39 work results

1) 2177.0006 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 6
Label: 'Colored Home 3/8/30-9/10/30 + July 31.' // Warped. // Film has 1926, 1928, 1929 date codes. // 2177.0008 is apparently a copy of this reel. But: this reel on DVD doe...;Mixed reel includes domestic scenes at house in Framingham (Juniper Hill), Niagara Falls, womens tennis (at Longwood in Chestnut Hill, Ma.?) DVD transferred title is wrong, sa...
1) 2177.0007 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 7
Warped. // Film has 1931 and 1934 date codes. // 2177.0009 contains duplicated footage from this reel.;Faded pink man teaches small girl in jodhpurs to swing golf club. Baby crawls off blanket outdoors. Baby investigates woman's shoes, pulls self up on chair. Tests grass. Baby ...
3) 2177.0008 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 8
Color is faded. // Film has 1935 date code, but inspection sheet indicates that this is a copy of 2177.0006.;Not color, and image reversed from Reel 7. b&w young man with girl teaching how to hit golf ball, footage flipped from Reel 7. Nest in shrub, baby on chair. All identical foot...
11) 2177.0011 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 11
Label: 'B&W Copy DOB Spt 1935.' // Film has 1940 date code. // 2177.0010 is exact duplicate.;Men at camp standing around campfire, somewhat blurred, may be print. Pan around faces. One man shows hat with sun visor in it. They sit to eat from tin dishes in their laps. ...
12) 2177.0012 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 12
Label: 'To 5/11/36 Hild 1+(?), Perky+Swiff' // Film has 1940 date code. // Film is A-Wind - dupe stock.;Man and woman very dark, walk toward camera. Young man and dog wrestle. Dark and muddy footage, looks dupey. Two Airedale puppies run to camera: they are probably Perky and Sw...
4) 2177.0013 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 13
Label: 'Hans+Hilda For Hugs B+W Copy 1936.' // Film has 1939 date code. // Film is A-Wind - dupe stock.;Very muddy print of man and woman on lawn at Juniper Hill, home in Framingham. They are in summer clothes: he is wearing light trousers, she's in flowered shift. She is sewing ...
14) 2177.0014 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 14
Label: 'B+W Copy Butlers DOB Aug 1936.' // Film has 1939 date code. // Film is A-Wind - dupe stock.;Duplicate print of people at lake: two women and a man in canoe. Two men on shore. They are at Sysladobsis (Dobsis Damp). Eagle in tree, silhouetted, shaky shot. Woman seate...
5) 2177.0015 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 15
No label.;Print looks dupey. Girl walks by rhododendron, boy rides bicycle. Dog lies by rhododendron. Boy looks over shoulder. Many has children in wheelbarrow. Older man with dog. All ...
16) 2177.0016 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 16
Label: 'Helen Joan Donkers 1936.' // Film has 1940 date code - likely a dupe.;Woman rides horse in ring; she posts while horse trots. It is summer, she is in short sleeves. Girl on pone posts; holds reins with one hand. Horse canters. Horses take jumps....
2) 2177.0017 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 17
No label.;John Kenneth Galbraith and Dennison. The reference DVD has no Reel 17 slate. This film is a dupe reversal print. Camera original footage is part of Reel 20.
18) 2177.0018 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 18
Label: 'Butlers DOB Aug 36.';Canoe with motor, three people in it on Sysladobsis Lake. People on shore in foreground. Pan to man in swimsuit bending over. Man and woman are eating something. Picking berrie...
197) 2177.0020 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 20
Label: 'Jun. Hill+Family Bl+Wh 1935-1936.' // Film has 1934, 1935, 1940 date codes.;Man runs away from camera. Winter. Horse and rider in snow. Intervale, NH? Cantering down driveway. Construction on large building, possibly hotel, behind them. [Could be The...
24) 2177.0024 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 24
Label: 'Cape Cod B+W 1931 KCHROME 1940.';DVD slate: Reel 24, Cape Cod, B&W 1931, Kodachrome 1940. Waves on beach, b&w, film is dirty. Woman in bathrobe walks toward camera and past. Various shots of breaking w...
9) 2177.0034 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 34
Box label: 'Family V 29-30.';DVD slate: Reel 34. Family 5. 1929-1930. Baby on grass, mother and small girl interact with baby. ECU baby. Riders. Baby on blanket seated on grass. Little girl running, lifts...
34) 2177.0035 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 35
Box label: 'Family VI 1/28-5/16/30.' // Film had mold on edges - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 35. Family 6. 1/28/30-5/16/30. Baby in wooden playpen indoors. Birds on lawn with light snow in background. Not sure if sparrows, starlings or robins. Blowing ...
35) 2177.0036 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 36
Box label: 'Family VII 5/20-7/14/30.' // Film had mold on edges - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 36. Family 7. 5/20/30-7/14/30. Naked baby on its back being washed. Lowered into cloth bath by window. Mare and colt. Man walks them around property, car in bac...
36) 2177.0037 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 37
Box label: 'Family VIII July 30-2/1/31.' // Film had mold on edges - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 37. Family 8. July 1930-February 1931. In the yard, toddler with a marble ramp game. It is breezy. Climbing on structures in the garden. Some shots too close, o...
37) 2177.0038 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 38
Box label: 'Family IX Feb 31 to July 31.' // Film is warped.;DVD slate: Reel 38. Family 9. February 1931-July 1931. Woman and boy help small child walk toward camera and away. That small child has no pants on we see as she walks away. Two...
38) 2177.0039 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 39
Box label: 'Family X July 31 to Spring 32.' // Film is warped, has occasional perf damage.;DVD slate: Reel 39. Family 10. July 1931-Spring 1932. Jumping into a pond with stone edges. Quail on rock (blurry). Diving board into pond. Children jump off low dock into water...
