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Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection
7) 0309 cat.0007-07-WABI-59
Downtown Bangor
Bangor : Scenes of Main Street during Christmas shopping season at night. Shows WABI neon sign, a toy train in a department store window, the Sears Roebuck building, Citizens Ut...
8) 0309 cat.0007-08-WABI-58
Freeses Department Store, Bangor
Bangor : Long static night shots of Freeses Department Store lit up for Christmas. Also, some shots of the crowds on the streets and a look through the front windows of the stor...
9) 0311 cat. 1002-15-WABI-59
Christmas Party at Dow Air Force Base
Santa's distribution of gifts including him posing with children and nuns. People eating around a table. The men rush out to get on an Air Force plane.
5) 0312 cat. 1003-01-WABI-59
Christmas Toys
Christmas items display including cards, toys, decorations, and crowd.
11) 0314 cat.1004-05-WABI-59
Paul Bunyan
Bangor: Christmas celebration around Paul Bunyan statue including crane placing of a lei around the statue's neck, Santa Claus, men raising themselves in the crane, CU of statue.
12) 0314 cat.1004-06-WABI-59
Santa Parade
Bangor: Parade including Cub Scout float on which scouts saw wood, Peace on Earth float with angels, majorettes, Santa on float.
13) 0316 cat.0010-06-WABI-59
Rexall Brewer Auditorium
Brewer: Rexall displays Christmas wares at Brewer Auditorium. Shots include people browsing; displays of cards, toys and decorations; 'Toyland' and 'Merry Christmas' signs.
14) 0316 cat.0010-09-WABI-59
Storm Scenes
Bangor: Heavy snowfall and its impact. Scenes include vehicles having difficulty from slippery road conditions, snowdrifts, and a 'Merry Christmas' sign.
31) 0324 cat. 0016-10-WABI-60
Republican State Convention
Bangor: Republican State Convention at Bangor Auditorium. Reed giving speech, onstage with his wife, with family in car. Also crowds, representatives marching with signs, audito...
18) 0324 cat. 1008-05-WABI-60
Highway Safety Message
Memorial Day message including Iwo Jima statue, family packing for picnic and driving in convertible.
18) 0328 cat. 0019-05-WABI-60
The Mart Santa
Santa arrives at the Mart in a convertible, and waves to kids and cameras. He enters the Mart, makes his way through the crowds, seats himself, and takes kids on his lap. Also s...
15) 0332 cat. 0020-06-WABI-61
Bozo in Presque Isle
Presque Isle: Bozo visits children at the Arthur R. Gould Memorial Hospital in Presque Isle. Shots of the hospital sign. Also of Bozo entertaining children at two hospitals and ...
32) 0338 cat. 0026-02-WABI-61
Christmas Decoration
Bangor: People hanging wreaths and decorations on street. [? Phil Yates, 1/94. Not on reel during transfer?]
21) 0340 cat. 1010-06-WABI-61
Bozo in Presque Isle
Presque Isle: Bozo's visit to Presque Isle Community Center including interior and exterior of building, crowd waiting, stage, introduction of Bozo, his talking to children and ...
21) 0345 cat. 0032-01-WABI-61
Santa Parade
Bangor: Parade featuring school marching bands from Bangor, Brewer, Bucksport, Hermon, Ellsworth and Orono. Also Santa and reindeer float, Bangor fire truck, and crowds.
24) 0350 cat. 0032-12-WABI
Christmas Lights
Bangor: Christmas lights on homes and businesses, Santa and reindeer displays, a Christmas tree.
25) 0350 cat. 0033-01-WABI-60
Santa Claus Parade
Parade including Nativity and Christmas Countdown floats, Jaycees, Santa and reindeer, Newport and Bangor marching bands and majorettes.
27) 0350 cat. 0033-06-WABI-60
Christmas Toys at Fire Station
Fire station collection drive for toys for needy children.
4) 0351 cat. 0045-24-WABI-62
Republican Lincoln Day Dinner
Maine political figures at dinner.
19) 0353 cat. 1020-16-WABI-62
Preparation for Memorial Day Race
Meeting to prepare for 5-mile race.
28) 0356 cat. 1021-21-WABI-62
Governor John Reed on Highway Safety
Reed speaks on 'Lights On' program, regarding driving with low beams to over Labor Day weekend to prevent accidents.
22) 0357 cat. 0048-24-WABI-62
Bangor: Families tour WABI.
14) 0359 cat. 0049-22-WABI-62
Santa Parade
Parade including Orono, Bucksport, and Newport school bands along with floats and Santa with reindeer.
27) 0359 cat. 0049-23-WABI-62
Thanksgiving Day Shoppers
Scenes of holiday shoppers at grocery store including CUs of turkey, potatoes, and other produce. Also checkout counter, cash register.
31) 0360 cat. 0050-04-WABI-62
Christmas Greetings on Main St.
Bangor: Man puts up 'Merry Christmas' banner across lightposts. CU, MS, and LS.
32) 0360 cat. 0088-04-WABI-62
Christmas Lights
Night shots of Christmas lights, a nativity scene at a church, and a Santa Claus with reindeer.
28) 0373 cat. 0056-03-WABI-
Memorial Day Parade(?)
Bangor: Parade including Woodland High School Band, 195th Army Band, Bette Gregoire's Twirlerettes, majorettes, servicemen marching in formation, dignitaries on platform.
6) 0382 cat. 0071-01-WABI-63
Memorial Day Parade
Bangor: Parade including band, Legionnaires, twirlers, officials, and children.
11) 0383 cat. 0064-10-WABI-63
Fireworks Picked Up in Brewer
Brewer: Police confiscate, inspect and display several cases of fireworks.
36) 0385 cat.0067-13-WABI-63
Halloween Parade
Preparation for a Halloween parade including putting posters in store windows, a child in a bull costume, and a child at a door.
34) 0386 cat.0069-13-WABI-63
[Santa's Parade]
Santa parade. Santa climbs down a fire ladder and into a crowd as he heads for his cabin at the Broadway Shopping Center. Shots include parade with floats and marching bands, Sa...
36) 0387 cat. 0070-11-WABI-63
WABI Christmas Party
WABI party including Bozo and Santa Claus, a band playing, children.
1) 0387 cat. 1028-18-WABI-63
Lighting Contest
Various houses seen by night, entries in a Christmas lighting contest.
2) 0387 cat. 1028-19-WABI-63
Governor Reed -- Safety
Governor Reed extending season's greetings and good wishes for coming year. MS and CU.
3) 0387 cat. 1028-20-WABI-63
Governor Reed on Highway Safety
Reed speaks on highway safety and its importance during the Christmas season.
4) 0387 cat. 1029-04-WABI-63
Christmas Daddies Gifts
Men wait at WABI receptionist's desk with gifts, then carry them out. Also shot of sleds in lobby.
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