Chronicle - TS Moonies; PS Black Musicals; INT: Jack Porter (Nazi Hunter)

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May 18 1982
Chronicle: Aircheck Tuesday, May 18 1982 TS: Moonies FS: Black Musicals Int: Jack Porter (Nazi Hunter)
TS Moonies; PS Black Musicals; INT: Jack Porter (Nazi Hunter); “Moonies” and the life within the church as told by those who believe they are brainwashed and those who believe it is the true faith; the recent local success of Black musicals in the Boston area; Jack N. Porter is interviewed about the continuing search and prosecution of war criminals found in the Boston area; black screen during commercial breaks; sound checks; comments from crew members about segments;
In the studio Donna Downes; Chet Curtis; Jeanne Blake; Jack N. Porter.

2 Copies
