Chronicle - Made in Mass: Food

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March 23 1989
Chronicle Thursday March 23, 1989 Made in Mass: Food Aircheck
Made in Mass: Food; Chronicle; Made in Massachusetts; commercials included; viewer warning: some images and audio are disturbing; Andria Hall reports on the Harbor Sweets, candy factory in Salem; the owner and employees are interviewed on sites; the making of sweet sloops are demonstrated; assorted rabbits are described; all the office staff of the company are women, intentionally, the owner says; "if it's not fun, you're fired; Teddie Peanut Butter in Everett is the next business featured; the family-run business is described by those in the office; Peter Mehegan provides a short history of peanut butter and the competition with other companies; the manufacturing process is shown; Mary Richardson reports on Jonathan's Sprouts and ways to use them in a regular diet; Located in Rochester, the farm is visited where the sprouts grow; Bob and Barbara Sanderson are interviewed about how they started in the business of growing and preparing the sprouts; lottery number; upcoming report on religion in the U.S.A.; upcoming New Center 5 at 11 teaser; The Shaggy Dog teaser and introduction with credits;

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