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Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection
14) 0305
Dedication of Army Reserve Center
Dedication of the Army Reserve Training Center, Corps of Engineers, New England Division. Unknown speakers plus shots of head table. Groundbreaking ceremonies.
31) 0307 cat. 1001-01-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry
Blue Nose Day including ferry race, an ox-pull, speakers, shots onboard as ferry sails into harbor.
4) 0310 cat.1002-04-WABI-59
Opening of New Mart
Opening of new Mart store including speeches, ribbon cutting, shoppers inside and out.
25) 0310 cat.1002-12-WABI-59
Opening of New Mart
More footage of cat. no. 1002-04-WABI-59. Includes more shots of shoppers.
18) 0310 cat.1002-13-WABI-59
Chevron Banquet
Lucerne : Banquet at Lucerne Inn including men standing in front of sign that says, 'What's Come Over Our Calso Sign?' and crowd.
1) 0311 cat. 1002-15-WABI-59
Christmas Party at Dow Air Force Base
Santa's distribution of gifts including him posing with children and nuns. People eating around a table. The men rush out to get on an Air Force plane.
27) 0312 cat. 1003-05-WABI-59
Caribou Centennial
Celebration of 100 years of development from Boston to Caribou. Caribou Centennial Covered Wagon is in front of Paul Bunyan statue, and is pulled by horses.
30) 0312 cat. 1003-06-WABI-59
Hi-Value Groundbreaking
Groundbreaking of used car dealership including hand shaking, and shovelfuls of earth. Appears to be sponsored by International Harvester.
22) 0313 cat.0009-07-WABI-59
Ted Williams Jimmy Fund
Ted Williams arrives to sign autographs for local Pee-wee baseball teams and to help with his Jimmy fund event. Shots include band playing, performers, Williams speaking, crowds...
10) 0314 cat.1004-04-WABI-59?
Groundbreaking for King Cole
Groundbreaking ceremony for King Cole including handshaking, bucket loader digging.
24) 0314 cat.1004-05-WABI-59
Paul Bunyan
Bangor: Christmas celebration around Paul Bunyan statue including crane placing of a lei around the statue's neck, Santa Claus, men raising themselves in the crane, CU of statue.
24) 0314 cat.1004-10-WABI-59
WAGM Radio
Governor Horace A. Hildreth, president of the Hildreth Network, pushes button bringing WAGM Radio to Aroostook County as part of a banquet. Shots of transmitting tower, ceremoni...
5) 0315 cat.0010-04-WABI-59
WAGM 5000 Watts
Former governor Horace A. Hildreth, now president of the Hildreth Network, pushes button as part of presentation banquet to officially begin new broadcasting activity of WAGM 95...
13) 0319 cat. 0013-12-WABI-59
[Joan Crawford at Dow Air Force Base]
Joan Crawford at opening ceremonies for Rudman Beverage Co., a new Pepsi-Cola factory in Maine. Her arrival at Dow Air Force Base on a Pepsi plane, her welcome by the crowd. She...
7) 0321 cat. 0014-04-WABI
Frontier Week
Frontier Week Celebration. Parade, fair, officials at lunch, Calais gun and rod club. Also a baseball game in which Ted Williams participates.
30) 0322 cat.0016-09-WABI-60
Interstate Highway Augusta
Augusta: Opening of Interstate Highway connecting to I-95 in Augusta. Ribbon-cutting, crowd, marching band, cars entering highway.
17) 0323 cat. 0017-15-WABI-60
Groundbreaking at Emple Knitting Mill
Brewer : Young boy performs groundbreaking at mill while older men look on.
10) 0323 cat. 0017-19-WABI-60
Bangor Dollar Days
Bangor : Annual Dollar Days celebration on Main Street. Shots of crowds, street scenes, banner, people window-shopping.
5) 0323 cat. 1008-06-WABI-60
Rockland, Maine Lobster Festival
Rockland : Event including young girl wearing tiara showing lobster to camera, men pulling large baskets of lobster out of boiling steam bath, girl eating lobster.
7) 0324 cat. 0017-03-WABI-60
Armed Forces Day
Silent footage of Armed Forces Day at Air Force Base; Troop Carrier Aircraft 975, deboarding servicemembers and about two dozen uniformed bystanders.
35) 0324 cat. 0017-09-WABI-60
New Police and Fire Building
Opening ceremonies for new Fire and Police building in Brewer. Building exterior, flag raising, officers.
36) 0324 cat. 0017-11-WABI-60
Dedication of Harold Arthur Slager Plaque
Plaque dedication ceremony. Shots of plaque, ceremony, flag, Bangor Army Reserve Center and its sign.
25) 0325 cat. 0018-01-WABI-60
BOMARC and Base Dedication
BOMARC Missile Base dedication ceremonies. Shots include '30th Air Defense Missile Squadron' sign, speakers platform, ribbon cutting, crowd, soldiers, missile.
6) 0325 cat. 0018-05-WABI-60
1960 United Fund Kickoff
Shots of fund drive kickoff include people talking and sitting down to fund drive dinner.
17) 0325 cat. 0018-06-WABI-60
Navy Art Exhibit
Bangor: Ribbon cutting for art show at City Hall.
29) 0325 cat. 0018-07-WABI-60
MCRR 1st Freight Service
Christening ceremony for Maine Central Railroad's new Freight Express. Shots include christening by woman and engineer looking from his station as train pulls out.
27) 0325 cat. 0018-10-WABI-60
Opening of GOP Headquarters
Bangor: Shots of GOP Headquarters opening include building exterior, ribbon cutting, official posing.
7) 0325 cat. 0018-11-WABI-60
Cornerstone at UM
Dedication ceremony at which cornerstone marked 1960 is laid as part of Dormitory M-2.
21) 0326 cat. 0016-02-WABI-60
New Hospital Wing
Ribbon cutting ceremony for new wing of eastern Maine hospital. Shots of new wing exterior, crowd at ribbon cutting, tour of wing's five x-ray rooms, lobby, hallways.
28) 0326 cat. 0016-03-WABI-60
International Harvester
Ribbon cutting for new International Harvester's International Trucks Service building. Ceremony, building exterior and interior.
33) 0327 cat. 0017-06-WABI-60
B-52 G at Dow
Dow Air Force Base: Christening of plane 'Maine Dow'neaster.' Shots of plane flying, landing, troop formations approaching bomber, pilot greeting welcome committee, woman christ...
18) 0328 cat. 0018-19-WABI-60
United Fund Kickoff Dinner
Kickoff dinner includes speechmaking, award presentation, crowd at tables.
30) 0329 cat. 0019-09-WABI
Paul Bunyan Parade
Bangor : parade and unveiling of Paul Bunyan statue. Crowd including WABI reporter Dick Bronson, Norm Martin with a beard, Governor Closson, Norm Martin, celebration director Da...
7) 0330 cat. 0022-01-WABI-60
A & P Grand Opening
Repeat of 0021-01 store grand opening.
2) 0331 cat. 0021-01-WABI-60
A & P Grand Opening
Brewer: A & P grand opening scenes include interviews with the manager, cashiers, and others. Also ribbon cutting, displays, building exterior.
28) 0335 cat. 0025-08-WABI-60
E. H. Shoe Corporation
Evans-Hampden Shoe Corp. includes shots of sign and ribbon cutting.
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