71 work results

9) 0355 cat. 0048-08-WABI-62 Camp Drum
Military camp scenes include men getting off of a plane, troops marching, helicopter taking off, award presentation, troops with a flag.
12) 0363 cat. 0045-11-WABI-61 Belfast Eagle Scouts
Scout campout including officers shaking hands with scoutmaster and a CU of a badge.
13) 0379 cat. 0062-02-WABI-63 Pushaw Pond Camps and Snow
Cameraman on snowmobile shoots camps around pond.
31) 0379 cat. 1027-08-WABI-63 Hopkins Pond Ice Fishing
George Hale on an ice fishing expedition with a group of men. Shots include snowmobile, cutting ice with manual auger, a fish on the snow, setting the traps, MS of men talking, ...
14) 0381 cat. 0063-26-WABI-63 Hikers
Adults and children hiking including their campsite and tents.
15) 0398 cat. 0077-14-WABI-64 Fred Reeves Sno Travelers Film
Reeves' hunting trip featuring Sno Travelers, campsite.
14) 0405 cat. 0089-20-WABI-64 Boy Scouts Camporee
Old Town: Camping event including tents lined up, scouts working, poles being lashed together, troop sign, boy starting fire.
14) 0411 cat. 0083-02-WABI-64 Fishing Trip
Fishing trip including cooking fish, storing fish, and the campground.
9) 0450 cat. 1057-13-WABI-67 Jewish Community Council Dedicates Day Camp
Ceremony including crowd listening to speaker.
17) 0450 cat. 1057-19-WABI-67 Bangor High School Graduation Party at Branch Lake
Lake scenes including hot dog roast, marshmallow roast, girls in bathing suits, kids dancing.
31) 0453 cat. 1063-30-WABI-67 Maine Jr. Sportsman's Training Camp
Sign of YMCA Camp Jordan. Beach area and boaters. People walking in front of cabins. Men with boats on racks walking to lake. Camp totem pole and tetherball court. Tree core sam...
19) 0553 cat. 0061-03-WABI-63 Hale Ice Fishing
Hale and friends ice fishing expedition including snowmobile riding, cutting ice with a manual auger, a fish on the snow, setting traps, camp.
1) 0697.0001 [Goodman--home movies] Bridgehampton
Shot June 1961. Cars at beach. 'Town recreation center' sign. Sign mentions beach is for Southampton town residents. People on beach. Picnic, woman breaks shell of hard boiled e...
2) 0697.0002 [Goodman--home movies] Crescent Surf, Kennebunk
Shot July 4, 1961. Young and older adults wearing shorts and sports clothes eat and drink in grassy area above beach. House in background. Group at picnic table eat steamer clam...
6) 0697.0003 [Goodman--home movies] Kennebunk River Club Tennis Tournament
Kennebunk River Club sign. Tennis court. Outdoor tennis. Coverage includes children in space between buildings, people arriving down stairs wearing sunglasses. Players shake ha...
4) 0697.0004 [Goodman--home movies] Lili's Visit
Pan of beach. Woman in striped swimsuit or sundress. Kids playing with model sailboats. Couple horsing around, posing. Children paddling canoe with dog between them. Kids on raf...
5) 0697.0005 [Goodman--home movies] Picnic at Little River
Man carries boy piggyback from house. Small girl follows. Kids peek from behind tree. Man (shirtless, wearing sunglasses) gives girl piggyback ride through wooded path. This may...
34) 0697.0007 [Goodman--home movies] Kennebunk River Club Swimming Meet
MCU of medals on table. People around outdoor pool. Some on lawn chairs. Many children wear orange life vests. Girl in bathing cap with flowers on it. Woman in shorts gives in...
63) 0813.0608 [Man on Winter Survival Training for Boy Scouts]
News story dated 1-14-69.
21) 0813.0655 Tall Shadows
Pine Tree Camp.
95) 0822.0011 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 11
Nova Scotia – Tree harvesting 1967 [August] Nova Scotia – Tree Roy Strong – Pipes trip home – camping Gladys, LaFlammes (Corda, Ken, Mauries, [illegible] on beach bag pipe parad...;Panning shot of houses along the shore. Landscape filmed from a roadside overlook. People exiting a house. A woman crossing a bridge. People on the beach. (Antigonish, Nova Scot...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 11 (1967): -Nova Scotia – Gladys and Walter visiting friends or work conference?
21) 0822.0015 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 15
more canoeing / fishing looks like same place as 15 + same men camping S.C.S. men Lou Parlin, Bob Fish display 1 – teepee Clearing brush for canoes with ropes and letting canoe...;Two men in a canoe. Beached canoes. People in a tent. Tents in a campsite. Two men in a canoe. A man holds up a fish. Three men next to a campfire. Tents. Two men in a canoe. Pa...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 15 (1969): -Walter’s annual fishing trip – possible names of co-workers from Orono/Old Town area were: Lou Parlin, Dennis Erinakes, Larry Long, Ken LaFla...
