8 work results

1) 1140.0563 [Bangor Fire Department Boat]
Police officer pulls broken hull of small boat out of Penobscot River. Bangor Police Department pickup truck drives off with hull in rear. Footage taken from motor boat on Penob...
31) 1140.0574 [Anniversary of Capture of Margaretta]
200th anniversary of the first naval battle of the Revolutionary War, in which the British cutter Margaretta was captured by the colonial sloop Unity in Machias Bay. Reenactment...
7) 1140.0641 [Boat Race]
Lobster boats racing.
35) 1140.1918 [Whatever 'Race']
Boat race held in Orland. Many people with home-made rafts.
13) 1140.2983 [New Plans For Dow Base]
Interview with Bangor Development Director Ed McKeon about plans for the former Dow Air Force Base; President Harold Chute (sp?) of chemical company opening plant.
14) 1140.5786 [Loring Restart Hearing]
Loring Air Force Base closure hearing; Senator Edmund Muskie, Governor Joseph (Joe) Brennan, William Cohen, Olympia Snowe. Other people speak. Dale Duff reports.
1) 1241.0014-.0029 [Boat footage] NHF TAPES 014-029
Various factual and educational programs. 014: Boat--Interview--Tape 1 015: Boat--2 016: Boat--Greene--#1 017: Boat--4 018: Boat--5 019: Boat--6 020: Boat--Waxing--Walter Greene...
8) 2716.1270 New England Sunday - Repack, Part I, July 7, 1985
NES X3134 Repack July , 1985 Part I Rec. 6/21/85 Air. 7/7/85;Title: ‘New England Sunday’. Frank Avruch and Jan Holmes host. Avruch talks with former Boston police commissioner Joseph M. Jordan. They discuss his retirement, police officer ...
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