629 work results

22) 3272.0010 [Howard Dearborn--home movies] Reel 10
On Can: 8 New Hampshire 1960 – Part 1 “Karavan to Kearsarge” All single perf film put on full width sound track
2) 3272.0009 [Howard Dearborn--home movies] Reel 9
Can: 7 1960 New Hampshire 1960 – Part 2 “Adventures in Paradise” All single perf film put on full width sound track
3) 3259.0006 [Darrel McBreairty--films] Reel 6
[Can blank]
4) 3243.0061 [Rockwood H. Foster--home movies] Reel 61
3;[Red tinted commercial reel] Sign for ‘Yellowstone National Park’. Views of the park, including bear, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Lake, Norris Geyser Basin, Morning Glory P...
5) 3243.0060 [Rockwood H. Foster--home movies] Reel 60
2;[Red tinted commercial reel] Sign for ‘Yellowstone National Park’. Views of the park, including Mammoth Hot Springs, Norris Geyser Basin, elk, Gibbon Falls, moose, bear cubs, Mo...
6) 3243.0059 [Rockwood H. Foster--home movies] Reel 59
1;[Red tinted commercial reel] Sign for ‘Yellowstone National Park’. Views of the park and animals. [End of Reel]
4) 3243.0024 [Rockwood H. Foster--home movies] Reel 24
A group of men and cameras await a helicopter landing. Soldiers with US and UK flags role out a red carpet. A man exits the helicopter to give a speech. [End of Reel]
8) 3243.0023 [Rockwood H. Foster--home movies] Reel 23
Driving through cherry trees. Military event. [End of Reel]
2) 3243.0022 [Rockwood H. Foster--home movies] Reel 22
Aug. 16, 1960 postmark;Queen Elizabeth II trooping the color event. Guards marching. [End of Reel]
22) 3232.0001-.0015 [Misc. Railroad Films]
Titles from Cans: Science Rides the High Iron - AAR; Highways & Byways USA (Copy 1); Highways & Byways USA (Copy 2); [Brakeman Training Film]; Main Line U.S.A.; Big Trains Rolli...
10) 3229.0083 Elliott Family Movies 1959-63 #1 [Ginny Merrill Elliott--home movies] DVD 5
DVD of a transfer from a different lab. Includes reels acc. 3229.0044-.0049.
11) 3229.0081 Elliott Family Skiing 1959-71 #1 [Ginny Merrill Elliott--home movies] DVD 3
DVD of a transfer from a different lab. Includes reels acc. 3229.0030-.0035.
12) 3229.0080 Elliott Christmas Movies 1959-73 & 79 [Ginny Merrill Elliott--home movies] DVD 2
DVD from a transfer by a different lab. Includes reels acc. 3229.0025-.0029.
2) 3229.0079 Merrill Movies 1936-61 [Ginny Merrill Elliott--home movies] DVD 1
DVD of a transfer from a different lab. Includes reels acc. 3229.0001-.0008.
11) 3229.0046 1960, Elliott Family Movies [Ginny Merrill Elliott--home movies] Reel 46
1960 #3;1960 Athens TN After Ken's father's funeral TN, DC, NJ, VT Picking up Mack (13) at Chattanooga Airport. Big Ridge State Park, Washington DC, fishing in NJ, Mount Snow VT & visit...
18) 3229.0045 1960, Elliott Family Movies [Ginny Merrill Elliott--home movies] Reel 45
Honeymoon - Athens TN and February trip to Athens TN 1960 #2;[Tennessee] Kingsport: Zig, Lucile, Judy, Barbara & Jean Athens: Meeting Col. Elliott Ducktown: Dinner with Buck & Nancy Athens: UT @ Knoxville & Kingsport
5) 3229.0030 1959-1960, Elliott Family Skiing Movies [Ginny Merrill Elliott--home movies] Reel 30
Our Family Skiing: Reel #1 Gray Rocks Christmas 1959, Vermont 1960;1959 Woodbury NJ Ken & Ginny going to Gray Rocks Inn, St. Joviet Canada & Mt. Tremblant at Christmas. Part of their honeymoon trip. 1960 Vermont February @ Mt. Snow, March @ Sug...
6) 3229.0028 1970-1973 Christmas Movies [Ginny Merrill Elliott--home movies] Reel 28
Christmas #4 1970 - 1973;1970 Short Hills NJ Linda 10, Karen 8 visiting Granny day after Christmas 1971 Short Hills NJ Linda 11, Karen 9, Ginny's receiving her fur coat then to Granny's home in Audubon ...
1) 3229.0025 1959-1964, Christmas Movies [Ginny Merrill Elliott--home movies] Reel 25
Christmas #1 1959-1964 (Regular 8);1959 Audubon NJ Dinner with Granny, Nannan, Poppop, Connie & Allen 1960 Woodbury NJ Linda 24 days old with Granny, Nannan, Poppop, Connie & Allen 1961 Woodbury NJ Linda 1 year o...
