3 work results

1) 2177.0014 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 14
Label: 'B+W Copy Butlers DOB Aug 1936.' // Film has 1939 date code. // Film is A-Wind - dupe stock.;Duplicate print of people at lake: two women and a man in canoe. Two men on shore. They are at Sysladobsis (Dobsis Damp). Eagle in tree, silhouetted, shaky shot. Woman seate...
141) 2177.0053 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 53
Label: 'DOB Summer 1931 Deer Ducks.';DVD slate: Reel 53 DOB Summer 1931 Deer, Ducks. Deer bounding away, camera tracks poorly. Canoe with woman in front paddling, man behind poling. She is laughing, they are try...
6) 2177.0057 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 57
Label: 'Dobsis Black+White 1933-1937.' // Film is warped.;DVD slate: Reel 57. Dobsis 1933-1937. Man drinks from tin cup, man eats from plate. View of plate with fish on it. People fish from canoes. Man holds up two large fish, he has ...
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