Children of the Shelter

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March 21 1988
Specials: Children of the Shelter; Peter Mehegan and Mary Richardson host a report on children who are homeless and often raised in temporary shelters throughout Massachusetts; Jay Schadler talks with families and workers in Cambridge about their experience below the poverty line and with life in a YMCA shelter; the reasons for homelessness are described both in statistics and by personal experiences; black screen breaks; a portion of the ABC Special "God Bless the Child" is part of this segment; Mike Barnicle reports on the realities of who the homeless families are; Mitch Snyder is interviewed; national statistics are part of this report; images from across the country are included; 1949 Housing Act is revisited; education barriers are noted; Jonathan Kozol is interviewed; specific statistics of Massachusetts spending on housing supports is noted; Evelyn Murphy is interviewed about the state's efforts; Laura Monroe is interviewed about her work as a legal aid lawyer for those with housing issues; Ellen Gallagher is interviewed about what individuals can do immediately to be helpful; some audio during black screen break;
In the studio Judy Foy, Mark Mills, Bob Comiskey, Jay Schadler, Maggie Harper, Lisa Ziegler, Andria Hall, Myles Gordon, Emmons S. Levine, Gloria Ortiz, Ron Sprigarn, Mary Driscoll, George Nahas, Curt Reichenbach, Sumner Shain, Giles Baker, David Buhl, John Breen, Bryan Lansm, Yu-Ling Wang, Andy Clark, Kathy McKenna, Joe Mozdiez, Rodney Grace, Jane Raphael, Ray Smith, Doug DeVitt, Dave Teixeira, Kevin Yarr, Bob Oliver, Skip Peabody, Judith Guild, Alice Daly, Art Donahue, Bob Hakkila, Dave Gardiner, Ellen Boyce, Mike Finnerty, Judith Stoia, Paul LaCamera;

2 Copies