14) 3229.0014 1958-1960, Merrill Family Movies [Ginny Merrill Elliott--home movies] Reel 14
Ginny's Family: 1958-1959-1960 #6;1959 Trip to Washington DC to see cherry blossoms 1960 Graduation from Glassboro S[t]ate Teachers College
6) 3229.0007 1957-1961, Merrill Family Movies [Ginny Merrill Elliott--home movies] Reel 7
1957-1961 Philadelphia PA Philadelphia Airport, August 1957 Haddonfield NJ Connie's Wedding at Haddonfield Methodist Church
24) 3216.0003 #3 1960-1962 [Potholm Family--home movies] Reel 3
III 1960 - 1962 Reel #3 1960 - 1962 James Bowdoin Day Sea Bass Florida Hockey John + Laurie Sandy [Qualan?] Europe
2) 3216.0002 #2 1958-1960 [Potholm Family--home movies] Reel 2
II 1958-1960 Reel #2 1958-1960 Waterskiing Linda, Wendy, Sandy, Jean Noreaster Ann + Bowdoin, [Trine?] Florida - California Hurricane Donna
23) 3120.0022 [Central Hall Collection--home movies] Reel 22
Snowstorm, Smith’s Dog 1960
29) 3120.0021 [Central Hall Collection--home movies] Reel 21
Xmas – Palmer + [Worcester?] 1960, Mae’s tulips 1960, Michael’s Birthday Party, Mothers Day, [Allen Minns?] Sandra 1960, Pee Wee Parade 1960
40) 3112.0041 [Vaughan--home movies] Reel 41
1960 / Mt Washington Cog RR Freight Train Bridge Vermont - Mt Mansfield
31) 3112.0040 [Vaughan--home movies] Reel 40
1960 / (1) Freight Train Perry / (2) [?] / (3) After snow [?] / (4) [?] train having trouble backing up on east bound track / (5) Diesel [?] / (6) Black film [?] / (7) [?] / (8...
38) 3112.0039 [Vaughan--home movies] Reel 39
No. 2 Me. Central near end - Sept 4, 1960 Cont / Maine Central near the end of passenger service - Kodachrome 200 ft - Waterville to Bangor. / Anscochrome July 30, 1960 - The "...;Maine Central June 25, 1955 - Sept. 5 1957 / Sat. a.m., June 25, 1955: single man handcar headed N. just S. of Ellsworth Falls, Me. / Wed. July 4, 1956: "Bar Harbor" going throu...
33) 3112.0038 [Vaughan--home movies] Reel 38
No. 1 - Me. Central near end - Sept. 4, 1960;No. 1 - Maine Central near the end of passenger service (ended Tues. a.m. Sept. 6.) Kodacolor Film / Portland to Kennebec River just South of Waterville Station. Sun. Sept. 4, 1...;Sun. Aug. 7, 1960: At Damascus, Maine (about 18 miles west of Baugor): M.C. No. 5 with 5 cars headed for Baugor. Note former double track. On Auscochrome. About 2.22p.m. Due Bau...;N.H., line thru Gorham / Sun. Oct. 6, '63 North South Paris. Me, Bates, Bryants [?], south, Ponds at Lock[?] Mills, thru Bethel, Me. / Sun. Oct. 6, '63 G.T. - Me. Cen. trip Port...;Sat Ap. 19, 1958: No. 3 Hiram, Me. to Intervale, N.H. / Sat. Ap. 19, 1958: No. 1 + No. 2. N.C. No. 162 ready to leave for St. Johnsbu[?] Vt. At Portland and online as far as Mat...;(Rec. back: Tues. p.m., Ap. 29 - Spec. Del. Mailed fr. Union, N.J. on Mon. Ap. 28. 4 Films - 57 cents).
20) 3112.0028 [Vaughan--home movies] Reel 28
S.V. Trains XII June 23, 1960 - July 9, 1961;June 23, 1960 - July 9, 1961 TRAINS XII / Thurs. June 23, 1960: Anscochrome with Ben + Allan: First of B. + Aroos trip. Bus at Ba[?]gor, at caribou. / No. 2: Kodachrome: at cari...
19) 3112.0027 [Vaughan--home movies] Reel 27
S.V. Trains XI Jan 26, 1959 - Jan 16, 1960;TRAINS XI / June 26, 1959-Jan. 16, '60 / Wed. June 24, 59: Smoke fr. tire plant fire in Chelsea, trains (mostly Old Colony) leaving the South Station. Passenger service disconti...
36) 3070.0013 M, 1960 [E. M. Coan--home movies] Reel 13
M '60 #2 '60 M '60 Xmas 1960
Next 36