Chronicle - MSBR: Mt. Monadnock New Hampshire

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May 14 1986
Chronicle Wednesday May 14 1986 MSBR N.H. Aircheck
MSBR/ New Hampshire; Mt. Monadnock is home to many well-known individualists like Emerson and Thoreau; some modern-day practitioners are interviewed; the Sawyer horse family farm is visited as well as other family farms, like the Cunard's sheep farm; hiking the "mountain that stands alone"; Daily Number;
In the studio Mary Richardson, Peter Mehegan, Debbie Pettibone, David Lawless, Dick Dunham, Doug Dike, Kathy McKenna, Dancy Moloney, Carl Towle, Bob Geballe, Susan Sloane, Mark Mills, Judy Stoia, Paul LaCamera; AQdvertisements include Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Feline's Basement, NYNEX, Skippy, News Center 5, True Value, Filene's, GM, Klondike, Carrier air conditioning, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Toyota, Jordan Marsh, Coors, Lincoln Mercury, News Center 5;

2 Copies
