Sunday - Living Longer

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December 10 1992
Master Sunday X2705 Living Longer Rec. 12/10/92 Air. 12/13/92
Sunday: Living Longer; black screen breaks with countdown; Valerie Navy offers a message of support to those helping the victims in Somalia, and then hosts a discussion about the burgeoning elderly citizenship and what can be done to enhance that phase of life; Ken Skala, Lewis Lipsitz, Elsie Frank (Barney Frank's mother) join the conversation in the studio; maximum life span and life expectancy are discussed; Frank talks about the kinds of things that those older than 80 are doing to create a healthy environment; quality of life is important, and the desire to be welcome, not a burden on society; there is a discussion of the use and unused programs available to seniors; Edward Scneider talks about the future of medicine for older residents; diet and exercise, as well as keeping the mind active are discussed; optimistic, commitment to something personally important, active, and able to adapt to loss are characteristics of those who live longer; Frank Avruch describes the upcoming holiday entertainment and cultural events; the Last Word is provided by Louise Hryniewich, a Peace Corps Volunteer;
In the studio Donna Hennessey, Lin Schreiber, John Farrell, Jim Lowell, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr. Joe Soucar, Linda Carp, Leroy McLaurin, Roger Paulson, Dave Teixeira, Mary Newsham, Jim Fripp, A. Louie Giglio, Scott Philbrick, Jerry Milot, Kimberly Henshaw, Elizabeth Cheng, Paul LaCamera;

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