
This item may be available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film for more information
circa 1986
Master X4177
Special; Touch Tom Cottle and Mary Richardson talk about different kinds of touching, some that feel good and some that do not; then a group of actors teach young people about sexual abuse; kids describe what they think sex abuse is and what a sex offender is; Mary and Tom talk about when wrestling and tickling are not fun anymore; black screen breaks; simple greetings are discussed; the problems associated with bullying, name calling, forced kissing, changes in kinds of touching, Phone numbers for emergency support are provided;
Credits: Susan Halloran, Cordelia Anderson, Bonnie Morris, Michael Robins, John Ondov, Gary Lindberg, Bill Carlson, Miroslav Jank, Libby Larsen, Jim Geib, Ellen Krass, Marysue Moses, Robin Taylor, Louis Linder, Randy Winkler, Alfred Harrison, Mary McDevitt, Marc E. Kramer, Darrel Brand, James Waters, J.R. Thompson, Machael Gulenchyn, Dooley Grove, Buck Pearson, Charlie Pickart, Jay Booth, Lenny Marty, Rich Cook, Gary Tassone, Debra Shapiro, Donna Hennessey Smith, Ted Talanian, Bill Dawson, Jim Barker, Nancy Moloney, Zip Bradwell, Susan Krieger, Rod Adams, Emmons S. Levine, Craven Goodman, Doug DeVitt, George Ellard, Susan Krieger, Frances Sink;

2 Copies
