House Call - Brittle Bones

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November 13 1981
House Call M006 Brittle Bones No. JWT Master Rec. 11-13-81
House Call: Brittle Bones; black screen breaks; Timothy Johnson hosts a discussion about how and why bones become brittle, or depleted of calcium; two experts, John Potts and Robert Neer, join him; dairy products are offered as a means of keeping high levels of calcium; visual depictions of bone development and damage are part of this report; fractures are a major problem for older women; factors other than diet affect bone density, like exercise, for example, are a means to strengthening bones; the question of estrogen use is discussed; early efforts are best, rather than trying to recover after the bone density has been lost; Sodium-fluoride is mentioned;
In the studio Robert Freedman, Laurie Manny, Brian Pellicano, John Delandis, George Nahas, Leon Goldman, Bob Carroll, Tony Tawa, Phil Walters, Ted Talanian, Clifford Curley;

2 Copies
