Chronicle - Pornography

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February 17 1989
Chronicle Friday February 17, 1989 Pornography Aircheck
Chronicle; commercials included; viewer alert: disturbing images, and interviews with convicted offenders; Boston's combat zone; Push against Pornography; Mary Richardson reports on the recent history of the area of Boston known as the combat zone; those who are affected by the area uses are interviewed; ethnic stores are now located in the zone; now called the midtown cultural center, the zoning still allows for adult entertainment but other kinds of uses for the buildings dominate; the link between pornography and violence is discussed in the context of Ted Bundy's statement that his acts were inspired by the images he saw; James Fox talks about cause and effect; Peter Mehegan discusses the difficulty of defining pornography; child pornography is particularly discussed; Mike Barnicle shares his views on Ted Bundy and pornography; lottery number; upcoming shows on the Caribbean; intro to Perfect Strangers with credits;

2 Copies
