The Star of the King

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December 22 1982
Air Master The Star of the King X2320 Rec. 12/22/82 Air. 12/25/82
The Star of the King; Special; Dan Kane hosts a presentation of the animation film, The Star of the King, about the Christmas story; The film begins with singing and a backdrop of a middle eastern landscape; a voice-over tells the story of three kings looking at the stars; they talk among themselves about their star gazing and what they are looking for as they follow what seems to be a new star; a caravan is formed that includes Abdul, a very young man who wants to meet the new king, and who has adopted a camel, Omar, that no else wants; after many days Abdul practices a juggling performance as his gift for the new king; the caravan reaches Herod's palace; Herod is not happy to see these three kings seeking a new king; he suggests that a search begins for the precise location of the new king, as a delay tactic; Bethlehem is identified as a location for the prince of peace; the caravan moves on to Bethlehem and as they rest before reaching the destination, Abdul is wakened by the star; he alerts the three kings to the star's presence; they are greeted by shepherds who lead the kings to the stable; the three kings bow before the mother and child; they present their gifts of gold, incense and myrh; Abdul presents his juggling act for the baby and family; The Daughters of St. Paul are introduced after the film is done, and one member talks about how they were able to make the film; this is not the first film they have made. Working in media forms is the mission of the order. They have another project about the good thief to be completed soon.
Film credits include Joe Sabia, Richard Murray, John Riley, Jr., Edward Riley, Ken Varnum, Joseph Murray, Joan Coffey, Mary Brown;

2 Copies
