Chronicle - MSBR/ Castine, Maine

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September 4 1987
Chronicle; MSBR/ Castine, Maine; Downeast Dockside; Commercials included; Peter Mehegan visits Penobscot Bay in early summer at the Castine town dock where for 300 years seafarers have gone out sea; Eaton's Boatyard is the first stop and Kenny Eaton talks about the business; Philip Booth's poem about the yard is recited; the logistics of launching a boat are demonstrated; Fort George and other landmarks give shape to the strategic history of the area; Margaret Wheeler Hall talks about the strategic location of the fort; views of Dennet's shop and Dyce Head light; Clark Fitzgerald's studio is a stop on a rainy afternoon to look at his sculptural work; Victory Chimes, a schooner that docks at Castine, is the subject of the final segment; an update on the ship reports that a bank now owns it; an upcoming show on Cape Cod, traveling with Chuck Kraemer; upcoming news on News Center 5; Webster intro with credits; lottery number;

2 Copies
