Chronicle - Government on Crime; Chess Team; Israeli Ambassador

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June 7 1982
Chronicle TS: Gov/Crime FS: Chess Team Int. Israeli Ambassador Aircheck
black screen breaks with some audio; Government and crime, who is toughest? The candidates, King and Dukakis, for governor talk about what they each claim they have done and how the other has failed; the Boston Latin High School chess club members are interviewed; the team is supported by alumni rather than tax dollars; Reuven Yaron and Yuval Metzer are interviewed in the Channel 5 studio about the situation in Israel after the recent shooting and why there is censorship of information coming out of Israel; the parting shot is rainy weather with a background audio of "Tomorrow";
In the studio Jeanne Blake, Donna Downes, Lisa Mastrogiovanni, Arnie Reisman.

2 Copies
