Chronicle - Toys

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February 25 1986
Aircheck Chronicle Tuesday February 25 1986 Toys
“Big Toy, Little Toy” Peter Mohegan and Mary Richardson in studio. Sound a little blown out in sections. First segment on Ford Motor Company. Looks at concept cars; focus on the Ford Taurus; interview with Ford executives about the planning; footage of car plants, cars driving, and car designs; marketed to upper middle class; compare Taurus to similar foreign cars Commercial break Peter Mohegan visits the International Toy Fair in New York City and looks at how buyers for local stores that sell toys find which toys they will put in their stores for Christmas. Also on how toy companies market their products to these buyers. Toys seen include Pound puppies, Candy Klaus, Cabbage Patch Kids, Jem, board games, Chiggles, Fisher Price, Gummi Bears, Parker Brothers games Comercial break Tony Kahn shows some toys marketed to adult including electronics, bomber jacket, globe, army knife, crossbow, solar powered hat, paper shredder. Credits over scenes from the toy fair.

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