Chronicle - Black & White

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June 18 1990
Aircheck Chronicle Monday June 18 1990 Black & White
Chronicle; Black & White; commercials included; viewer alert: some offensive language, images and images of people hurt during riots are part of this report; A Test Case and the Glass Ceiling includes interviews with those who believe their hopes and dreams have been dashed by stereotyping, discrimination and quota systems; Andria Hall interviews those who report they feel less respect than their peers; Rainbow Coalition looks at inter-racial couples, and the children who are part of the family; Street Talk is a segment of Mike Barnicle asks young people about their attitudes and experiences; Storm Warning includes a visual history of conflicts around race; lottery number; credits; upcoming 11 o'clock news; McGyver intro;
Advertisements include Schweppes, Shaw's, Cadillac, Crittakid program, Canada Dry, Spic & Span, Yoplait, Catholic Charities, Lea & Perrins, Tropicana, Great Expectations program, I Like Mike (Lynch), Star Market, Toyota, In the studio Lorie George, Andria Hall, Maggie Harper, Bob Geballe;

2 Copies
