Chronicle - Oldies Nostalgia

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September 8 1992
Aircheck Chronicle Sept. 8 1992 Oldies Nostalgia
Chronicle: Forever Oldies; the 1950s and 1960s are getting a second life among some who are happy to experience that past that won't fade in this report by Peter Mehegan; some places and spaces are given special attention from that era; tributes to Elvis, TCB [taking care of business] and music style are one way to experience the sound of the time; black screen breaks; oldies concerts are making a comeback, including those who campout "early birds" a day before to have front row seats; "televisionaires" Stephen and Diane Albert, publish The TV Collector, a magazine full of trivia about old television shows; Johnny Rockets restaurant and Wex Rex Emporium are visited; Robert Lambert is interviewed about Forever Plaid; lottery number;
In the studio Clint Conley, Phil Rubin, Alice Daly, Bob Oliver, Ellen Boyce, Leroy McLaurin, Joe Mozdiez, Jon Bernhardt, Robert Massey, Susan Sloane, Chris Stirling, Mark Mills, Paul LaCamera;

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