Chronicle - Get a Job

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February 5 1991
Get a Job; The Great Chronicle Job Hunt; CareerScape and five of those who use its services are followed as they search for a job during a month of that effort; each candidate is profiled and interviewed; by week 2, two candidates have stopped working with the program; others seek the state's employment services; Columbo Yogurt is one of the locations that is mentioned as a job location; job seekers need to walk around and look for locations that might have job openings rather than wait for advertisements;
Advertisements include Hearts in Bloom; Lipton cup-a-soup; Bank of New England; Entemann's; Foxy Valley produce; Syms; Near-East rice; H&R Block; Contadina; Mexico tourism; Toyota; News Center 5; Tropicana; Paul Mitchell Products; In the studio Peter Mehegan; Lynne McCrea;

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