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Community Life
21) 0290.0017
[Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 17
Amateur: Resort? Swimming pool. Mountains. Village scene. Large succulent plants. Mountain goats. Mountains. Burro. Box #17 said 'Mexico #2'
2) 0290.0018
[Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 18
Amateur: Village. Car on beach. Gulls or sea birds. City scene. Restaurants. Large ship in water. Road. Car. White sand beach. 'Hurry Back and Sleep by the Gulf Tonight' sign. B...
4) 0308 cat. 1002-02-WABI-59
Dead River Presents
3 ads for Dead River Co. in which man describes company's contributions to Maine, and encourages viewers to watch 'Dead River Presents' Sunday night television program.
9) 0309 cat.0007-07-WABI-59
Downtown Bangor
Bangor : Scenes of Main Street during Christmas shopping season at night. Shows WABI neon sign, a toy train in a department store window, the Sears Roebuck building, Citizens Ut...
10) 0309 cat.0007-08-WABI-58
Freeses Department Store, Bangor
Bangor : Long static night shots of Freeses Department Store lit up for Christmas. Also, some shots of the crowds on the streets and a look through the front windows of the stor...
5) 0310 cat.1002-13-WABI-59
Chevron Banquet
Lucerne : Banquet at Lucerne Inn including men standing in front of sign that says, 'What's Come Over Our Calso Sign?' and crowd.
42) 0312 cat. 1003-06-WABI-59
Hi-Value Groundbreaking
Groundbreaking of used car dealership including hand shaking, and shovelfuls of earth. Appears to be sponsored by International Harvester.
21) 0314 cat.1004-09-WABI-59
Jackson Boat Co. Fire
Veazie : Jackson Boat Co. fire including smoke pouring from building, fire fighters on ladders in the snowfall, fire truck.
30) 0316 cat.0010-06-WABI-59
Rexall Brewer Auditorium
Brewer: Rexall displays Christmas wares at Brewer Auditorium. Shots include people browsing; displays of cards, toys and decorations; 'Toyland' and 'Merry Christmas' signs.
25) 0317 cat.0012-07-WABI-58
Bowl MOR Lanes
Ad for Bowl MOR Lanes
27) 0318 cat.0013-10-WABI
Nelson and Small Opening
Nelson and Small Plumbing and Heating has Open House. Shots include oil furnace, building exterior.
35) 0319 cat. 0013-12-WABI-59
[Joan Crawford at Dow Air Force Base]
Joan Crawford at opening ceremonies for Rudman Beverage Co., a new Pepsi-Cola factory in Maine. Her arrival at Dow Air Force Base on a Pepsi plane, her welcome by the crowd. She...
13) 0332 cat. 0020-03-WABI-59
John Paul
Commercials: 1) A tall man models a suit and then walks to a sign that says, 'John Paul, Chargray Flannels, $37.50.' three takes 2) Same model in suit walks to a sign 'America's...
4) 0335 cat. 0025-09-WABI-59
Bowl MOR Lanes
Bowling demonstration.
15) 0336 cat. 0023-08-WABI
Opening of Portland General Electric
Portland: General Electric ribbon cutting shots include building exterior, man cutting ribbon and shaking hands, 'Portland Branch Office' sign.
30) 0347 cat. 0030-16-WABI-59
Gass Sales
Gass Sales Barn and stables with man and donkey in foreground.
69) 0554 cat. 0042-01-WABI-59
Swan's Island Ferry
Silent footage of the Swan's Island Ferry William S. Silsby;views of the hardware store near the ferry landing; the Ferry picking up vehicles; closeups of the captain and crew a...
27) 0570 cat. 0041-01-WABI-59
'Gov. Muskie' Motor Ferry
Dedication ceremonies honoring the ferry's maiden voyage from Islesboro to Lincolnville. Interviews with Maine Port Authority's General Manager Edward Langlord, Authority Presid...
19) 0581 cat. 0037-01-WABI-56
Metropolitan Grand Opening
WABI interviews with employees of Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. as they arrive for a luncheon at the Penobscot Valley Country Club. Luncheon to celebrate opening of new compan...
3) 0609 cat. 0035-02-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry
Bar Harbor: Ferry sailing into harbor includes speeches by the captain, Governor Edmund Muskie, GAM Kirk from Canada, Mr. Pickering from Canadian National Railways, Yarmouth com...
16) 0622 cat. 0039-01-WABI-58
Ellsworth Fire
Ellsworth: Fire footage includes smiling fire chief and an Ellsworth Building Supplies Co. truck.
1) 0671.0001
A Maine Lobsterman, or A Day in the Life of a Fisherman
NOTE: TAPE MISSING as of August 2003 - 3/4 in. copy of 16mm transfer filed in vault in its place. // A day in the life of a lobsterman including hauling traps into a lobster boa...
56) 0813.0275
[Convention at Newcastle]
At the Newcastle Inn.
57) 0813.0276
Pat Feeney, Riverside Golfer, City Champ in 1957
No description available
24) 0813.0277
Highway Safety, Portland Meeting
No description available
25) 0813.0278
Moose on the Loose: Captured in South Portland
Original label says STOCK: ANIMALS.
22) 0813.0279
Overturned Car on Route 88 in Yarmouth
News story dated 10-25-58. Original label says STOCK: ACCIDENTS.
27) 0813.0280
Dennis, Louis: State Chairman for Veterans Day
News story dated 11-00-58. Original label says STOCK: Dennis, Louis
20) 0813.0281
Smith, Halsey: President Greater Portland Chamber of Commerce
News story dated 12-03-58. Original label says STOCK: Smith, Halsey
9) 0813.0282
Flaherty, Owen: Pub. Chairman, Coliseum Committee
News story dated 12-10-59.
12) 0813.0283
Haskell, Robert: After 5 1/2 Days as Governor
News story dated 01-00-59. Original label says STOCK: Hasekll, Robert
13) 0813.0284
Damborg Intro: Sen. Woodcock on Shortening Legislative Session to Save Money
News story dated 01-20-59.
14) 0813.0285
Farley, Miss Patricia: Manager of Portland Convention Bureau
News story dated 01-00-59. Original label says STOCK: Farley, Miss Patricia
67) 0813.0286
Gordon, John W. Chairman of [Portland] Chamber of Commerce Public Affairs Committee
News story dated 01-00-59. Original label says STOCK: Gordon, John W.
68) 0813.0287
Hutchinson, Scott: Manager, N.E.T&T. and Head of YWCA Fund Drive
News story dated 01-00-59. Original label says STOCK: Hutchinson, Scott
17) 0813.0288
Jones, Rep. Henry of South Portland
News story dated 02-00-59. Original label says STOCK: Jones, Rep. Henry
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