Morning Glory - Various Religious Sects

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June 29 1986
Master Morning Glory X4236 Various Religious Sects Rec. 6/29/86
Cut 1; Title: “Morning Glory”; Fr. Wendall O. Verrill of The Cathedral of the Holy Cross reads from St. John’s Book of Revelation, Chapter 21, Verses 1-4; he explicates on the hope of embracing the new heaven for the sake of all believers and asks, “what if this were the last day of your life?”; he reads from St. John’s Book of Revelation, Chapter 22, Verse 13-; Cut 2; Fr. Verrill reads a few words from a sermon by Saint Gregory of Nyssa; he tells a story about a sixteen year old boy from a Latin country, fleeing military conscription, seeking help and finds it from parishioners of the Church; he reads a few more words from a sermon by Saint Gregory of Nyssa; Cut 3; Fr. Francis T. McFarland from the Boston Catholic Television Center, speaking from the Pope John National Seminary Chapel in Weston, MA; he speaks on students joining the seminary and his experiences as a student; he reads from The Book of Psalms, Psalm 13; while explaining the verses; Cut 4; Fr. McFarland talks about the difficulty of prayer; he reads from The Book of Psalms, Psalm 71 while explaining the verses;
Credits: Fr. Wendall O. Verrill and Fr. Francis T. McFarland.

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