ship, women in sunglasses relaxing on deck, holding their hats in wind.

3 Copies

1) 1370.0012_VHS
2) 1370.0012_IN3/4
3) 1370.0012_F8
8 mm film; [? ft.]; Silent; Color;