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Sullivan, Clare Collection
1) 1258.0001
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 1
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 1: 'MJ 1st bday 1936.' Mary Joan's 1st birthday (1935)...on Kay's carriage in snow. Scenes (taken from Lak...
19) 1258.0002
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 2
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 2: 'Xmas 41 Winter 42.' Christmas 1941? Year of Jack-in-the-boxes and big dolls. John in wool pointed hood, bowlegg...
3) 1258.0003
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 3
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 3: 'Xmas '42.' Christmas, 1942. Year of matching pjs [pajamas] (probably made by Kay). John Jr. having a
43) 1258.0004
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 4
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 4: Mary Joan and Kathleen skating on Island Grove Pond. Mary Joan's First Communion. Maya [Clare's aunt] and Jim Su...
5) 1258.0005
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 5
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 5: 'Kath 1st comm. Mar. 1943.' Kathleen's First Communion. @ 1941. Good views of front porch Cliff St., also swing ...
98) 1258.0006
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 6
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 6: 'Craigville Sum 44.' Craigville Beach, Cape Cod MA. Jim Sullivan holding 'diving board.' Aunt Ellen Geogan comin...
38) 1258.0007
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 7
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 7: 'Westport Harbor @ 1946. Cliff Street, Doris, Mary Grace. Bob K, Ellen @ 1 yr.' Westport Harbor beach (Mass.). J...
64) 1258.0008
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 8
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 8: 'Sac. Heart 1947?' John's First Communion...kittens...Jack (aka Sean) Kelleher leaving for someone's wedding? Ma...
12) 1258.0009
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 9
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 9: 'Skiing Cliff St. Bob K's, Kath/Ellen @ 1947.' Skiing at Cliff St. then Kathleen Kelleher in her backyard (Monte...
10) 1258.0010
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 10
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 10: 'MJ conf. @ 1947.' Mary Joan's Confirmation, St. Bridge Church, Abington. Pictured are David Lynch, Ralph Thomp...
16) 1258.0011
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 11
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 11: '1948 K of C, Camp Cl.' K of C ceremony at Abington football field. Large altar, men in tall silk hats...John C...
12) 1258.0012
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 12
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 12: 'AHS Football 1948-52.' Abington High School football game (vs Whitman?) Mary Joan cheering.
13) 1258.0013
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 13
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 13: 'C. Hyde's wedding 1950.' Clare Hyde's Wedding, St. Margaret's, Brockton.
14) 1258.0014
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 14
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 14: 'May Procession (over-exposed) 1950.' St. Bridget's Abington, May procession. John C. is altar boy. M.J. also i...
15) 1258.0015
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 15
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 15: 'Camp Mish. 1950?' Camp Mishannock, Kingston, Mass. on visiting day. Kerry the demonstration [of ...
2) 1258.0016
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 16
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 16: As listed @ 1950-51: K/Clarke Hall, AHS Football, Fr[?]wyer @ house.' Ocean...cottage? Scituate [MA]?...Kinderg...
17) 1258.0017A
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 17A
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 17A: 'Maureen Grady's wedding. Mem. parade, Ab. Center 1951.' Maureen Grady and Jack Scully's wedding, Taunton, MA....
18) 1258.0017B
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 17B
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 17B: 'Jean's wedding. Football AHS '51. MJ cheer.' AHS football. Mary Joan cheering...Also Claire Devlin, John play...
19) 1258.0018
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 18
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 18: 'HS football cheer. Band, John. '51?' More AHS football with Mary Joan cheering and John playing in band.
20) 1258.0019
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 19
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 19: 'Sheila K. conf. Brownie GS in parade. Camp M. 1951.' St. Margaret's Church in Brockton. Sheila Kelleher's conf...
21) 1258.0020
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 20
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 20: 'John--Little League & Duxbury. High Pine. Double exp. 1952?' Duxbury, Mass...near Yacht Club diving in...John,...
36) 1258.0021
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 21
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 21: 'Rourke wedding. J's confirm. May Process. 1953?' Mary and Ed Rourke's wedding at St. Bridget's Church, Abingto...
23) 1258.0022
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 22
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 22: 'K's grad. 1954.' Kathleen Coughlan's graduation from Notre Dame Academy in Tyngsboro, Mass. in 1954. Processio...
24) 1258.0023
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 23
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 23: 'K's HS grad. 1954.' Kath's graduation again (1954). Kay, Mary Joan, Maya & Jim Sullivan, Bill and Evelyn, Ted ...
25) 1258.0024
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 24
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 24: 'MJ regis. High Pines. New Ocean. 1956.' Mary Joan's graduation from Regis College, 1956. Sally O'Connell, Card...
26) 1258.0025
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 25
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 25: 'Ginny and Chas. Kath's grad--AMC. Murphys. 1958.' Charles and Ginny Grady's wedding (Taunton, MA), double expo...
10) 1258.0026
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 26
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 26: 'Grace, Joanie, Ireland. Grace & Harvey wedding. Ireland, Joan, Tom, Fox St.' Grace Kelleher Clayes going to Ir...
28) 1258.0027
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 27
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 27: 'Grace-Joanie, Ireland. Clare Sheehan's wedding.' In Ireland...Coolea, [County] Cork. Humphrey Lynch of Coolea,...
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