26) 0822.0022 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 22
Millimagassett 1970 Millimagssett fishing ; camp ; boating on lake in canoe (don’t know who other men are besides Walter) Lou Parlin. Dinsmore men napping all around camp site;Two men unloading a car near a bridge. A boat on the lake. Tents in a campsite. Two men in a canoe. One man holds up two fish. Three men cooking at the campsite. The men sleepin...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 22 -Walter and buddies fishing on Millimagassett Lake, Maine
17) 0822.0024 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 24
Deep Sea Fishing + Duck Hunting canoeing ; fishing duck hunting – looks like Dennis [illegible] deep sea fishing – Davis Dr. the girls G at some shore camp Nova Scotia S.C.S tri...;A river or lake. A man in a canoe. A man plucking a dead duck. People in a boat. Boxes of fish. Men fishing. Reeling in a shark. People on the boat. A boy holds up a fish. Men a...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 24 -Dennis Erinakis cleaning duck -Ocean fishing with Larry Long (yellow slicker) and his two sons -Pat and Bob Perkowsky (in yellow dress), friends of G...
19) 0822.0039 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 39
Unidentified men Canoeing and camping;A river. Two people in a canoe, paddling against the current. An animal carcass in the grass. Trucks and an RV parked on the side of the road. Three men around a campfire. Truck...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 39 (1966): -Fishing trip with buddies; Lou Parlin in red jacket (?); also Hunting trip
10) 0822.0043 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 43
N.H. NE.F.S, Start Katahdin Driving in car G. @ campsite Girls in convertible Men @ picnic Man digging hole. ;A man digging a hole. People eating at a picnic table by the water. Houses on the shore. Two women in a convertible. Tree leaves. The convertible, lowering the roof. A campsite...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 43 (1965-1968) -Man digging (soil samples?) -Family picnic -Susan and Linda in Linda’s car, then Gladys and Grandma -Gladys near tent (where?)
28) 0849/0855.0001 Maine Lumberjack Holiday
NHF cataloguing notes, 11/95: Tall Timber Days Parade 1967-1968. Beauty queens, sled dogs, women in fancy dresses with matching baby buggies. Beauty contest. Boat race, speed bo...
35) 1108.0134 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 134
Reel 134: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Camp, September 1959. 2. Camp 23 October thru 8 November. 3. Florida, Christmas through New Years. 4. Rob [Golding] making brooms. NHF C...
22) 1108.0136 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 136
Reel 136: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Camp 8-21 May. 2. Put up anchor. Record R.N.G. 3. Egonn and Anne Hafer 24 May. 4. Weikert's for Nelson Wedding 5 June. 5. General Eisenhow...
22) 1108.0137 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 137
Reel 137: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Work trip to Camp, 18-28 September. 2. Weekend visit from Weikerts and Maguires. 3. Autumn foliage. 4. Ann Hafer's wedding. 5. Visit to Se...
6) 1108.0139 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 139
Reel 139: Archie Stewart can notes: 1961. 1. Start Mary-ah's at Eau Gallie Sun. Afternoon 26 March. 2. John Wallace's big fish. 3. Trip north. 4. Washington. Pottsville. 5. Part...
25) 1108.0140 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 140
Reel 140: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. End August camp trip and morning glories. Sept Take G.G. to Sterling Forest. 2. Sept work trip to camp. 3. Oct visit Ann Quantico. Autumn ...
25) 1108.0142 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 142
Reel 142: Archie Stewart can notes: 1. Go to Quantico for kids 29-13 May. 2. Farewell at Fackler's 26 June. 3. To Pottsville for Maguire party 30 June - 1 July. 4. [No Pottsvill...
36) 1108.0146 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 146
Reel 146: Archie Stewart can notes: Starts 8 Aug 1963. 1) Mary's birthday at Bird & Bottle. 2) 5 grandchildren to camp. 3) Dinner at 350. 4) Supper at 388. 5) Camp September...
13) 1108.0151 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 151
Reel 151: Archie Stewart can notes: 1965. 1. Trip to Ann's at Lemoore, CA. 15 January 1965, 15 March. 2. Stop off at Maryah's. 3. Topping tree. 4. Self's visit 10 April. 5. Camp...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Nasturtium leaves. Visit to my house at 1823 N. Harrison Street, Arlington VA. Abby, John, Heidi the long-haired dachshund. Snow scene. Heidi with Moth...
Next 36