Chronicle - MSBR Vermont

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February 21 1986
Chronicle Friday 21 1986 MSBR/Vermont Aircheck
MSBR Vermont; Killington Pique and ski resorts; preservationists and developers are struggling over how Killington will grow; skiers are interviewed on the slopes; not everyone is thrilled and some of those voices are heard as well; Thundering Brook Falls provides hydro power for local community members; Kiln-dried Firewood is a business visited; Shrewsbury residents like things to stay as they are; they are fighting the spread of Killington in their direction; W.E. Pierce's Country Store is visited; Marjorie Pierce is interviewed; Daily Number; Webster Intro
In the studio Peter Mehegan, Mary Richardson, Debbie Pettibone, David Lawless, Dick Dunham, Doug Dike, Curt Reichenbach, Geoffrey Sullivan, Ted Phillips, Andi Clark, Bill Dawson, George Ellard, Doug Devitt, Jerry Kirschenbaum, Bob Geballe, Susan Sloane, Mark Mills, Judith Stoia, Paul LaCamera; Advertisements include True Value, Mazda, McCain Super Chips, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, CVS, Ragu, Oldsmobile, Magic Kingdom on Ice, Chevrolet, Florida Red River Fruit, Bank of Boston, Rice-A-Roni, Francesco Rinaldi, MCI, Walt Disney World, News Center 5.

2 Copies