25) 2177.0040 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 40
Box label: 'Family XI Spring 32 to Xmas 32 (illegible) at Dobsis.' // Film is warped, has edgewave, 1% shrinkage. // Film had moldy edges - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 40. Family 11. Spring 1932 & Christmas 1932 at Dobsis. Shrunken in gate. Boy with digging fork. (Image unstable, needs to be retransferred). Dog walks. Boy ...
26) 2177.0041 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 41
Box label: 'Family XII Jan 33 to 5/2/34.' // Film is warped, has occasional perf damage. // Film had moldy edges - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 41. Family 12. January 1933-5/2/1934. Boys in jumpsuits with helmets and goggles wheel and ride scooters. Joined by girl on lawn. They are holding a kite. Wom...
22) 2177.0042 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 42
Box label: 'Jun. Hill+Family Black+White 1928-1934.' // Film was moldy - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 42. Jun. Hill Family, 1928-1934. Biplane on field, scratched and dirty. Biplane lifts off; view of biplane briefly in air. Mold, dirt. CU woman in biplane weari...
27) 2177.0043 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 43
Box label: 'Jun. Hill Family Color 1936-1937.' // Film is faded, images are stained. // Film was moldy - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 43. Jun. Hill Family 1936-1937. Dark; puppies with young man on grass. Dennison shadow shooting outdoors. Young man crouched over with puppies investigating. Fa...
28) 2177.0044 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 44
Box label: 'Juniper Hill - Black + White, family + dogs - 1937-1940.' // Film is warped. // Film was moldy - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 44, Juniper Hill Family, 1937-1940. Baby propped on sofa, soft focus. Baby is naked, it is a boy baby and he has a blanket. Man's hand holds foot briefly. Woman...
29) 2177.0045 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 45
Label: 'Family - Dogs, Horses, Color 1938.' // Color is faded.;DVD slate: Reel 45. Family, Dogs, horses, 1938. Color: small girl in dress outside. Airedale dogs. Maple branch, ECU out of focus. View of house through branches. Flowering sh...
30) 2177.0046 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 46
Label: 'Jun. Hill Family - Color - 1939.';DVD slate: Reel 46 Jun. Hill Family 1939 Color, underexposed, horses in field; woman in coat. Car passes on road. Woman has kerchief on her head, horses approach her. Nice co...
7) 2177.0050 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 50
Label: 'Dob Spr 1930 Mtd Ned Ruth K'Col N.G. OK as B+W.' // Image appears b&w but is likely a Kodacolor print.;DVD slate: DOB, Spring 1930. Ned, Ruth, K. b&w. Two people in bucket hats, one with glasses and tie, in boat. View of engine and driver behind them. Also hauling a second c...
60) 2177.0051 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 51
Label: 'Dob Summer 30.';DVD slate: DOB summer 1930. Views of lake. Looking up into trees. Whitecaps on lake. Blurry views of birds. Views of shore from boat. Stream. Interior, dark of cook? Dramatic s...
7) 2177.0052 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 52
Label: 'Dob Fall 1930 Spring 1931 Kodacolor.' // Image appears b&w but is likely a Kodacolor print.;DVD slate: Reel 52. DOB Fall 1930, Spring 1931. Man kneeling against large tree with dead buck posed beside him. He is wearing a hat, holds deer's head by antlers. Two dead dee...
30) 2177.0053 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 53
Label: 'DOB Summer 1931 Deer Ducks.';DVD slate: Reel 53 DOB Summer 1931 Deer, Ducks. Deer bounding away, camera tracks poorly. Canoe with woman in front paddling, man behind poling. She is laughing, they are try...
10) 2177.0054 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 54
Label: 'COL'D DOBS SUNSET.' // Image appears b&w but is likely a Kodacolor print.;DVD slate: Reel 54. DOB Sunset 1930. [incorrect slate: this is company picnic at Juniper Hill] Man with cigarette walks woman on horse; then he rides the horse with many cars ...
11) 2177.0055 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 55
Label: 'Colored DOB Sunset Good - Autumn Colors + Sunset Poor 1930-31-32+ (illegible - Nachusett?)' // Image appears b&w but is likely a Kodacolor print.;DVD slate: Reel 55. DOB Sunset Good. Autumn Colors & Sunset Poor. 1930-31-32. People look at camera. Fish flops on grass. Man holds up fish. Steam launch on lake, Kodacolo...
33) 2177.0056 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 56
Label: 'Dobsis Black+White 1930-32.' // Film is warped.;DVD slate: Reel 56. Dobsis 1930-1932. Views at lake, very small calf unloaded from canoe and carried by man over his shoulders. Loons in lake, shaky footage. Camp cooking over o...
11) 2177.0057 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 57
Label: 'Dobsis Black+White 1933-1937.' // Film is warped.;DVD slate: Reel 57. Dobsis 1933-1937. Man drinks from tin cup, man eats from plate. View of plate with fish on it. People fish from canoes. Man holds up two large fish, he has ...
35) 2177.0059 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 59
Label: 'Dobsis Color 1935, 1936.' // Color is faded.;DVD Slate: Reel 59. Dobsis. 1935-1936. Faded color (pink). Picnic outdoors, then men walking along fenceline at Dobsis. Men sitting on porch at Dobsis Camp. Henry Dennison shows...
59) 2177.0060 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 60
Label: 'Dobsis Color 38.';DVD slate: Reel 60. Dobsis, 1938. Color: indistinct tree. Sunset from a boat (unstable camera position), various shots. Storm clouds. Lake views, motor canoe. Man with rope,...
Next 36